Super Plane Traveling

Super Plane Travel Chapter 759

Chapter 866 Code Name "Iron Man"

During this period, Zhao Ze was like an idler, taking Sam, AA, and Carly to popular attractions around the world all day long, carrying out his original "face diplomacy", and helping him and the three great beauties. Niu gained a lot of loyal fans, and even the three female prototypes in this world benefited a lot.

Brooklyn Dyke, Alexander Ambrosio and Rosie Huntington Whitley have become the spokespersons of many fashion brands, and they have also become well-deserved representatives of supermodels in the fashion industry. The movies they got The scripts are piled up into a mountain, and more than ten super productions have issued invitations to them-skip the audition directly.

Although the three of them have never dealt with Zhao Ze and the other three "aliens" who look the same as them, they must admit that it is precisely because the "aliens" use them as references to let them Naturally, I borrowed the light of "alien".

That is to say, the other six people rarely show up, otherwise Scarlett Johansson, Jessica Alba, Charlie Ztheron and others in this world can also follow.

In fact, these Hollywood stars are not fools. As early as when PPDC was completed, many big-name celebrities had tentatively sent letters to inquire. These people may think that since you aliens like our stars so much, then I can also let you use the portrait right for free, as long as you use it, isn't it me who will take advantage in the end?

It is a pity that these people's ideas are destined to fail. Zhao Ze will not let any Hollywood star go to Guam, let alone deal with these people. His Crystal Palace members are not the same thing as the stars of this world.

In May 2013, the first batch of mechas was officially off the assembly line. The appearance of the mechas was not changed much compared with the first-generation machines. It was just loaded with a lot of weapons. In addition, there were some optimizations in operation, and it was still the same as the first-generation machines. Grade.

A total of three mechas code-named "Iron Man" will be rolled off the assembly line, and another five will be rolled off the assembly line within a week. Before the arrival of August, it is expected that there will be 32 mechas ready to go.

With the mecha, it is natural to have a driver. After nearly ten months of tempering and beating, the first batch of students from the Hunter Academy have successfully graduated. More than 70% of them have been eliminated, and less than 500 people remain.

While these five hundred people left the college, new candidates from all over the world gathered in the college again. The total number of students in the second phase far exceeds that of the first phase, which is almost 3,000.

Because the number of mechas is limited and there are too many qualified pilots, everyone can only decide who is the first batch of mecha fighters by competition.

With Zhao Ze pressed, there is naturally no human sentiment in it to talk about, and everyone is in the top position by ability.

As a result, more than 400 mech fighters just got out of the sea of ​​bitterness, and they once again participated in a new round of hell-style competition.

With the black technology provided by Zhao Ze, the mecha fighters can first complete the simulated competition in a virtual environment. Everyone drives the mechas to battle in turn. After multiple rounds of competition, the final winner is selected to select the first batch. Thirty-two mecha fighters.

After many upgrades of the virtual combat system from the X-Men world, the new generation of virtual combat system has reached a level of almost zero distortion. Even Zhao Ze himself has an immersive feeling.

Just because the realism of this system is so realistic, the back-ups who participated in the competition have also come up with their own housekeeping skills. Sometimes when a match is met, a battle often lasts for several hours until exhaustion. It will be terminated after one party falls.

It took a whole month to finally select thirty-two winners. These thirty-two men were also automatically promoted to official mecha fighters, but they were still not satisfied and put forward the requirement to continue the match. The reason is I want to see who is the real strongest.

Being able to select a king of mecha fighters is also a big gimmick in itself, and it is also a big killer used to stimulate other replacements and second-stage students. Of course, Zhao Ze will not object.

In fact, the strength of the last thirty-two people is very similar. When they are driving the "Iron Man" with exactly the same specifications and parameters, it is difficult to determine the victory or defeat in a simple competition, and it is always impossible to tell the victory or defeat. In the end, only the integrity of the mecha can be used as the criterion.

When the championship was finally won by a man from South America and the Caribbean, who was born as a fisherman from an island country, this man who was at least 30 years old cried in front of audiences all over the world, but no one would make fun of him. Because at this moment, he has become a well-deserved superstar, more famous than any star in the world of style and sports.

Even Zhao Ze felt very surprised, thinking that the champion was not from a big country, but a very humble fisherman from a small country. He had a wife and several children in his family, and it was very difficult to live, but when he became a mecha After the fighter's champion, he became famous all over the world overnight. There were dozens of major brands just looking for his endorsement.

If this man takes all these endorsements, he can earn hundreds of millions of dollars in endorsement fees in an instant.

Fortunately, although this thirty-year-old fisherman is a poor man, he is a poor man with vision and vision. He knows who brought everything he has, so he didn't get lost after winning, except for accepting Several media interviews also took the endorsements of two daily necessities. At other times, they were still working hard and didn't dare to look relaxed.

Because of this, Zhao Ze took him a high look. Although he didn't say anything, he remembered this person in his heart, and he was going to promote him after he had made great contributions in driving the mecha in the future.

There are not many people who can have such a clear understanding. Among the top three in this mecha match, the third and third place is an American. She is still a very hot looking girl. When she found out that she had become overnight The heroes across the United States suddenly became complacent. Not only did they fail to participate in actual combat training, but they also wandered and slacked all day long.

In a word, her mind has not been placed on the mecha itself.

For this kind of person, Zhao Ze gave the order and the girl was kicked out by PPDC. She only woke up like a dream at this time, but it was too late to regret.

Because PPDC has signed agreements with other countries, all countries will treat mech fighters abandoned or driven away by PPDC in the same manner. Therefore, once this girl is driven away by PPDC, even if the United States independently creates mechas in the future, Will accept her as the new mecha fighter.

After nearly a year of hard work, it ended up. Not only the American girl is regretful, but the other formal mecha fighters and many back-ups are also shocked.

Chapter 867

Everyone realized that the expulsion of a large number of students last year was not the end, but the beginning.

In PPDC, strictly governing the army is the root. If you think you have some ability, you will be stunned. In the end, you are the one who is unlucky.

After once again using this trick to kill the chickens and curse the monkeys, after cooling the recent boom in mecha competitions, Zhao Ze announced that the first batch of mecha fighters were officially enlisted, and the sub-base project was launched at the same time. It is expected to build machines in many coastal cities around the world. A fighter base.

All mecha fighters are nested in the PPDC headquarters in Guam. Not to mention that governments are not happy, even Zhao Ze will not do the same. God knows if the "pioneer" aliens will open more wormholes, in case there are more Other wormholes appeared, and when the mecha fighters were too late to dispatch, wouldn't they be led by the nose by the monster?

The principle of proximity is what Zhao Ze has always insisted on.

As time entered August, all thirty-two mechas were in place, and the PPDC headquarters also canceled their vacations. All the employees on the job will stick to their posts and wait for the arrival of the first monster "Axe".

The first batch of thirty-two units-the first-generation mecha code-named "Iron Man" is slightly stronger than the third-generation mecha in the original plot-"Dangerous Wanderer" in terms of actual combat effectiveness. In the process of fighting against monsters, the number undoubtedly occupies an absolute advantage.

Because of this, the governments of various countries are full of confidence in the upcoming invasion-if there is such a thing as a Kaiju beast invasion.

At noon on August 11, in the Pacific Ocean near Guam, a huge wormhole appeared in this world silently, but he did not know all the process of the wormhole appearance. Zhao Ze, who had been prepared, used underwater filming equipment. It was filmed and screened globally simultaneously.

When seeing the scene of lightning and thunder in the depths of the seabed, countless men of science and technology exclaimed that this is impossible and unscientific, but the facts speak louder than words, but when a huge monster emerges from a wormhole, and Ignoring the water pressure of the deep sea, everyone was silent again when they rose to the sea level in one breath.

Different from the original plot, this time the humans were well prepared. Just as the Kaiju beast "axe" emerged from the sea, it was stunned by an oncoming iron fist.

Just listening to the loud bang, even the media reporters who risked their deaths to interview and live broadcast from a helicopter several kilometers away could clearly hear the sound effect of this iron fist.

"Axe" shook his head, only to find that there were several big guys standing beside it, encircling it in the middle. Before the "Axe" habitually roared, I heard it. There was a faint sound of breaking through the air behind him, but with the motion range of Kaijumon, it had no time to turn around and look at it anyway.


There was another muffled sound. This time it was a nearly 30-meter-long superalloy mace. A mecha warrior held up the stick and slammed it on the head from behind the "axe", on the spot. He smashed its head open, and a large amount of fluorescent blue liquid flowed out from the back of its head.

Zhao Ze, who was watching the battle at the PPDC headquarters in Guam, hundreds of kilometers away, couldn't help yelling: "Fak! You idiot, how many times have I said not to smash its head? Did you just say it for nothing? Legs, back and front body, don't let its blood flow out!"

The fluorescent blue blood in the Kaijumon is acidic, which is a highly toxic substance, which is extremely harmful to the earth’s ecology. Although Zhao Ze can decompose these highly toxic substances by releasing nanoworms, he does not want to show his cards so early. .

The mecha fighters who were scolded immediately converged a lot. The other mecha fighters standing nearby also took out their weapons. These weapons have knives, guns and clubs, but on the whole they are mostly blunt, even if they hit the monsters. , It will only constitute a hidden injury rather than an obvious injury.

In the eyes of viewers watching the live broadcast all over the world, this is definitely a low-level combat with no standard and quality at all-no, strictly speaking, it is not a combat at all, it is inferior to the gangsters fighting on the street.

There are a total of five mecha warriors, each holding a large-scale killing weapon weighing hundreds of tons, surrounding the Kaiju beast's "axe" in a group fight, and the beast has no power to fight back. It is a lively scene. Bullying the scene.

Fortunately, the two sides of the fight have a clear stand. The human side will never sympathize with monsters because it bullies the less, but hopes that bullying the less can be more.

Even if it is alone, "Axe" is not the opponent of "Iron Man", let alone one pick five.

This kind of unilateral killing that was full of barbarism, blood, and violence lasted only five minutes, and the first "Axe" of the chrysanthemum beast that invaded the earth was killed alive.

Later, when the corpse of the "axe" was transported to the PPDC headquarters in Guam, it was found after an autopsy that there was almost no intact bone in its body. The whole body was comminuted and there was basically no possibility of later repair.

Afterwards, the wreckage of the "axe" was bought by the foot pot chicken. The only country in the world that has always had a complicated feeling for monsters. It is said that the foot pot chicken intends to build the world's largest monster museum, and it signed a special agreement with PPDC for this. With the agreement, ready to buy all the remains of the monsters that were killed.

Zhao Ze didn't care about the Japanese plan to treat monsters as gods, as long as they had money.

But when governments asked about the time of the next monster attack, Zhao Ze scratched his head.

According to the plot in the movie, it should be that a new monster will be ushered in every twenty-four weeks from the beginning, and slowly advance to twelve weeks, then six weeks, two weeks...until every other Within a few minutes, a monster came to Earth through the wormhole.

But now that with his intrusion and intervention, whether the alien race named "Herald" will still use this frequency to transport monsters, it is a little hard to say.

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