Super Plane Traveling

Super Plane Travel Chapter 707

"How? Since I can resurrect the dead, of course I can also make the living die again. Now you should know that I'm not talking big, right?"

Zhao Ze didn't care what Dumbledore was thinking, he resurrected Voldemort and killed him immediately, in fact, to prove his strength to Dumbledore, and to save the old guy from thinking about it all day, and trouble Zhao Ze if he had nothing to do.

"You...can resurrect anyone?"

Dumbledore was silent for a moment, and finally couldn't help asking.

Zhao Ze shrugged, "As long as it has existed, I can be resurrected. Who do you want me to resurrect? I can give you a discount and resurrect a person with 100 million gold gallons. Of course, the relationship is good or I am pleasing to my eyes. People, occasionally free."

Dumbledore's mouth twitched, one hundred million gold gallons?You dare to say it!

The funding for the entire Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Witchcraft and Wizardry for one year is less than one-tenth of this number!

But Dumbledore also noticed that the last sentence Zhao Ze said "good relationship" and "pleasing to the eye", which he obviously does not include, but what about the little girl Hermione?And Harry Potter who has a good relationship with Hermione?

At least Dumbledore knew that Zhao Ze had been to Harry’s aunt’s house and punished his aunt’s family with very inhuman means. Since Zhao Ze and Harry are not relatives, they are still willing to do so, it means Xiao Ha Li's position in Zhao Ze's mind must be extraordinary.

Calculating like this means that there are two people who have an extraordinary relationship with Zhao Ze. Who knows if more people like this will appear?

Dumbledore didn't want to ask Zhao Ze to help him resurrect someone. On the contrary, he personally opposed it very much. If it weren't for knowing that persuasion was a waste of words, he would have already given a sincere speech.

"...Well, I won't tell other people about this, I hope you don't say it, you don't want to become the target of all wizards in the magical world because of this matter?"

"It depends on whether anyone is ignorant." Zhao Ze said meaningfully: "It's not that you don't want to cause trouble, there will be no trouble. Sometimes trouble always comes to your door. Some people like to escape, but I don't like it. I will kill the person who is causing me trouble at the source!"

Dumbledore was taken aback by Zhao Ze's murderous remarks. If Zhao Ze really intends to kill, how should he respond and stop it?

In the end, Dumbledore could only pray, hoping that no one would offend Zhao Ze and ruin his life.

The two finally reached an agreement that Zhao Ze would not take the initiative to announce the "forbidden art" he had mastered—resurrection art was obviously one of them, and Dumbledore would not interfere with his teaching either.

But as the two of them left the classroom, they suddenly heard a messy sound coming from outside, as if something went wrong.

Dumbledore dared not delay, and hurried to the scene of the incident after inquiring about the situation.

Zhao Ze's mental power is wider than the scanning range of the radar. He just swept around the school and he understood what was going on.

But in his opinion, that unlucky ghost can only be said to deserve it!

When Dumbledore rushed to the scene of the incident, he learned from the vice-principal Professor McGonagall that it was Professor Quirrell who had died, and that his death was extremely tragic—the entire back of his head was empty, as if he had been cut off. Chunks.

For people who don’t know the relevant information, it may be a murder, but for experienced wizards such as Dumbledore, the situation could not be more obvious—it’s clear that someone was possessed by Professor Quirrell, just For some reason, he suddenly "leaved", causing Professor Quirrell to die on the spot.

Chapter 789

There was a flash of light in Dumbledore's mind, recalling the scene he had seen before...

"Let everyone leave here now, Professor McGonagall, you and Professor Snape stay."

All the students watching the excitement were dispersed. Only Dumbledore and the other three were left on the scene. He also narrated what he had just seen and heard to the two of them.

Like Dumbledore, the other two sounded like falling asleep, as if they couldn't believe that they were awake.

"...So this matter must be kept secret. Whether it is a resurrection technique or not, the outside world cannot be known, let alone let people know that Voldemort has been hiding in Professor Quirrell's body!"

Professor McGonagall and Professor Snape agreed with this. Such a big thing has happened, and it is still so incredible. Before they can judge the development of the matter, they also think it is better to wait and see the changes.

Even from a certain aspect, this should be considered a good thing-with such a powerful "witch" in charge, even Voldemort can only be at the mercy of a helpless baby, isn't it Hogwarts? Far safer than ever?

In just three days, the tragic death of Professor Quirrell gradually subsided-at least on the surface.

During this period, Zhao Ze continued to teach the little ghosts and ended all his courses this week.

Through these four lessons, Zhao Ze made a group of little ghosts fully realize that it is not only the spells that can be recited well, the types of magic are mastered, and the spellcasting is the most proficient, and he must be a good wizard.

On the contrary, no matter how much magic you master, but you don't know how to use and match each other flexibly, even if the content in the book is memorized, it is still a waste of paper.

In view of the fact that the little ghosts still have very few magics, and there is no offensive magic, Zhao Ze’s main teaching work at this stage is still mainly based on theory, but he has seen the "non-curse attack magic" he taught everyone. "After that, no freshman in the first grade dares to look down upon this course anymore. Everyone's interest in this course has improved much from the beginning.

The little witch is one of the most exciting, because she can not only learn things during Zhao Ze’s lectures, but also go to Zhao Ze’s magic tower to play with him anytime after class. By the way, ask him in private and ask him to drive for herself. Small stove.

Of course, Zhao Ze was so happy. Anyway, he is also chasing a sheep, or chasing three sheep. He asks the little witch to bring little Harry and little Ron with him every time he comes, which is also satisfied that he is watching a movie. Some wishes of time.

Where did little Harry and little Ron have seen such a luxurious residence?For the first time, the two of them just watched the excitement and didn't even notice that among the dozens of rooms here, the door of one of them said "Exclusive to Hermione Jane Granger".

The two children came to know Zhao Ze within a few days. Although they all admired the ring on Hermione's hand—to be precise, they envied the portal magic that Hermione learned, but little Harry and Ron little They didn't feel jealous about it, they thought that Zhao Ze and Hermione's parents knew each other, so they took special care of her.

On the other hand, because Zhao Ze just started school just a few days later, he killed the big villain in the first part of the series-although he did it "inadvertently", this also caused everything in the school to become calm in the following time. Little Harry doesn't have to be as suspicious as in the original plot. The Philosopher's Stone and the three-headed dog are not even close to the Audio-Technica.

The only thing that made little Harry uncomfortable was Snape's hostility and targeting.

Zhao Ze wouldn't tell little Harry about the gossip news about his older generations so early, wouldn't it be fun to do that?He was still waiting for Harry and Snape to fall in love with each other for a few years, and when he resurrected Harry's parents, the expression on Snape's face would be very interesting.

Well, I can't say I have to take pictures of Snape's embarrassment.

Poor little Harry didn't realize that he had become a "little toy" in Zhao Ze's eyes.

Peaceful days always seem to be very long. Little Harry and others may find life at school very interesting. After all, they can learn interesting magic every day, but for Zhao Ze, it is a torment.

He never expected that being a teacher would be so difficult!

Strictly speaking, it should be boring. Zhao Ze can no longer bear this kind of routine lifestyle.

At this time, he couldn't help but secretly rejoice. Fortunately, he said that he only took four classes a week. If there were classes every day, every day, Zhao Ze dared to say that he would go crazy.

When he was bored, Zhao Ze felt that he could not continue this way. If he continued to live like this, it is hard to guarantee that someday he would resurrect Voldemort because of the pain of idle eggs, and then take pleasure in torturing Voldemort. That would be a genuine neurosis. .

Therefore, Zhao Ze intends to find something for himself every day in his spare time, such as going to the hunting ground to see it. After all, there is no detailed explanation in the movie, but from the content of the book, the hunting ground seems Quite a lot of magical animals live.

Zhao Ze doesn’t expect to find a phoenix in it, but unicorns or eagle-headed horse-winged beasts are also quite interesting. You can clone a batch at that time to add more new mounts to his men, and save always Riding an animal like an ice bear.

To enter the hunting ground, you must first pass the level of the watcher Hagrid. Zhao Ze has a good impression of this hybrid giant, and does not want to conflict with him, so after opening the portal, he went directly to the depths of the forest of the hunting ground.

Probably because Professor Qiluo died early, and the unicorn in the forest did not die. Although this animal can miraculously avoid strangers, the unicorn is not at all within the range of mental power scanned by Zhao Ze like a radar. May be able to hide.

"Ha! I found you, kid."

Looking at the imprisoned and immobile unicorn in front of him, Zhao Ze's disappointment is greater than hope.

It can only be said that JK Rowling is not an aesthetist, or that Warner’s producers are blind. In short, the magical animals in the Harry Potter world are not very good-looking. For example, the unicorn in front of you is a horse at best. A white horse with pointed horns, if you saw off the horns on its head, you would not see anything special about this horse no matter where you looked at it.

Probably only the mercury-like blood in his body is the most conspicuous feature of this guy.

After drawing a tube of blood from the unicorn, Zhao Ze let go of the poor guy. The unicorn was obviously terrified and rushed away with four hooves. At first glance, the speed was quite fast.

Next, Zhao Ze found the eagle-headed horse-winged beast. This animal was far more violent than the unicorn. If it weren't for being imprisoned by Zhao Ze's super powers, and it was really unable to move, it would attack early.

Chapter 790: Creating the Dragon Knight Army

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