Super Marshal

Chapter 516: Shocking storm

In just one night, the evidence that Gao Han published at the Meazza stadium quickly spread from Milan to every corner of Italy, spread across Europe, and spread all over the world at an incredible speed.

The media and fans all over the world are speechless.

No one thought that the Serie A, which is known as the top of the four major leagues in Europe, still hides such a shady scene.

More importantly, Gao Han actually took a huge risk personally to expose this conspiracy.

Overnight, the whole news quickly fermented, and Gao Han quickly occupied the headlines of major media all over the world.

Since the iron evidence provided by Gao Han came from telephone wiretapping recordings, the media unanimously assigned a code name to this storm, the telephone door.

But just above the cusp of the storm, Juventus general manager Mogi launched a counterattack.

After returning to Turin that evening, he immediately accepted interviews with a number of media including Torino Sport, publicly accusing Gao Han's remarks as irresponsible and falsified evidence.

"Now the voices of the media are full of prejudice against me, using a vicious and hostile attitude to provoke incidents in order to promote their sales."

"I don't know why Gao Han had such rumors and slander. His team has won the championship ahead of schedule. He should be content with such results, but compared to the results achieved by Inter Milan, he seems to care more about the halo on his head."

"You know, there are always such people in the world, I wish the whole world would worship him."

Regarding the evidence provided by Gao Han, Mo Ji said that the recording of the phone call was indeed genuine and that he made the phone call.

"I don't think the phone recording can prove anything. I have been in Serie A for so many years. Paireto, Matei and others are very good friends. We make jokes together on weekdays, and I even tell people However, I planned to come to Juventus to coach, but I changed my mind later."

"I don't know who tapped our phone, but it is absolutely illegal. I will immediately file a complaint and block all tapping recordings."

Mo Ji said he was used to the attacks he faced.

"In the past few years, we at Juventus have always been the most influential team in Serie A and Europe. There is a saying that is right. The higher you climb, the more trouble you will encounter. This is life. One of the rules in professional football is the same."

"So, people like me must have a character that is always full of courage and continues to move forward."

But when Mo Ji’s report was just released, and I am afraid that it has not even attracted much public attention, some mainstream media in Europe and the world have received a copy of the material sent by Gao Han, which includes all the past period of time. All the materials collected by Gao Han and obtained from anonymous people about the phone door incident.

The media was in an uproar once again.

The Italian newspaper Gazzetta dello Sport took the lead in reporting this incident in large lengths. Many media newspapers including the British Sun, German Bild, French Sergeant and Spanish Marca have all published the materials submitted by Gao Han.

It includes records of the calls between Moggi and officials of the Football Association, officials of the referee committee, and many Serie A referees in the past two years, and clearly shows the fact that he is manipulating referee assignments.

But just as public opinion was fermenting rapidly, Carraro, the president of the Italian Football Association, held a press conference in Rome.

At the meeting, Carraro clearly expressed his dissatisfaction and accusations against the Alpine approach, believing that this is a challenge to the existing rules of Italian football and a very irresponsible behavior.

"I hope all Italian football players remain calm and should not be used by outside public opinion."

"Gao Han's approach is not in compliance with the rules. As a professional coach, what he should do is to transfer all the materials he has to the Football Association. The Football Association will verify the authenticity, and then decide whether to proceed with the next move, rather than making his own way. To the outside world, this will cause immeasurable losses to Serie A."

"Yes, we are carefully studying whether to penalize Gao Han's behavior or even file a complaint."

Carraro's statement made the whole public opinion explode again, and even greatly stimulated the fans.

Everyone couldn't believe that, shouldn't he investigate this matter thoroughly at this time, and return the truth to the public? Why do you want to put out the fire, or even punish Gao Han?

The media began to speculate that Carraro himself is not clean, which is also shown in the evidence of Gao Han.

Just as Carraro's voice fell, the Italian Sports Court also responded to public opinion and held a press conference.

What's interesting is that the sports court is diametrically opposed to the attitude of the Italian Football Association.

The spokesperson of the sports court said that giving all the evidence to the Football Association will not allow the matter to be resolved better. If the Italian prosecution system is unwilling to thoroughly investigate the matter and initiate criminal proceedings against Moggi and others, then sports The court has the power to impose the most severe punishment on those who truly violate the rules of Italian professional football.

This institution, which is independent of the Italian Football Association, was immediately praised by public opinion and fans after this round of statements.

At the same time, as public opinion heats up, more and more forces against the power of Moji have gradually emerged.

Fraino, who is now the president of the Ravenna club, was formerly the president of the club when Moggi was in Naples. He publicly broke the news in the media that Moggi played a role in the Maradona smoking incident. The role of fuel to the flames, and he is also suspected of helping Maradona in the detection of fraud.

Soon, Perugia Chairman Gao Qi also came forward. In an interview with the media, it was revealed that the son of Italian Football Association Chairman Carraro, and the daughter of Italy’s largest bank chairman Geronci, jointly run a football business company, and Moggi’s son Xiao Mo. Kyrgyzstan's Gea company has close contacts.

The Gea company is also unclean. The brokerage crocodile that controls more than 70% of Italian football's business was quickly exposed. It used intimidation and violence against players during transfers and collected enough evidence. .

In other words, the evidence provided by Gao Han in the revelation was all confirmed by the way.

At this time, the Roman Prosecutor's Office also publicly announced that it would open a case to investigate the Gea company, and sent a court summons to Moji.

This also made Xiao Mo Ji the first defendant in the phone door incident.

With the disclosure of Carraro's relationship with Gea, public opinion once again became angry, accusing the Italian Football Association of inaction and corruption. Chairman Carraro bears the brunt.

In order to calm the public anger, the Italian referee committee responded immediately. In the remaining three rounds of the league, the positions of Paireto and Matei were suspended, and four Serie A gold medals including DeSantis were suspended. The referee was also suspended from whistle, and the bald referee Corina temporarily served as the referee designator, responsible for referee assignment.

The Italian Football Association also officially issued an announcement stating that the Football Association is fully investigating Paireto and Matei and others.

However, the Football Association officials involved in the phone call incident including the Chairman of the Football Association Carraro and Vice Chairman Mazzini have continued to stay in office. In an interview with the media, Mazzini said that he believes that judicial impartiality will restore their innocence.

Just as public opinion was heating up, the new Italian Prime Minister Prodi just took office published a signed article in the Turin News, publicly supporting Gao Han’s move to expose the phone door incident, believing that this was for the work of the Italian government. A great contribution.

"Italy needs a moral shock, and Italian football also needs a thorough investigation!"

From the statement of the highest government official, the following public opinion exploded rapidly.

Procuratorates in Rome, Naples, Milan, Turin and other regions immediately moved after hearing the news and launched a thorough investigation of the telephone incident.

In fact, all the evidence has already been collected, and now it is fully launched, and the truth that has been revealed one after another has surprised the world. No one thought that Moggi could do whatever he wanted in Italian football, even Dare to lock the referee team in the referee lounge after the game, but no one dared to mention it.

What is even more shocking is that the connection between Mo Ji and a number of government officials is even more involved in political corruption.

All of a sudden, the telephone door incident quickly triggered a shocking storm that swept across the three realms of politics, business and football in Italy.



Fiat Group Headquarters, Turin, Italy.

In the high-level meeting room, Fiat Group Chairman Montezemolo, President Gabetti, Vice Chairman John Elkan, and board member and great-grandson of the old Agnelli, Andre Agnelli, gathered together.

What allowed the four most powerful and influential figures in the Fiat Kingdom to sit down and discuss it was the phone call incident that has rapidly fermented in the past few days.

"Now that the public opinion is overwhelming, everyone is pointing the finger at us Juventus, which is obviously unacceptable."

The speaker is the future heir of the Fiat Kingdom, Vice Chairman John Elkan.

"Last year, the drug prohibition incident just subsided, but now there is another phone call incident. I don't know what scandals will happen next, but all of us can't accept such things over and over again. If it happens, someone must be responsible for these things and wash away the shame of the family and the group."

After many years of experience within the group, John Elkan’s ability has also been recognized by everyone, and he is recognized as the future successor, and his statement also represents the attitude of the Agnelli family.

As the Italian royal family among the population, the Agnelli family will never allow Juventus, which is under its jurisdiction, to repeatedly explode such scandals.

Especially this time, even the Prime Minister of Italy has come forward.

"Girauddo and Mogi have done too much this time. In the past few years, our group has indeed been too indulgent to them because of the club's good performance, but this is certainly not a healthy long-term management."

After his cousin John Elkan expressed his attitude, Andre Agnelli also came forward.

"My opinion is that although this phone call incident has had some impact on us, it also gave us an opportunity to rectify Juventus and make this team the glory of the family and the group again."

Both representatives of the Agnelli family expressed their views, and neither of the other two had any opinions.

"But the question now is, who will take over Juventus?" Group Chairman Montezemolo asked with concern.

Juventus is like a business card for the Fiat Group and the Agnelli family. It is very important and must be held firmly in hand.

From the standpoint of four people, look at to abolish Gilaudo and Moji, but it's just a matter of effort, the key is how to deal with the aftermath.

When everyone was embarrassed, Andre Agnelli took the initiative to ask.

"Let me go."

"I agree, Andre is very suitable to go, but we should find a suitable leader for him." John Elkan immediately spoke in support.

Obviously, both of them have made a decision in advance.

Even so, neither Montezemolo nor Gabetti objected.

In this way, the fate of Gilaudo, Moji and Beitga's tragic abandonment was pronounced!


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