Super Plane Traveling

Super Plane Travel Chapter 357

I have drove a pickup truck around the town for a quick lap. Hundreds of spiders have come all over the sky, but none of them can get close to the car, especially the spiders that jump around very fast, every time they are high. Leaping high, Zhao Ze would be shot in the head in the air, and then as soon as "Ba Hao" fell to the ground, the dead could no longer die.

It's not over yet, other spiders of various sizes have also been shot by Zhao Ze. Except for some larger spiders, there is nothing wrong with them. Other spiders can basically be killed by one shot.

Such marksmanship has far exceeded Samantha's expectations, and she even felt that the so-called marksman was nothing more than that.

As everyone knows, Zhao Ze actually worked very hard.

If he wants to keep the spider behind the car body out of a certain range without revealing his own strength, he must strictly control his design speed and frequency, otherwise he must let him go and kill him for three to five minutes at most. Make sure you never see a live spider again.

The most troublesome thing is that the two guns he exposed on the bright side have been shot out. Right now he is using the rifle brought by the fat assistant Pat.

These police rifles are powerful, but the gun body is too long, which is not conducive to his stable shooting during the pickup, making him feel like it is not strong enough.

The two went around the outside of the town for two full circles. As soon as there was no movement in the town—even if there was, it would be their own death, no wonder others—in this case, Zhao Ze suggested that we could also retreat. , Samantha responded immediately.

In fact, despite Zhao Ze and Samantha's best efforts, there are still a small number of spiders who did not follow their car and entered the town halfway through.

In this case, there will naturally be residents caught by spiders, and there are not a few such people, especially those who are older and older. Among the people who retreat from small towns, most of these people are left behind. In the back, it was discovered and captured by the spider.

The pickup passed through the town, and there were vehicles that stalled after impact everywhere on the roadside. Spiders that acted alone kept coming in, but they were all resolved by Zhao Ze by shooting.

Samantha asked anxiously, "What should I do now?"

"You are the sergeant and you have the final say, but I think it's better to find a relatively sturdy building that can at least resist the spider's impact." Zhao Ze shouted while shooting.

At this reminder, Samantha immediately thought of the shopping mall in the small town. She quickly turned around and drove in the direction of the shopping mall.

The reason why I don't want to leave the town directly is because the road to the outside world is jammed with spiders.

After finally getting there, Zhao Ze discovered that there are not so many stupid people in this world!

In the original plot, because of Samantha’s reminders over and over on the radio, the residents of the small town would first think of going to the shopping mall to take refuge after discovering the spider invading.

This time Samantha didn't use the radio to inform everyone, but the entrance of the shopping center was still full of vehicles, and there were many more vehicles than in the original plot.

The only trouble is that the rolling shutters of the shopping mall have already been pulled down, and it seems that no one will risk reopening the rolling shutters for Zhao Ze and Samantha.

Samantha turned her head and watched the spider army approaching gradually, she suddenly felt desperate.

At this moment, Zhao Ze waved at her and shouted: "Come here, let's climb up from here!"

Samantha looked in the direction of Zhao Ze's fingers and couldn't help but shouted: "Are you crazy! How can this be able to climb?"

The climb mentioned by Zhao Ze actually refers to the eaves part of the shopping mall entrance, which is almost five meters high from the roof, with only two smooth columns on either side.

"I'll do it if I say yes!" Zhao Ze saw that Samantha was still hesitating, rushed over to drag her and ran, ran to a column near the left, turned around and bowed slightly, "Hurry up. Hold tight, I will climb up with you! Believe me, I have climbed more dangerous mountains than this!"

Samantha saw that she had no choice but to ride on Zhao Ze. She held a few guns in one hand and stretched out behind Zhao Ze with the other hand, clinging to his chest.

This muscle... is so hard and strong!

At the critical juncture, Samantha had such thoughts in her mind, which made her shook her head vigorously in shame, but the strength in her hands increased.

Feeling the bulging twin peaks on the chest of the future mother-in-law, Zhao Ze also felt a little numb on his back, but he did not dare to delay. If he didn't want to reveal his true strength, he had to climb up before the spider arrived.

For Zhao Ze, climbing such a smooth column is of course nothing. He has almost effortlessly climbed above the eaves, and then continued to climb up to the roof of the shopping mall.

After Samantha got off his body, the first sentence seemed like a joke: "Your movements are more agile than a monkey."

Zhao Ze replied: "I am stronger than King Kong." After finishing speaking, he felt that something was wrong. He seemed to be molesting his mother-in-law, so he turned around and ran away to relieve the embarrassment.

Samantha followed behind him, and the two opened the iron cover of the roof and stepped on the ladder into the shopping center.

But after coming in, Zhao Ze immediately found something wrong-where did the people go?

You know, judging from the number of vehicles parked at the door, more than half of the people in the town should have taken refuge here. The question is how come there are no people alone now?

Reminiscent of the scene in the original plot, Zhao Ze felt a little bit in his heart. Shouldn't these people be taken away from the basement by that idiot Mayor White?

If this is the case, I am afraid that these people have all fallen into the hands of the spider, and his and Samantha's efforts will be in vain.

"Go to the basement now!" Samantha is more familiar with the shopping center than Zhao Ze. After the two came to the basement, as expected, the door through the mine was locked from the other side.


Hearing the crashing sound from the entrance of the shopping mall, both Zhao Ze and Samantha knew that the rolling shutter could not stop the largest spider.

In desperation, Samantha could only raise the gun to smash the keyhole of the door in front of her, and then opened the door.

Before she rushed in, she was stopped by Zhao Ze.

"This is a mine. The spider's nest is probably inside, so be careful when you go in!"

Samantha was suddenly moved, although she still thought this Asian boy was very hateful-who let him deceive his daughter's heart?But seeing his help regardless of personal safety along the way, Samantha decided not to care about him.

After entering the mine, because the miner’s lamp was still working, the inside of the mine was not completely dark. Not long after the two entered the mine, the spider was found.

"Don't shoot!" Zhao Ze stopped Samantha again, "Did you not smell it? The reason is that the smell of marsh is very strong. Once you shoot, it is likely to blow us up to the sky with the spiders!"

"What should I do now?" Samantha asked helplessly.

Zhao Ze dragged her and ran, "What else? Of course, the faster you run, the better!"

Of course, Zhao Ze, who is familiar with the original plot, knows that right now is the best opportunity to eliminate all spiders. Only by taking advantage of the good time when all spiders are gathered in the mine, together with the help of biogas, can we solve all spiders at once.

Running wild along the cable, they soon entered the middle of the mine. Zhao Ze and Samantha also found the place where the spiders were nesting, and a large number of hunted people.

The two tore apart the cobwebs on one of them and found that these people were still alive, and immediately began to rescue more people. Those who were awakened also began to help save others, and soon all the people caught by the spiders were rescued. .

When there are more people, there will be a bottom line in their hearts. Apart from thanking Samantha, the rescued residents of the small town are basically scolding the idiot mayor, and everyone who has been murdered has been killed by spiders.

In addition to the locals, there are also a few people from the investment team sent by the bank. After these people have experienced this incident, they will probably not be willing to come again in the next life.

Chapter 321

Zhao Ze and Samantha left together with everyone. On the road leading to the exit, spiders are rare. There are only a few smaller spiders. However, with the help of a large number of people, they soon It was stepped on into a meat sauce by everyone's concerted efforts.

Until everyone walked out of the mine, everyone was praying, thanking God for helping them, as if they had forgotten that it was not God who helped, but the town sheriff Samantha and outsider Zhao Ze.

Seeing that it was safe here, Zhao Ze turned and walked into the mine.

"Are you crazy?" Samantha grabbed him quickly with eyesight.

Zhao Ze shook his head and put on a serious expression, "No, I'm not crazy, do you remember the biogas in the mine? This is a good opportunity. Once these little monsters are allowed to escape, it is likely to spread to more places. The trouble will be big then."

Watching Zhao Ze finger the movement of the miner's lamp, Samantha understood what he meant, but she still felt that doing so was too risky.

"I have to go! This is where I invested. The mine belongs to me now, so I am responsible for solving these little monsters. You go find the generator and start it in five minutes. This is the only chance!"

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