Super Heavy Artillery

Vol 3 Chapter 414: Win

From the voice of the scene, we can see how much people miss the former NBA stadium.

   But I just miss it! Nothing can be set in stone. Different times have created different styles. Rationally speaking, these different styles are not good or bad. But new things will inevitably replace old things. What many people don't know is that when basketball started, a group of people shot. In the process of the continuous development of the times, you should break the old habits to try, and innovate to make your own strength stronger than other teams in the league, and walk in the avant-garde development of the basketball trend. Perhaps, when there is a team with five Durant players at the same time, the league will enter a new era. At that time, many people will miss the present.

   Two young shooting guards played against each other in the third quarter, and the score finally stayed. An Luo leads temporarily. It is difficult for him to limit the latter's breakthrough, but if he wants to score, the opponent can't do anything. Other players on both sides also tacitly opened up space for them. Even Westbrook became a "fake point guard" who took the ball through half the court.

   However, the game is not the matter of these two people. In the third quarter, the Thunder once again expanded their lead. This is due to the outstanding performance of Paul George. In the last three minutes, he scored 12 points with penalties and led the Thunder to an 18:8 offensive climax.

   In the first half of the final quarter, the Thunder's bench could not hold the Jazz's counterattack. Korver, who is always strong, made three consecutive three-pointers and the Jazz immediately pulled the situation back. Although Oklahoma City's Kanter and Grant played well, they are still a bit worse in comparison. A top three-pointer is always the sharpest arrow on the court.

   Then, the main players of both sides played again.

   This time, it was the Thunder that set off the first wave of offense. Westbrook, who reappeared on the court, passed Rubio with a CROSSOVER, then turned around Gobert and pulled the ball up with a low lever.

   This offense proved once again that Westbrook, who rushed up, could not be prevented. Of course, except for fouls.

   Looking back, the Thunder began to defend. The Jazz still want to pull off the Thunder's defense through the pick and roll, and then get a shot. Pick-and-roll tactics have long been melted into the flesh and blood of Salt Lake City.

   Rubio easily broke into the inside after Gobert's cover, and Gobert went down immediately. But under Adams's defense, it was difficult for Rubio to pass the ball to the opponent. He can only hit the basket and complete the layup. Unfortunately, under the interference of Adams, basketball has not been able to score.

   Westbrook rushed to the hoop and desperately grabbed a rebound. Then quickly took the ball out of the three-point line and launched a counterattack. In the blink of an eye, Westbrook and Paul George crossed the three-point line. However, the Jazz's retreat was not slow, Rubio and Ingles followed the two closely. Anlow and Mitchell are on the three-point line, and Adams and Gobert have not passed the center line. Whether it is passed to Anlo or Paul George, the chances are not particularly good! Westbrook then took the ball around the basket, then handed it over to Paul George for the latter to handle it. At this time An Luo accelerated and ran to the right around the three-point line. Mitchell, who was following him, was blocked by Adams, who was late. Paul George saw An Luo, he passed the ball directly without hesitation. An Luo, who received the ball, will naturally not miss the opportunity to face the open. He didn't waste Paul George's pass, opened his hand and scored a three-pointer, hollowing out the net.

   Mitchell saw that An Luo was starting again, and he felt that he could not lag behind. So in the next offense, he stood up and asked for the ball. In fact, his position is not particularly good, but with his personal ability, he successfully broke through Anlo and the Thunder's internal defense and scored the ball. He played very hard and didn't care how many people were in the Thunder basket and plunged in. You can score the ball between toss and toss, it's really bold for an artist!

   The fans on the scene greeted him with enthusiastic cheers and applause. Just when everyone thought the confrontation in the third quarter was staged again, Mitchell suddenly turned off. Actually, Mitchell had a very prominent problem throughout the game. That is the shooting percentage from beyond the three-point line is too bad. His breakthroughs, mid-range shots and even free throws were perfect, just not three-pointers.

   People with outstanding ability are very proud. And proud people are undoubtedly very confident, even conceited. After seeing Anlo hit a three-pointer in this quarter, Mitchell tried again. It was this attempt and the problem came out!

   Originally, the Jazz needed Mitchell to use his breakthrough to tear the Thunder's defense line, while scoring, to create opportunities for Ingles, Rubio and other outstanding three-pointers. But when Mitchell started shooting three-pointers himself, it was not right.

   In this case, the Thunder directly hit a 23:9 offensive climax ~ ~ Snyder's timeout, although Mitchell recognized his problems, but it was too late. The Thunder had already played that momentum, and it was very difficult for them to get back.

   In the final stage, Mitchell went into the inside and caused damage in an attempt to make up for it. But Anluo made two consecutive three-pointers, so that his hope was vanished.

   In the end, the Thunder won a surprise victory in Salt Lake City. Coupled with the recent big victory, the Jazz have not yet been able to win a victory in the hands of the Thunder.

   Mitchell played 38 minutes in this game, surrendering 29 points, 5 rebounds, 3 assists and 1 steal. There is no doubt that this is quite a dazzling statistic, especially for a second-year player. The only eye-catching three-pointer is 1 of 6 shots. However, this is still much inferior to An Luo, who played a whole game with him.

   36 points, 2 rebounds, 3 assists and 2 steals. The overall shooting percentage is as high as 70%! In the matter of scoring, An Luo has always been the best.

   After the game, Anluo and Mitchell, a pair of "low-matched" super shooting guards, gave a friendly hug. In the arena, it is a tit-for-tat opponent. When the game is over, it is a good friend. In the NBA, the relationship between players off the court is much better than everyone has seen.

   "Ann, you won tonight! You played great, three-pointers are too accurate! But next time, you won't have such good luck!"

   "You are great too! It is a pity that you missed the game last time in Oklahoma. Otherwise, I would have beaten you twice!"


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