Super Heavy Artillery

Vol 3 Chapter 337: Win

With a 15-point lead, the two sides began the final quarter of the competition.

Paul George rested off the court for a while, Donovan is not Tylen Lue, he will not let his players stay on the court. However, without Paul George's defense, James is more relaxed! This also caused the Cavaliers to set off a wave of counterattacks. All the Thunder people were startled by a cold sweat.

Once the Thunder came up, they scored a goal. It was Adams who scored the goal. After he blocked George Hill for Westbrook at the top of the arc, he kept stuck in his TT and was walked away by Westbrook. So, his opportunity came. Adams went straight to the basket without saying a word. At this time, Westbrook has not been able to get rid of the TT that has switched defenses. Going too deep, there is no room to move! He subconsciously looked back for Adams, and after seeing the latter, he immediately threw the ball in the direction of the basket. At this point, Adams was ready. After Westbrook made the ball, he flew directly, pressing George Hill and TT, and pressing the ball into the basket.

A very typical pick-and-roll cooperation, Westbrook and Adams are quite familiar with this. It was so blast when it first came up, but it made the fans very happy to watch it. However, the next few minutes really made everyone very depressed.

Looking back, Love followed the free throw line to the top of the arc, and after making a pick-and-roll for James before the three-point line, he pulled directly outside the three-point line. Brewer and Robertson both chased after James, and Love was emptied in an instant. With James' passing ability and vision, it is natural to seize this opportunity. He looked back at the moon and handed the ball to Love. After the latter receives the ball, the chance is very good. The Thunder player closest to him is also two meters away. He can even dribble the ball on the spot, then pull it up and throw it out.

The basketball hit Xuan'er, crossed a high arc, and fell into the net.

Love's three-pointers are still very accurate. The Thunder did a good job defensively against him before, but this time it was obviously that Robertson and Brewer did not communicate well. In the face of the pick and roll, both of them chased James.

Looking back, An Luo got a chance at the three-point line. His three-point shooting rate in this game is quite high. But this time I missed it! Of course, this time the opportunity to shoot is not good. Westbrook broke through to the basket by himself, but he didn't have any good chances. The other Thunder players were not in a good position either, so he took the basketball to go around inside, and finally pulled out the three-point line to relaunch the offense. This time, Westbrook rushed in under the cover of Adams. However, the Cavaliers' players suddenly received the basket tightly, making Westbrook very uncomfortable when he entered. In the end, he did not choose to hit hard, but instead split the ball beyond the three-point line and gave it to An Luo. After the latter receives the ball, time is running out. Although JR's defensive position is good, he still shot decisively. In order to avoid being destroyed by the opponent, he can only improve his shooting arc.

With this adjustment, the ball was lost! Facts have proved that for a player who is good at three-pointers, the feeling of shooting is the most important. In many cases, the more sensible, the less likely to invest.

Love grabbed the rebound, and they got a chance to close the score. This time it is not James who holds the ball. George Hill circled the three-point line for most of the time, and suddenly changed direction and squeezed Westbrook away to the basket. On the defensive end, Adams has always stayed at the basket. Seeing George Hill coming, he stepped out of the reasonable collision zone ahead of time and waited for Hill. Unexpectedly, the latter threw the ball to the sky directly.

If it weren't for James, who then fell from the sky, the ball would be very ridiculous. But even James is very reluctant to complete this air connection. Fortunately, it's James, it's really difficult to complete it as someone else.

After the ball, Donovan hurriedly called a timeout. Although they are still leading by double digits, the players are somewhat loose. This is not a good phenomenon! Not to mention in the finals, even in an ordinary regular season, as soon as the players relax in the game, they are likely to lose the game.

Donovan's face was sullen and criticized these players.

"Guys, this is the finals! Our opponent is a superstar who has reached the finals for eight consecutive years. But we are a little lax now! Yes, we are leading by more than ten points, but so what? We caught up in just one round! We need to stay focused and careless. I don’t think everyone wants to lose the game because of their slack, right?"

After a few words the players are on the stage again. After Paul George rested for a few minutes, he returned to the game. The Thunder finally used all their strength!

A change of Paul George came up, and the situation on the court immediately changed. The tacit understanding that came out of the season has reduced the pressure on Anlow and Westbrook a lot. Especially on the defensive end, the defenses of Robertson, Paul George and Anlow put James once again in a situation where wolves are surrounded by wolves. Regardless of James, even Love and JR gradually fell silent.

After the strength of the defensive end is up, even the offensive end is much smoother. After Anlo hit a three-pointer again, the Thunder re-opened the point difference to 15 points. Moreover, they kept this point difference until the last minute of the game.

James worked hard! He played until two minutes before the end of the game. It is impossible to regain the 16-point difference in two minutes. Therefore, Taryn Lue replaced James and surrendered early.

The moment James left the field, Chesapeake Energy Arena burst into deafening applause. This is a compliment to James, this is a recognition of a 33-year-old veteran. Afterwards, everyone began to cheer unscrupulously. This season, the Thunder not only reached the finals, but also won the first game. They really feel the breath of the championship!

After James left the field, Donovan also replaced Anlow, Westbrook, Paul George and other major players. Similarly, they were greeted with endless cheers and cheers.

In the end, the Thunder defeated the Cavaliers 105:92 and temporarily led 1:0 in the finals.

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