Super Plane Traveling

Super Plane Travel Chapter 386

Although being rejected by Professor X, this does not mean that Zhao Ze cannot get the technology of the brainwave enhancement machine.

The reason is simple. This set of technology was not invented by the professor himself, but Hank the beast.

Of course, Hank is now the Minister of Mutant Affairs and a high-ranking government official. It is obviously unrealistic to expect technology from him. However, when the brainwave enhancement machine was invented, it was summarized under the name of the CIA. of.

In other words, the CIA must have kept a backup of this technology!

The next thing to compete is the personal connections and background. As the saying goes, there are people in the DPRK who are easy to do things, and William Stryker is in hand.

In fact, before Zhao Ze left Washington, he had asked William Stryker to keep an eye on this matter, striving to find out relevant information in the shortest possible time.

However, although the brainwave enhancement machine did not get it, Zhao Ze got another set of technology from Professor X, which is the virtual combat system.

In Zhao Ze's view, this system is no less powerful than the brainwave enhancement machine.

In the virtual environment, a variety of different types of rivals can be simulated perfectly. As long as you can imagine it, you can definitely do it. What a sharp artifact is this?

With this system, Zhao Ze will no longer have to worry about not having an opponent.

Professor X was very generous and gave Zhao Ze the related manufacturing technology of this system for nothing, but Zhao Ze didn't intend to take it for nothing, but exchanged it with him with another technology.

Medpod1000——Compared to the 3000 model that can cure all diseases, this fully automatic treatment device from the world of bliss is not outdated, at least in most worlds, it can be called a complete black Technology.

With this system, as long as they don’t hang up on the spot, the safety factor of the X-Men will undoubtedly be maximized in the future.

As soon as the virtual combat system is in hand, it will be sent back to the Marvel world by Zhao Ze, and will be handled by his scientists. I believe this system will be more perfect with the assistance of the upgraded version of the Red Post.

A few days later, there was no news about the brainwave enhancement machine from William Stryker. Instead, Zhao Ze took the lead in finding the "antidote" that would only appear in the third part of the series.

To be more precise, it is a small mutant "leech" as an experimental subject.

Although the world hasn't reached the point where cameras are spread all over the city, it is not too small, especially for tracking dangerous people like Magneto, the satellites in the sky are always operating.

In this case, with the help of God's Eye and the selection of the electronic housekeeper, Wei Ni, Zhao Ze successfully found the leech that should have appeared in the third part.

In fact, the leech at this time has been used as an experimental subject and formally joined the company of "Angel" Warren Worthington his father, to shine a light on the antibody of the X gene.

It’s not surprising to think about it carefully. Although the release time of the old X-Men trilogy is several years apart, the plot itself is quite compact. For example, the first and second parts are almost connected together, and the second part Between the third and the third part, there is no more than a few months at most.

The emergence of antibodies does not happen overnight. At the beginning of the third part, since the antibodies extracted from leeches can be produced on a large scale, it means that the laboratories under the name of Worthington Group have already started relevant research work.

Zhao Ze didn't do anything, he just controlled Warren Worthington II, the angel and his father, and secretly transferred the leeches from the laboratory.

The next work will be done for him by a scientist from another world.

Zhao Ze's goal is not just to study antibodies. He also hopes to develop a super antibody, which can be effective even in the face of the awakened Phoenix woman.

As for Leech himself, the child is nothing more than a different place to live. For him, life now is no different from before.

Maybe it’s not painful to stand and talk, but Zhao Ze always feels that Warren Worthington II’s brain is pitted. His son, that is, Warren Worthington III, in the state of transformation, is comparable to a living angel. One, in the X-Men world, although religious power is not very strong, it should not be underestimated.

Mutants like angels should cooperate with the Vatican gang and become God's messengers and shepherds on earth. This buddy is simply a live advertisement!

Had it not been for the inconvenience and the lack of other additional functions, Zhao Ze would have liked to add such a pair of wings behind him, but he prefers the all-black wings as a symbol of imitating fallen angels, even if it is a little bit too much. .

Without the appearance of X gene antibodies, it means that in the third part of the series, the fuse of the war between mutants and humans has disappeared, but this does not mean that the X-Men world will be peaceful, at least After many years, there are still sentinel plans waiting for mutants.

Speaking of the sentinel plan, Zhao Ze asked William Stryker specifically, but he didn't even know the details of the plan, or even heard of the plan.

It can only be said that this is a top-secret project. Very few people know about it, and the relevant person in charge is even more concealed. Therefore, although Zhao Ze is very enthusiastic about the manufacturing technology of the sentinel, he still cannot get it for the time being.

A week later, news came from William Stryker. He had found a retiree from the CIA and contacted the relevant CIA executives through this person, but the other party refused to disclose information about the brainwave enhancement machine. specific information.

At this time, it was necessary for Zhao Ze to take the initiative. Under the recommendation of William Stryker, Zhao Ze found the senior CIA official, and with the help of his telepathy ability, he directly asked him to hand over the backup files.

After reading it, Zhao Ze discovered that he couldn't understand it at all!

Think about it, even though it’s a technology half a century ago, the man who made it was Hank the beast. This man is definitely an out-and-out genius inventor. He was also the logistics director of Professor X in his early years. His invention If it was so easy to be copied, he would not deserve to be called a genius.

As soon as the technology of the brain wave intensifier was obtained, Zhao Ze immediately returned to the Marvel world and handed it over to his scientists, hoping to use the help of many scientists to reproduce the technology half a century ago.

Of course, although the technology is half a century ago, the principle is the most important thing. As long as there are relevant principles, Zhao Ze believes that his people are definitely not inferior to Hank, and they will be able to make a machine comparable to that used by Professor X.

Virtual combat system and brainwave enhancement machine, plus the vital X gene antibody, these three things will not be useful in a short time. According to the opinions gathered by scientists, it will take at least three to six months before Zhao Ze can see To the real thing.

But it doesn't matter, Zhao Ze lacks everything except time. In just a few months, he can afford to wait.

On the other hand, Zhao Ze also explained another thing about William Stryker, which is to find Ichiro Yashita as soon as possible.

This old guy is the villain behind the scenes in the third part of the X-Men series and appeared in the second part of the Wolverine series.

Yashida Ichiro is not personally important, what Zhao Ze really wants is the armor he made with all his strength.

However, I don’t know if it’s because of the strong effect of plot inertia, or because Yashita Ichiro was prepared. According to the first-hand information obtained by William Stryker, this old guy has disappeared a few years ago. The person who is determined to make the Tian family is his son Shingen.

Zhao Ze had already visited the building hanging on the side of the mountain in the original plot and the isolated island villa on the sea of ​​Tokyo Bay. It turned out that the building was still under construction and there was no one in the villa.

Because he didn't want to be horrified, Zhao Ze passed the CIA executive he had previously controlled and secretly issued a mission to intelligence personnel in the Far East, which was to find the hiding place of Yashida Ichiro.

Probably because of the butterfly effect, the Phoenix girl who was supposed to be awakened during this period is still asleep, and Qin Grey was lucky enough to escape.

Zhao Ze didn't want to be full, and led the Phoenix girl out. He was also happy to see that everything was normal for Qin Grey.

During his busy schedule, Zhao Ze took the time to visit the residence of the Brotherhood of Mutants, only to find that only the Devilish Girl was stationed. Magneto did not know where to go. Zhao Ze did not disturb the Devilish Girl, so he left. .

After staying in the world of X-Men for nearly two months, when Zhao Ze returned to the world of Marvel, he received a news that surprised him.

"You said the captain has been discovered? When did it happen?"

"Just three days ago, but he woke up and now wants to see you."

"Where is Steve, New York?"

"Yes, we can take the afternoon flight..."

"It's not necessary, stretch your hand over."

Zhao Ze grabbed Agent Coulson’s arm and took him to New York in an instant. The location was still the secret S.H.I.E.L.D. station near Times Square, the same building where he sprayed the insulting Hydra in the toilet last time. building.

"Steve!" Zhao Ze was really excited when he saw the captain. This is not a pretense. As a small partner who used to fight side by side, coupled with Steve's own personality charm, it is necessary to say that Zhao Ze is not Missing him is definitely lying.

Steve Rogers proactively stretched out his hand, made a fist with Zhao Ze, and then slapped each other on the back.

But this time he miscalculated. Zhao Ze's current strength is no better than the level he had in World War II. Even if he has tried his best to converge, he still made the American team cough.

"Ahem...Did you mean it?"

"Haha! Of course not, I'm just a little excited, how about going to where I live? We can have a good drink!"

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