Super Internet Cafes in Other Worlds

Chapter 388: Cunning Xiang Lian

The capital is a prosperous place. There has never been such a scene of overhaul and construction. The three people originally had the superiority of the people in the "city", but they saw the outer city wall that is tens of meters high and the superior superiority. All of a sudden fell to pieces.

"Interesting, I didn't expect a small Luzhou mansion to start building the outer city." Cao Baobao tut praised.

"This Luzhou Mansion is the fief of the Ninth Prince. Let's keep a low profile..." Linghu Yueming lowered his noble head.

"The Nine Prince... is just a little kid, what are you afraid of? This time we come to Luzhou Mansion to beat him upright in the competition!" Cao Baobao stretched out the back of his hand, Linghu Yueming and Shen Ming dexin taunted their hands. Get on it, shout one, two, three, come on, come on!

After entering the inner city, the low-key hearts of the few people lifted up before they knew it, and they began to talk about the shops, streets, and pavements.

Baby Cao sneered: "The poor country and the remote country are the poor country and the remote country, and the roads are all pits and bumps."

"Yes, there can only be four carriages in parallel on this city-centered avenue, and we can run twelve in parallel in the capital!"

"That's not counting. Look at these shops, they are dirty and old, and there are spider webs on the tiles..."

"Old, broken, small!"

When the three were mocking Luzhou Mansion in every possible way, a newsboy came in lightly: "Selling newspapers and selling newspapers, the latest exclusive news from Dayong Daily, Zhu Xian Jingcheng helped the lord’s baby rush to steal people in the middle of the night and was caught by her husband’s Bed, scared into impotence!"

"Hey, it's interesting, there is this funny story about this baby running fast? Little baby, give me a copy!"

"A penny!"

Baby Cao was taken aback, isn't he the leader of the Jingcheng Gang! Stealing people in the middle of the night, catching "traitors" in bed, scared into impotence, what is this?

The few scholars who gathered together to read the newspaper all smiled: "This baby is really a romantic character running fast. The carp **** water and pulls the weeping willow upside down. There are so many tricks to play with."

"Brother Cao, why does it seem that someone is slandering you?" Linghu Yueming frowned.

"It doesn't seem to be, or someone is slandering, Xiaowa, give me three copies of this look." Shen Mingde waved to the newsboy.

"Three newspapers, a total of three cents." The newsboy picked out three newspapers and looked at Shen Mingde.

"Sanwen, I don't have three cents. This is a piece of silver. You collect it, and you can buy the rest for you to eat." Shen Mingde threw him a piece of silver. The newsboy was overjoyed and bowed to thank him again and again. It took a few days for a local tyrant like this to meet one customer, but he did not expect that luck would come to him.

Shen Mingde distributed the newspaper to Linghu Yueming and Baby Cao. They found the entertainment section, and saw that Baby Cao’s game character "Sex" was actually doing indescribable things to a female "Sex" on the bed.

"I wipe it! Who secretly took this!" Baby Cao took a deep breath.

"Brother Cao, it's not a slander, it's true!" Linghu Yueming and Shen Mingde looked at each other and smiled, this baby Cao can really play.

Baby Cao's face turned black: "It's just slander. I received a job to heal Jin Ping'er. She was injured on her shoulder. I will help her wipe the rhubarb pill!" "An explanation is a cover up!"

"Brother Cao can..."

Seeing that two good friends didn’t trust him, Baby Cao simply rushed. Of course, there is nothing to explain. There are pictures and the truth. Through these pictures, you can associate some impulsive pictures from the text, with both pictures and texts. It's amazing.

"Asshole! This little kid actually slander me, my baby Cao will definitely not let him go."

"You'd better save the time, can you beat others by fighting father?" Linghu Yueming patted Baby Cao on the shoulder to show sympathy.

"Damn... **** it! Let him go first, let's go to the super internet cafe to find this so-called fairy disciple to move our wrists." Baby Cao waved his hand and slammed towards the super internet cafe.

Unfortunately, when Baby Cao arrived, Feng Li was not in the Super Internet Cafe. He was presiding over the game at the Qunfangyuan.

Baby Cao broke into the Internet cafe, slapped the newspaper on the front desk, and frightened Xiang Lian: This little fat man, how fierce he looks.

"The three sons shouldn't be regular customers of the Internet cafe, right?" Xiang Lian asked softly.

"I ask you, what kind of fairy disciple Li Feng, yes, that is Li Feng, where is he." Baby Cao has only a sound of exhaling but not inhaling, like a big water buffalo in a rice field.

"What are you looking for, Uncle?" Xiang Lian asked vigilantly when the visitor was unkind.

"It's nothing, I just want to buy him two cups of tea." Baby Cao squeezed his fist.

Xiang Lian secretly said, this little fat guy is so courageous, he actually dared to find his uncle offline pk, he was really impatient. But my uncle is busy, so he mustn't let this little fat man go and mess up the place, so he has to find a way to keep him.

She had a clue: "My son, have you played Zhu Xian? This game is our new flagship game launched by our Internet cafe. It's free. Do you want to try it."

Baby Cao was expressionless: "No, I'm looking for Li Feng."

"That son, you must have never eaten grilled intestines, do you want one." Xiang Lian opened the grilled intestine cabinet, and a refreshing smell of meat spread into the noses of the three. Baby Cao swallowed his saliva: "No..."

Before he finished speaking, Linghu Yueming and Shen Mingde rushed to say: "He doesn't want it, we want..."

The three of them held a piece of grilled sausage in each hand, one on the left and the other on the right, chewing vigorously: "Ah, it's so fragrant! Why is there no such delicious food in Beijing."

"A few of you must have never had a drink, I recommend Coke, it tastes very good!" Xiang Lian smiled, feeling that the three of them had been played by her.

"Coke? Don't say it, I haven't drunk it before. Have a drink and taste?"

"Come on!"

The three of them made a can of Coke. Xiang Lian helped them to open the tab. After taking a sip, they felt that a basin of cold water was poured all over. Nima's Coke is too good to drink, fucking, so cool!

"A few of you are hungry, there is also the most delicious Laotan Sauerkraut Beef Noodle! But today there is only the last bucket left, who wants it?"

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