Super Gene Optimization Fluid

Chapter 292: Turn off the engine!

Chapter 292 Shut down the engine!

The ten beacons are like a huge sphere, distributed up, down, left, and right. This is where the battleship is parked. There is a bright red laser beacon a little further away, which reminds players of the edge of the field. If they accidentally drive the battleship out of the game The stipulated range will be found to be in violation of the rules, thus losing the qualification to continue to participate. Read novel[\'\'] free text update! (Read novel)

In the command room, Xia Fei issued a series of preparation instructions. The major functional systems of the warship quickly began to operate. The hidden missile launcher under the deck was raised, and the black hole's launch tube pointed directly at the starry sky.

The numbers on the light curtain are still counting down. Xia Fei took the time to order himself a Red Pagoda Mountain. Once the game started, the first thing to do was to avoid getting into a group melee, wandering around the edge to find a fighter, and finding the opportunity to destroy the enemy without hesitation. .

This series of combat concepts is simple but actually not easy. The combat range is 2,000 kilometers long and wide. If such a volume is placed on the earth, it will be crowned with terms such as huge and huge, but this is a vast universe. Flying is not a car but a space warship. In such a small space, you only need to gently push the acceleration rudder to reach the end, and if you don’t pay attention, it will float away from the field, not to mention the lock must be completed in such a small space. , A series of tactical actions such as attack, defense, etc., cannot win without an outstanding basic skill.

Speaking of which, in all competitions of the Golden Finger Cup, battleship competitions and search competitions are the only ones that will examine the player's ability to control the battleship. The rest of the competitions are purely technical issues.

In fact, the Association of Mechanics often encounters doubts. It is clearly a competition of mechanics. Why should we investigate the battleship control? This is not consistent with the mechanic's main job of repairing?

The answer to the mechanics association is this, "A pilot who does not understand the battleship really feels the martial arts. The Holy King made the sacred king to kill the night. The **** throne seals the throne. The Throne of Gods and Gods, the Destiny of the Nine Heavens, the strongest abandonment of the young Zhou Dynasty's martial Qiankun will kill the God of the Gods Seal, the Throne of the Gods, the strongest abandoned the young Zhou Dynasty, the gods will kill the night Jiuzhongtian's strongest mechanic who abandoned the young Zhou Dynasty is not a qualified mechanic, at least not excellent."

Xia Fei thinks this sentence is very reasonable, assuming that the mechanic only knows to repair and modify, instead of asking whether the result of the modification is reasonable, whether the battleship pilot feels smooth in the specific use process, which is a departure from the basic mechanic Missionary.

No matter how good the battleship needs to be driven, the mechanic’s responsibility is to make the battleship operate more efficiently and do its utmost to give full play to the battleship’s combat effectiveness, rather than let the pilot be confused, holding the operation manual all day to study how to make the battleship move stand up.

Fortunately, Xia Fei is both an excellent warship driver and a qualified warship refitter. There is no problem of adaptability. All the operation keys are installed in the position where he is most accustomed to, within reach and seamless.

"Five. Four. Three. Two. One, drop"

With the end of the countdown on the light curtain, a green light is on in the command room and the game has started

"Fire control system locks all targets"

"Target Marking Device Warm Up"

"Energy shield booster is running, ready to replenish shield energy value"

"Tracking radar starts to capture the other party's locking information"

"Ion deflection radar monitors the power of the opposing engine"

Xia Fei issued a series of instructions at the first time. These commands were all primary instructions for monitoring the opponent and preparing to attack, but he was not busy and immediately started the attack.

In this kind of melee battle, an excellent battleship commander must keep awake, analyze his situation, and calculate the most reasonable attack timing.

From the perspective of command science, the first thing Xia Fei did was to pull himself out of the battlefield and observe from the overall perspective. After all, it was a ten-person scuffle, regardless of enemy or friend.

"Alert warship has been locked. Warship has been locked."

Xia Fei stunned slightly, glancing at the anti-monitoring light curtain, and saw that the nine warships locked themselves at almost the same time, and they were in an unlocked state with each other.

"Assholes, they want to work together to deal with you" Ghost shouted anxiously.

Xia Fei didn't say a word, and the rudder turned sharply to the left, and the right hand pushed violently on the speed control lever.

The facts are right in front of the eyes, and even the most pessimistic audience will never think that a crazy nine-on-one situation appeared at the beginning of the game, which is also incredible. Obviously these people have already negotiated before the start of the game.

"It fired, fired nine Kestrel-class frigates and fired at Xia Fei at the same time, according to the calculation of four missile launchers per ship, that is, 36 missiles. Xia Fei was about to receive a simultaneous attack of 36 missiles. The Kestrel-class frigate is not fast enough for evasion operations. There is no doubt that all 36 missiles will hit 100%. Can Xia Fei hold it?" the race commentator said nervously.

"It is completely impossible to choose to use the escape cabin to escape now is the only option. If you continue to insist on it, you will have an accident and don't support it." Another female narrator with glasses said.

The audience all stood up and stared nervously at the light curtain. The thirty-six missiles in the black star sky flew through like a meteor swarm. The distance of 1,000 kilometers for these missiles only took about ten seconds to fly. Enough, kindly praying that Xia Fei can escape this robbery, and more people are expecting a splendid firework in Xinghai.

"Aim at target number one and release"

The opponent’s missile was just released, and Xia Fei immediately launched a counterattack

It is a pity that he only released four missiles, and the two sides seemed very alone.

"Get ready for the escape pod. We can't withstand the attack of 36 missiles at the same time, even if equipped with an energy shield booster," Ghost shouted nervously.

But Xia Fei didn't react, and his eyes were still.

"The missile system is loaded," the icy female voice of the intelligent computer prompted.


The second round of missiles was released again. Xia Fei seemed to be desperate. Even if he crashed himself, he would have to kill a few enemies.

It's a pity that Xia Fei is attacking and the opponent is also attacking, and the enemy's firepower is far stronger than Xia Fei

"Target Marking System Started"


A dark red beam burst out and enveloped an enemy battleship.

The target marking device is specially designed to cooperate with the missile system, and it can enlarge the enemy's signal radius by 50%.

The missile's fully automatic tracking system is precisely tracking the opponent's signal action. The larger the signal radius, the more accurate the missile's hit and the greater the lethality.

"The first round of the alarm attack will hit after 4.3 seconds" The computer sounded again, but this time the tone was obviously much more rapid

"The medium-sized proton bomb is ready to switch to manual operation," Xia Fei shouted loudly.

Even without looking at the light curtain, the flames getting closer and closer outside the portholes are reminding that the Xiafei missile is approaching

"Is Xia Fei crazy to neither dodge nor enable the escape capsule"

"After this time he will never escape"

The narrator's tone was full of sorrow, it seems that Xia Fei has been determined to be dead, but Xia Fei in the command room stared firmly at the radar system. There was a circle of circles, and each circle was his own battle. Radius, thirty-six points of light are passing through an aperture and approaching Xia Fei.

The index finger and **** are slightly moving. Xia Fei puts his fingertip on the two red buttons. With only one finger, the medium-sized proton bomb will be released in an instant.

The television broadcaster placed a countdown clock in the upper right corner of the light curtain to inform the time when the missile hit.




Countless viewers silently counted down with the beating of the second hand, many people's hearts stopped beating at this moment


Thirty-six missiles burst apart almost simultaneously

Only a fiery red light swept through the light curtain, and the explosion effect of 36 high-explosive missiles at the same time can be called an amazing black starry sky.

"Hit, I don’t know if Xia Fei can escape from this violent explosion"

The light flashed by, and unexpectedly, the battleship Xia Fei was still flying, even the armor was not damaged.

This is simply amazing. An escort-class battleship can withstand the simultaneous attack of 36 missiles and all hits have completely exceeded people's awareness of the battleship.

Assuming that Xia Fei is driving a cruiser-class battleship, it may be understandable, but this is just a frigate, a frigate known for its weak defense performance. How did he carry such a intensive attack?

"Do not stop the missile launcher and continue to work. The target marking device locks the next target and gives me a fierce fight."

Xia Fei's eyes were slightly crimson, and he growled and said, "Don't blame me, then don't blame me for not showing mercy"

After releasing only two rounds of eight missiles in total, Xia Fei turned his muzzle and aimed at the second target.


The four missiles exploded on the enemy ship. Due to the supplementary marking system, the effect of the attack was very good. The warship that was hit was smoked, firepower, defense, and lost for the final evolution. .

But Xia Fei did not intend to let him go, the second round of missiles was already on the road

"The radar system captured the signal source as the number 11079 warship and requested instructions." The main control computer reported.

"This is the enemy's command ship. As long as we shoot it down, it will definitely cause chaos for the other party. Xia Fei is an opportunity," Ghost said eagerly.

"Adjust this enemy ship to the end of the attack sequence, I want him to live till the end" Xia Fei Shen Sheng ordered.

"Don't take the risk, we have the opportunity to defeat the other party's command and disrupt the deployment. Why would you let him go?" Ghost shouted in confusion and eagerness.

"Leave it off?" Xia Fei snorted coldly, "Don't want to leave any of these people today"


The voice did not fall, the enemy’s second round of missile attack was approaching, and Xia Fei’s battleship wavered

"Report the damage"

"The energy shield failed completely, with 13% damage to the armor system and 2% damage to the structure."

"Turn off the engine and concentrate all the energy to the shield backlash system proton bomb to replenish the energy again"

"It is the proton bomb that will complete the energy replenishment after 4.5 seconds."

The ghost's face was pale, so that he fell down on the ground.

"Xia Fei, are you going to shut down the engine to sit still and wait to die?" Ghost Shadow asked in a deep voice.

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