Super Lord of the Rings

Chapter 707: 【Devil's Warmth】

The United States has a population of nearly 300 million, of which more than 3 million are criminals, and one in 100 people is a criminal. ⊙,

However, there are very few death sentences in the United States. In 2008, only 54 cases were executed in the United States.

The Yankee’s guiding ideology is to be particularly cautious about life, which is reflected in the endless appeal process. As a result, a lot of vicious crimes have occurred and it is not terrible. Most of the crimes escaped death after the appeal was delayed.

Of the 50 states in the United States, 15 have no capital punishment at all. No matter what heinous crimes are committed, at most life imprisonment. There are currently 3,200 criminals sentenced to death in the United States, but the death penalty has not yet been executed. Compared with the crime rate in the United States, this number is too small.

Due to the long appeal process, most criminals escaped the death penalty.

Just like in a Hollywood movie, Superman can dig a booger bomb to kill Lex Luther, but he struggled with him from April 1940 to the present. Why don't they get married? Couples can't fight for so many years, this is definitely true love.

Wang Jun knows that he can’t find a suitable heart through normal channels. All major hospitals in the United States have registered. There are many people in the queue. How easy is it to find a match? So he ran to various major prisons and could only select qualified persons from less than one hundred people every year.

In these years, Wang Jun has only found one death sentence match with Le Ying's heart.

Terry Gardner of Utah. He is 24 years old and charged with two murders. He has a fierce personality and a split personality. At age he became a murderer, killing several people with brutal means.

Not long ago he refused to accept the death penalty by injection. Wang Jun found him and begged to donate his heart. As a result, Gardner not only did not donate, but also satirized Wang Jun that he deserved it, and cursed Leying for his early death.

So the goods were almost beaten to death by Wang Jun.

Wang Jun was not charged, and Gardner didn’t have the money to hire a lawyer. In the United States, lawyers are charged by the hour. The scumbag has nothing.

When Wang Junfei arrived in Salt Lake City, he couldn't even eat his meals, obtained a visitor's certificate, and hurriedly met Gardner.

After the two met, they were silent for a while. Wang Jun did not know whether to apologize for that punch.

Gardner is a healthy white guy, not very long, with strong muscles, no disease, and a healthy heart.

Wang Jun looked at him for a while, without a mocking expression, unlike a conspiracy, he was a little excited and asked: "Terry, you asked me to come, are you willing to donate your heart?"

He felt that 70% might be, but that 30% made him scared, much more tense than when he shot the ball. If the other party is just for fun, he will not help but want to kill.

Gardner said calmly: "Yes, I have said at the recent hearing that I asked for a shot in early January. It was not an injection or electrocution. My heart will be very good. You can contact the doctor to get the heart. ."

Wang Jun has seen him three times, and every time this man is very manic, an impatient look, an unsaved wicked man, and now it seems to be fully understood.

"Why? What made you change your mind?" Wang Jun was curious.

Gardner smiled.

"Because I just knew that I have a son, two years old. I want to leave something for him." Gardner said slowly: "You are right, nothing is more important than relatives. I have no parents. Have him."

Wang Jun nodded and saw something tender in the eyes of the murderer.

Children are the continuation of life. It is difficult for people without children to grow up. Wang Jun has always believed that his elder brother is like a father. He can understand that emotion helps the devil find a trace of human nature.

Coincidentally, if it weren't for Wang Jun's punch to get Gardner into the newspaper, his ex-girlfriend would not know that he had become a prisoner of death, let alone tell his children.

Wang Jun asked: "What do you want me to do?"

"I hope you can help my child, don't give him a lot of money at once, money is easy to make people bad, I don't want this child to grow up like me..."

Gardner paused, detailing his conditions.

Wang Jun regularly gives some support to his children and his mother, so that they can worry about food and clothing. Then for him to go from elementary school to college graduation until he can be very independent and find a good job, making him a useful person.

Just to be a useful person and to spend a lifetime of life, Gardner is satisfied.

Americans talk about human rights all day long, but there are a group of people in the slums who can’t eat enough, don’t wear warm clothes, don’t have social security, and are secretive. These dark sides Wang Jun saw in the Michigan area when he first arrived in the United States.

He immediately agreed to the request. "I will draw up a contract and write all the contents clearly. When he graduates, I will arrange work for him. I am about the same age as you. I can be his uncle and give him a solid backstage. He will It’s an amazing person, it won’t be dull.”

Gardner smiled. "Do you mean to treat me like a friend? Don't you think I'm a jerk?"

"As long as you can save my sister, no matter what kind of person you used to be, they are all my friends." Wang Jun stood up and bowed solemnly to Gardner. "Thank you, thank you very much."

The next day, Wang Jun found someone to prepare the contract. After the lawyer was impartial, as long as the agreement was signed, it would take effect.

Gardner carefully looked at the contract twice and signed his name with relief.

He suddenly burst into tears and choked: "In this life... I finally did a good deed... It feels so comfortable to do good deed..."

Wang Jun was relieved and called his uncle's family. Theron, Abby and others reported good news. He stayed in Salt Lake City for the time being and asked them to make an appointment in Los Angeles. The time must be accurate.

In order to cooperate with this matter, Gardner must go to Los Angeles to execute, and Wang Jun has to spend money on procedures and trust.

California also has the death penalty. This can be done as long as the procedures are complete. The place of execution is close to the hospital, and the heart can be sent to the operating room immediately, which will improve future survival and surgical success.

The doctor is a cardiologist from New York, the kind of expert who must succeed every time.

The schedule was set for January 4th. Wang Jun also provided Gardner with a good meal. Every day he was satisfied with what he wanted to eat. The individual cell was not disturbed by others, ensuring that no accidents would occur.

With everything in place, Wang Jun went to visit Abby's family. At this time Abby was still in Chicago and he came by himself.

Jeff Hornacek and his wife welcomed him. UU read and left him to eat and stay for one night.

At night, the two men entered the study room and talked.

Wang Jun asked a little embarrassingly: "Jeff, don’t you blame me about me and Theron?"

"It's certainly impossible not to be angry at all, but you just made the mistakes that men are most susceptible to, I can understand. Even me, when I was young, there was not only one woman who got married and gave birth."


"This is my secret, telling you today is not to encourage you to become more romantic in the future, I think you are a responsible person. This is so big, it touches me a little. You are very affectionate, I know you don’t Will leave Abby."

"Of course not." Wang Jun immediately patted his chest to ensure.

"You are such a deviant guy. I was not as impulsive as you when I was young." Honasek smiled: "It's so nice to be young..."

PS (To be continued.)

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