Super Marshal

Chapter 383: Conquer Highbury

? "This is a disappointing game!"


   At the press conference after the game, Wenger made no secret of his disappointment.


   "Our defense made a lot of mistakes, which caused us to be punished, especially in the second half. They were able to create a threat almost every time they got the ball. They used our mistakes again and again."


"Yes, Henry's performance in this game is indeed very unsatisfactory, but he failed to score. All players are responsible. I can only say that Chelsea is very targeted in defensive organization, which brings us Trouble, but I don’t think how strong they are, and don’t think our gap is as big as zero to three."


"But no matter what, if you lose, you lose. The zero to three score will be a painful blow to us, but I believe we can learn from it. The Premier League is a long marathon and the start does not mean everything. "


   Compared to Wenger's disappointment, Gao Han, who won three goals, looked very happy.


"We expected this to be a difficult game from the beginning. Arsenal is a nearly perfect and balanced team. Such a team often does not give the opponent too much space, and the opponent is in the whole first half. All have brought us huge troubles and made our offensive return without success."


"I don't think that this game is too bad for the opponent. On the contrary, I think it is mainly because our players performed too well. We basically performed to the level that we should have. This is the first time this season. , I am very satisfied with the results and process, and I also believe that this game will give us confidence."


"Today, at Highbury Stadium, I saw an incredible Chelsea team. Every player performed almost perfect. Every line was kept very tight, full of order and discipline. There was no opponent at all. Chance, which allowed us to win the game in the end."


   "Here, I want to tell my players and fans that as long as we continue to play like this, I believe that after the end of the season, we will win the best, and it is also the result that everyone is eager to achieve."


   All the media reporters on the scene clearly felt the strong self-confidence revealed in Gao Han's speech, and everyone could feel the confidence that he brought to him by winning this game.


   But obviously, it wasn't just because they beat Arsenal, they scored three points.


"Yes, Ibrahimovic and Eto'o did have some problems with their performance before. I have also talked to them many times. We are very honest with each other, but I want to say that there is a difference between me and the players, the players and the players. During that time, there were no problems."


"This game proved my point. The first goal that really changed the trend of the game was scored by Eto'o assisted by Ibrahimovic, and the next two goals. They were all made by Ibrahimovic's direct or indirect assists. I want to say that they all showed a very high level."


   "This is the offensive combination I want, each of them is perfect!"






   Chelsea beat Arsenal in a three-to-zero away game, which immediately aroused the exclamation of the media around the world.


   When the British Guardian described this three-to-zero score, the front page headline used [Unbelievable] to describe it.


   "No one would have thought that this game, which was supposed to be very evenly matched, would end with such an amazing score in the end, but what is even more incredible is the control that Chelsea showed throughout the game."


"The ball possession rate in the first half hour was as high as 61%, even if it weakened later, but the whole game reached 57%, which means that Chelsea has suppressed Arsenal almost the whole game. "


"In the past, we have always said that Arsenal is an atypical Premier League team. Wenger's team advocates speed and technology. This has made them the most interesting ball in the Premier League for many years. Team, but in this game, Chelsea showed us all a new concept of passing and controlling football."


"They have better foot skills, better speed and impact, but more importantly, they have super strong pass control ability, even Terry and Gallas, these two in the Premier League Central defenders who have been around for many years have joined Chelsea's pass team this season."


"Gao Han once again brought us a surprise. When everyone suspected that his pass-and-control play would not work at all in the Premier League, he told us with ironclad facts that he can not only play well, but he can also play well. it is good."


   "The most representative is undoubtedly Veron."


"The White Wizard came to the Premier League under the halo of the world's chief midfielder and joined Manchester United, but he has never been able to perform at his peak level in the Red Devils. But now, with the advent of the cold, he is in the Chelsea team. Rediscovered the feeling of the core of the organization back then."


"In the past nine rounds of the league, Veron’s performance has been outstanding one after another. When he played Arsenal, he and Deco joined forces to firmly control the ball and rhythm. Arsenal are in Most of the time, it can only be forced to retreat."


   "As I said before the Alpine Games, this is a battle for Chelsea's name recognition."


   "And this game, let us know Chelsea again!"


   "I also met Gao Han again!"


   In addition, the Guardian also published an interview with Ibrahimovic after the game.


   The Swedish center was very happy that he was able to score a goal in the game, but between the words, he expressed his gratitude to the coach Gao Han.


   "I am very happy to score a goal. I hope to use it to repay the manager's trust in me. It was he who brought me to the Premier League. It was also him. When I was under tremendous pressure and controversy, he still trusted me unconditionally."


"When I knew that I was arranged in the same dormitory as Eto'o, I was really angry when I knew that I was not on the list, and I also said a few inappropriate things in the media. Here, I sincerely apologize. I hope to dedicate this goal to our boss."


   "For today's game, I am personally not very satisfied, because I think I can do better, and also missed a few opportunities, but I believe that I will continue to improve every next game."


   "In any case, this game gave me great encouragement and also showed me the way forward."


   At the same time, the Times also published a post-match interview with Chelsea striker Eto'o. The Cameroonian striker who was selected as the best player of the game also expressed his gratitude to the coach Gao Han.


   "This is a wonderful victory. I hope to dedicate the goal to our head coach. He has always supported me and trusted me very much. I hope to score more goals for him."


   The number one star of the team Ronaldinho also shined in this game, without losing to Eto'o, and in an interview, the Brazilian star also highly praised his two teammates.


"I heard that the Premier League is popular with a two-forward combination of one high and one fast, but I believe that Ibrahimovic and Eto'o are definitely the strongest among them. They are the kind of players who can always create surprises. I It’s a great honor to be teammates with them."


   Ronaldinho denied the rumors about the contradiction between the two players.


   "This is definitely not a thing. We have a good relationship with each other. They are roommates and everyone has seen it during the game. They are all trying to pass each other. I don't think this needs much explanation."


   For the team's head coach Alpine, Ronaldinho also gave a very high evaluation, and even for his excellent form this season, he did not hesitate to give credit to the head coach.


   "He puts his heart and trust in me, and it is him who made me decide to join Chelsea. I am willing to play for him, even as a defender." The Brazilian grinned, showing his cute buck teeth and laughed.




   The blue army captured the enemy in the same city!


   Chelsea destroy Arsenal!


   The Blue Trident shines in Highbury, breaking the embarrassment for 13 years!




   After the game, the English media hyped up the game, especially the performance of the Blue Trident, which gave a very high evaluation.


   All three players performed one pass and one shot, especially the amazing strength they showed during the game, which shocked everyone who followed this game.


Even the Sun newspaper, which is not quite against the Alpine, wrote comments and exclaimed that Chelsea’s Trident already has such an amazing attack power before the break-in is fully formed. In time, they will become the Premier League and even Europe. The strongest attack combination makes all defensive players scared.


   In addition, many media have hyped Gao Han, who believes that Gao Han's coaching at Chelsea has made a very good start.


This game also completely broke away the bad impression of the outside world about Chelsea mercenaries, and let everyone clearly see the energy that Alpine put in Chelsea, especially the set of pass-controls that the Blues insisted on. France, is unique in the entire Premier League.


Martin Samuel, a famous columnist in England, wrote in his column: "For Chelsea, this is a fantastic night. The alpine team finally shines with dazzling light for the first time in the new season. They taught Arsenal and even the entire Premier League a good lesson."


Sky TV’s famous commentator Andy Gray also publicly stated after the game that what Alpine did at Chelsea brought a breeze to the Premier League, allowing everyone to see the direction of the Premier League’s technical and tactical innovation and remove the technical and tactical desert. hat of.


   "Perhaps, looking back at this season many years later, we will find that Alpine and Chelsea have become a major turning point in the history of the Premier League, whether it is club management or technical and tactical development!"


   That is, while the whole world was shocked by the Alpine Chelsea, the ninth round of the Premier League was all finished.


   Manchester United won 1-0 away from Z United, successfully counter-attacked Arsenal in the standings and climbed to second place in the league.


   Liverpool lost to Portsmouth with a zero to one away game. Because of this defeat, Hollier’s team dropped from the original eighth to eleventh. The result was indeed not ideal.


   But relatively speaking, Newcastle, Tottenham Hotspur and other teams have won one after another and have all climbed out of the relegation zone.


   The most surprising thing is Keegan's Manchester City, which broke Bolton 6-2. Chinese player Sun Jihai played the whole game as a right back and performed well. Manchester City's ranking has also been promoted to fifth place.


   In the next round, Chelsea will play at home against Manchester City.


   After this round of the game, the English Premier League structure has been very clear. The ones who really have the impact on the league championship are still Manchester United, Arsenal, and Chelsea, who have emerged this season and firmly occupy the top of the list.


   As for other teams, there is no power to shake the status of these three teams.

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