Super Invincible Battleship

Chapter 452: Go all-out

In order to ensure the safety of the gentle rice country's family-finding operation, Yan Fei found the old man Gu who can predict the future, and let the old man predict the gentle rice country's trip. In the prediction of Old Man Gu, the gentle trip to the Congress was very smooth. Not only could he find his biological parents, but he would not encounter any danger.

Because of his previous successful experience, Yan Fei is very convinced of the foresight of old man Gu. Since the old man Gu said that gentleness will not cause problems, then gentleness will never cause problems, so Yan Fei did not worry too much about gentleness and went to explore in a small space by himself. Even when Yan Fei assigned the artificial intelligence "dream" task, he did not make too many arrangements specifically for the gentle trip to the rice country. Only when "Fantasy" discovers that Gentle encounters danger, he cannot contact Yan Fei, and when he does not have Yan Fei's authorization, he cannot make a response plan according to the actual situation. In the end, "dream" can only be seen watching Gentle being killed by the Mi people, but unable to save Gentle life.

燕 After Yan Fei left the small space and finally received the emergency message sent by "Fantasy", Gentle had been killed by the Mi people, and the situation could no longer be recovered.

After knowing that Gentle died, Yan Fei's eyes turned black and she almost fainted. He couldn't believe it. He had just left for just thirty hours. How did things get to this point? The gentleness about to marry himself was actually killed by the Mi ...

However, Yan Fei was still lucky, thinking that someone was tricking him. So he used the assisted brain to open the secret mailbox and personally check the urgent information sent by Dream to the secret mailbox. Then I found that the information in the mailbox was exactly the same as what I received, and each emergency message also contained a high-definition video.

These videos were taken from outer space by the HD camera of the Neverland satellite, because the optical technology of Neverland has been greatly improved. Although these videos come from outer space, it clearly records what happened on the ground without any omissions. .

Qi Yanfei started to look at these videos, and found that the content in the video exactly matched the information received before. From the gentle stepping on the rice land and starting to find her biological parents, there were video recordings throughout. The previous video, Yan Fei, just watched it roughly. What he valued most was the last video uploaded by "Fantasy".

视频 This video was shot in a single-family villa just outside the desert city of Las Vegas. The courtyard of the villa is full of heavily armed Mi soldiers, who are surrounded by armored vehicles and tanks. In the sky of the yard, there were also several Apache gunships flying in circles. It was Nie Sanfeng and Gentle who stood in the middle of the yard.

Obviously the gentleness at this time has been surrounded by Mi Jun troops in the yard. Although Nie Sanfeng protected the gentleness behind him, he was bathing in blood and limping his leg. The situation was very bad. On the ground near them, the bodies of fallen Special Forces soldiers were everywhere.

Outside the courtyard, a Mi Army officer was hiding behind the tank, he was holding a large horn, and was clearly shouting to the gentle. However, this video was taken from outer space. Although the scene can be seen, it is impossible to know what the army officer is shouting.

At this moment, a new Mi F-15 fighter jet flew through the sky and dropped a huge precision guided bomb. The target of this precision-guided bomb was exactly the yard where gentleness was. The precision-guided bomb then exploded over the yard, with shock waves and flames covering the entire yard.

Through the slow motion of this video, Yan Fei clearly sees the desperate expression on the face of the gentle gentleness who is isolated and missed. Then the bomb exploded, and the violent shock wave rushed past, tearing the gentle body into fragments, and then burning through the fire, covering the gentle and gentle Nie Sanfeng in the fire. When the aftermath of the explosion was over, a huge pit appeared in the courtyard. The gentle and gentle Nie Sanfeng, which was in the center of the explosion, had disappeared.

The screaming Mi Jun officer outside the courtyard was also affected by the aftermath of the bomb. When he climbed up from the ground and saw the courtyard of the villa that had been completely destroyed by the bomb, he was suddenly stunned ...

Xi Yanfei thought that someone was joking with him. After seeing this high-definition video shot by his own satellite, he finally confirmed that gentleness was really attacked by the Mi people, and gentleness was gone.

When she realized that tenderness was really gone, Yan Fei felt a severe pain in her heart, and then she felt a little bit anxious. Yan Fei regrets very much that she should not come to explore in a small space. She regrets leaving her tenderness. She also regrets letting gentleness go to the mainland of China to find her biological parents. If you always stay with Tenderness, and protect Tenderness, even if you travel around the world, Tenderness will never happen.

Before Yanfei Fei set out, he asked the old man Gu to predict the future of gentleness. At that time, the old man accurately predicted the questions raised by Yan Fei and gave a very safe answer to the gentle trip to the rice country. However, the actual progress is completely different from that predicted by Old Man Gu. Gentle not only failed to find her biological parents, but also suffered a large number of attacks from the Mi Army. The bomb was killed.

Now it seems that the old man in the valley has a very big problem. Yan Fei should not believe what the old man Gu said, so that he would not let gentleness go to the rice country alone, and then be surrounded by countless heavily armed rice soldiers. When thinking of the desperate expression on her face when tenderly seeing the bomb falling in the sky, Yan Fei was so sad that she could not wait to exchange her identity with tenderness ...

The local time of the Bermuda Triangle is now 9 pm, but the local time of Los Angeles is 6 pm, and the time when the gentle bomber was killed by the Mi Army bomber is 5 pm local time of Los Angeles. In other words, Gentle was killed an hour ago. If Yan Fei can leave the small space an hour in advance, he will receive an urgent message from Dream, and he will find the danger encountered by gentleness. Under his middle policy, tenderness will never be killed.

After confirming that Tenderness really died, Yan Fei was first distressed, then regretted, then anger. Since the Mi people dare to kill the gentle, they are incompatible with Fantasy Island and are Yan Fei's real enemies. So Yan Fei immediately had a major decision. He drove the drone to quickly float up to the surface. Then the drone completed its transformation and flew up into the air, flying in the direction of the Bermuda triangle that had just left.

After Yanyan Fei left the 1000-meter-deep ocean floor, the communication equipment of Neverland recovered its communication capabilities. Yan Fei finally contacted the artificial intelligence "Fantasy" and asked, "Fantasy, what's happening to you now?"

"Fantasy" said: "Mr. Yan Fei, I encountered the artificial intelligence that I encountered before. It has entered our Neverland network and is competing with me for control of the Neverland network. I rely on the computing power of the super photon computer. Coupled with the familiar network hardware equipment unique to Neverland, it has the upper hand in network warfare. But that artificial intelligence has the strong support of Miguo and his allies, and it has occupied the computing resources of supercomputers other than Huaxia in the world for a short time. I ’m still in conflict with me, and I ca n’t completely clear it out. So I ca n’t mobilize computing power for precise operation of Neverland ’s weapons and defense systems. ”

Wu Yanfei said: "Our Neverland system uses unique Chinese programming, and Chinese programming has not been leaked out yet. How could that artificial intelligence invade our network?"

"Fantasy" said: "I played with the artificial intelligence once before, and that time it got a part of my code, and I also got a part of its code. We have a certain understanding of the code composition of both parties. So although Our Chinese language programming has not leaked, it can still enter our Chinese language network and fight against me for so long. "

That artificial intelligence has the support of Miguo and his allies. Although it is not "dream" smart, "dream" cannot drive this artificial intelligence out of the network of Neverland in a short time, so the "dream" at this time Apart from a few abilities, it is no longer able to shoulder the defense and offensive tasks of the entire Neverland. This is also the real reason why it was found that gentleness fell into the siege and "dream" was too late to rescue.

Wu Yanfei said: "Dream, centralize all computing resources, first ensure the security of the Neverland network, and then drive that artificial intelligence out of the Neverland network."

梦幻 "Fantasy" said: "I can ensure that the other party cannot break through the network blockade, so that the other party cannot control our Neverland ’s weapons and defense systems, and strive to expel the opponent in the shortest time, and then complete the combat task you have given."

Wu Yanfei said: "Dream, I already understand your situation. But don't underestimate the enemy, you must solve the enemy in the shortest time. Now you first help me connect Lu Pingping's phone."

梦幻 "Dream" now loses the ability to precisely control the weapon, but the work of connecting the phone is not a problem for "Dream". With the help of Dream, Yan Fei contacted Lu Pingping.

As soon as the call was connected, Yan Fei heard Lu Pingping's panic voice: "A Fei, where are you? Are you okay? Come back soon and be gentle and killed by the Mi people!"

Wu Yanfei said: "Pingping, don't panic, I already know the gentle things. You listen, I want you to do something for me right away, which is very important to me."

萍 When Yan Fei left, Lu Pingping was the highest authority user of artificial intelligence “dream”. Therefore, Lu Pingping also knew very well the gentle encounter in the rice country. After finding that Gentle had been killed by the Mi people, Lu Pingping was a little bit of a god. Although she is a wizard in business and management, she still feels a little flustered when she encounters such a big event. I don't know what to do. However, after contacting Yan Fei, Lu Pingping immediately found the backbone and said, "A Fei, what do you want me to do?"

Yan Fei said: "I'm inconvenient to return to Dream Island now, so you will issue an order for me. This order is an emergency evacuation order. As long as it is a person on Dream Island, whether it is our employees or tourists, it must be evacuated immediately. Neverland. You organize the Neverland Guards and let them take charge of organizing a large evacuation of the personnel. Once any trouble is found during the evacuation, the town will proceed immediately. "

"There are a lot of people on Dream Island. Our means of transport cannot evacuate so many people at the same time, so you need to ask for help from Huaxia immediately, and let Huaxia do his best to send planes and ships to help us evacuate. If the means of transportation on Huaxia is too late, If you set off, you can also ask the world for help, and let everyone help us transfer people. "

Lu Pingping froze for a moment. She did not expect that Yan Fei's first request was actually like this. She was a little scared and said, "Afei, after all these people have evacuated, Dream Island is a dead island. What are you going to do? Ten million Don't scare me! "

Yan Fei said coldly: "The rice government just killed my wife, what can you say I can do? I can only declare war on rice. I used to deploy a lot of weapon systems on Dream Island, but the war together , I ca n’t guarantee that Neverland will be able to withstand the saturated attack of the Riceland. So for the safety of those people, I must evacuate them all. Only in this way can we reduce the casualties of Neverland. ”

Lu Pingping was a bit worried, saying: "A Fei, I am very sad to tenderly die, and I want to get revenge on the Mi people. But you can't do stupid things! Mi is the world's number one military power today, not to mention their conventional weapons There are more than 6,000 of their nuclear weapons alone. Once the full-scale war has begun, the militants will use nuclear weapons to attack you, what should you do? "

Yan Fei said: "It's all here, I can't think about it so much. The rice people dare to kill meekness, and I will make them pay. I will start a full-scale war with the rice country. As long as I am not dead, the rice people It will continue to pay a huge price, and there will never be peace. "

After a pause, Yan Fei said, "Ping Ping, I will sign an equity gift agreement ~ ~ to transfer to you all the assets and equity of the company except Dream Island. After you have issued the withdrawal order, On the first batch of Dreamliner flights to leave Fantasy Island and return to Huaxia ... if we have a chance, we will meet again. "

Lu Pingping heard Yan Fei's tone of arranging a funeral, and she was anxious, and said, "A Fei, don't be impulsive. We will discuss what matters. And the gift of equity is a big thing, I won't accept it ..."

Yan Fei said, "Once I start a war with Miguo, my company's assets will be frozen by the host country. If you do not want to accept these shares, they will be cheaper for others. Only in this way will we preserve our hard-built company You don't want to be picked by your own efforts, right? "

Lu Pingping said: "Even if this is the case, you may not lose! If you win, no one will dare to confiscate your assets. Afei, I will stand with you forever, and I am sure you will win. "

Wu Yanfei said, "I've decided, don't say more."

After I finished speaking, no matter what Lu Pingping thought, Yan Fei hung up the call with Lu Pingping and let "Dream" no longer connect with Lu Pingping's phone request.

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