Super Plane Traveling

Super Plane Travel Chapter 325

Van Zan, the team leader, got out of the tank at the fastest speed.

This time he didn’t have the same clothes as in the original plot, and he lost the same calm as in the original plot. Especially when he saw the big circular hole at Zhao Ze’s feet, he weighed it in his heart. How much impact can create such a big pit.

To say that there is no sense of fear in my heart is obviously nonsense.

"What are you?" Van Zan squinted, his eyelids trembling violently.

"Something? What do you use to describe me?" Zhao Ze stared at his chest with a smile, pointing to his chest and said, "Can't you see it? I am a human just like you!"

Chapter 292 One to One and One to Many

"Humans? Go to hell!" Van Zan's temperament is much hotter than Quinn, and he drew his pistol at Zhao Ze. "I have never seen a human like you, unless one day a human will also Can mate with an evil dragon, are you an alien?"

On the other side, on the door wall not far away, Credy couldn’t help but whispered beside Quinn, “I have to say, that Yankee actually made some sense. This guy can fly, breathe fire, and What is the difference between the evil dragon? No, he is even more dangerous than the evil dragon..."

"Shut up!" Quinn yelled, even though he admitted in his heart that, in a sense, Zhao Ze is indeed somewhat similar to the evil dragon. The question is, isn't it time to say this?

Zhao Ze almost didn't laugh, how come even the aliens came out?

"Your imagination is so rich, stop talking nonsense, let your subordinates get out of the car, Van Zan."

Van Zan, played by Matthew McConaughey, is very brilliant in this movie. If it were not for the cast, many people might not be able to see who he is.

Hearing his name from Zhao Ze, Van Zan not only did not dispel his doubts, but made a gesture. The soldiers in the motorcade behind quickly jumped down and surrounded Zhao Ze.

Zhao Ze looked around, curled his lips and said: "I know you are a dead brain. I never thought I could convince you, so I will use facts to teach you a truth...Look at the top!"

Having said that, Zhao Ze raised his arm to point to the sky, and Van Zan glanced subconsciously, then his eyes widened--

"God! How did he get up?"

"This guy can fly?"

"Nonsense! He just fell from the sky, the problem is that he flies too fast, right?"

"Fan Zan, what should we do? Shall we..."

"No, wait!" Van Zan narrowed his eyes and said in a deep voice, "No matter what he is, don't attack until I speak!"

Although Zhao Ze's flying speed is fast enough, he can't fly into the air several kilometers high in an instant, unless he is at five times the speed of sound.

Then again, if he really flew into the sky at five times the speed of sound, the instant sonic boom and impact would be enough to stun the surrounding people.

What Zhao Ze uses is the ability of teleportation, and the range of sight is his moving area.

Under the gaze of the two chiefs, Quinn and Van Zan, Zhao Ze flew to a nearby hill, breathing fire and cold, and soon turned the hill into a shining crystal mountain, and followed him He lifted the small mountain bag with mental power, and then transferred it directly to the sky with the crystal mountain several kilometers through the teleportation.


A crystal mountain weighing nearly a hundred tons fell from the sky and directly smashed the original mountain top into a depression. Even Quinn, Van Zan and others in the distance clearly felt the vibration from under their feet.

The people on Quinn's side had been mentally prepared for a long time, so they just felt shocked, but not terrified, and Van Zan was different, his forehead was instantly covered with cold sweat, and his hands and feet were shaking uncontrollably.

If this crystal mountain fell on the head of the convoy just now, it is guaranteed to destroy the entire convoy in the blink of an eye.

In fact, Zhao Ze has even more terrifying attack methods, but in order not to cause panic, let these people treat him as a monster, Zhao Ze somewhat curtailed his desire to perform.

When he fell from the sky this time, Van Zan immediately responded. He asked his men to leave the armored convoy and stand in line in front of him to show his sincerity.

Zhao Ze didn't even think about actually making him surrender, as long as people get out of the car anyway.

Then it became Quinn’s job. He first asked Van Zan’s men to drive the convoy into the castle, then set up a rack in front of the castle, took out the leftover food from last night, and entertained the Yankees. A meal.

In fact, these American soldiers, like Quinn, hadn't eaten anything with oil and water for several years. As a result, they didn't control it all at once and they all ate too much.

The consequences of eating too much are also diarrhea, so that the legs are weak and unable to stand up.

This move was very vicious. It overturned Van Zan's subordinates in the shortest possible time and made him stop it, but he couldn't say it.

However, he doesn't care about the problem of hand-stomaching at this moment. Like Quinn, he is full of curiosity and doubts about Zhao Ze's origin and identity.

After arranging the landing of the only helicopter in his hand, Van Zan immediately found Zhao Ze and wanted to inquire about something useful from him.

Zhao Zeren was in a pergola in front of the castle, and he did not show a welcome attitude towards Van Zan’s arrival. The reason was still the same—

"Fuck! You are too stinky? How long have you not taken a shower, have you had a year?"

Zhao Ze couldn't help but drove Van Zan out of the pergola, and let him stand still outside the pergola, followed by a series of elves silently, using ancient elves magic to condense a huge water ball, which was slowly buffered from head to toe. Washing Van Zan's body, and throwing him a piece of soap.

Van Zan was also clever, knowing that the smelly smell of his whole body would not be seen by Zhao Ze, so he simply stripped off his clothes, grabbed the soap and began to take a bath.

In less than two minutes, Van Zan, who had the same skin color as black briquettes, turned white miraculously.

Zhao Ze didn’t stop doing two things, so he asked Quinn to call everyone out, and he used magic to condense two super-large water polo balls, which were covered with a canvas in the middle, so that the men and women were separated, carefully. Wash the old dirt on your body.

This is also no way. For Zhao Ze, who has a mild cleanliness addiction, it is a miracle that he can endure today from yesterday.

If the smell from these people's mouths made him feel suffocated, then the smell on their bodies directly caused Zhao Ze to want to take a few breaths of dragon.

So a very funny scene appeared in front of the castle, and it was also an impossible scene in this world, which was a collective shower of hundreds of people.

In this world where water resources are limited and precious, no one would be extravagant to use so much water to bathe.

After they were all cleaned, these people took the clothes Zhao Ze had brought, and began to put on themselves according to different sizes.

"Where did this guy find such a retro uniform?" Credi looked at Quinn on the opposite side, then looked at his training uniform, and couldn't help but start to complain.

Can you not complain? He just finished saying that the Yankee is worse than the dragon, and he immediately wore an American training uniform, not to mention how awkward it was.

Of course it is impossible for Zhao Ze to provide them with beautiful fashions. He only brought over a thousand sets of US military-style training uniforms. He thought it would be useless, but he didn't expect to take them out so soon.

Quinn was also somewhat uncomfortable, especially seeing those children also wearing training uniforms, this feeling of militarization made him very uncomfortable.

On the contrary, Van Zan’s emotions are high, and a uniform dress is conducive to improving morale. He is now more confident in tying the people in the castle to the chariot.

Of course, the premise is that Zhao Ze must be dealt with.

"Stop talking nonsense, no matter what you want to know, I have no reason to tell you!" Facing Van Zan’s temptation, Zhao Ze ruthlessly dispelled his thoughts, but immediately said: "I know you The dragon is being killed, but the efficiency is too low. If you kill a dragon, the whole world will probably have ten more. I heard that you still want to count on your people to kill that male dragon?"

"Do you also know the male dragon?" Van Zan's eyes lit up, killing the male dragon and the entire dragon clan would perish. This view has not been recognized by anyone, but Van Zan believes in this.

Zhao Ze lay lazily on a soft sofa, and said with an excitement: "I am responsible for solving the male dragon. Your task is to protect the people in the castle, and then look for opportunities to expand the territory, and finally build a large scale here. Shelter."

Van Zan was choked, but he didn't dare to object, so he asked in a muffled voice, "Do you know where the male dragon is?"

"I'm looking for it, the news will come back soon, not far from here." Zhao Ze recalled the content of the original plot, knowing that the scope of the public dragon's activities would never exceed a thousand kilometers around the castle.

From yesterday to now, he has released as many as hundreds of spy drones. Up to now, hundreds of fire dragons have been found, but all of them are female dragons more than ten meters in length. No news.

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