Super Gene Optimization Fluid

Chapter 1556: I am going to hell! Don't stop me!

Tianyi quickly began to act. Since the ant demon came from the lower realm to the middle realm, of course, he would also know how to enter the lower realm, but the process of crossing the two realms was very tortuous, and he could not use the battleship, which would bring many to Tianyi. trouble.

The space ring is stuffed with all the necessary materials, food, weapons, various crystals with magical energy along the way, the Buddha travels with his beloved tea set, and the water element means that he does not need anything, they take energy from nature , Never need to eat.

Tianyi didn't notify his partner in Shenlu, Xia Geng explained this as a check and balance of strength.

"I don't believe that Ant Demon would be so kind. Tianyi has been fighting him for many years. It is too clear that the stinky ant's character. Once we go to the lower realm, he will definitely make waves in the middle realm, Hailingzi they stay, It can prevent Ant Demon from expanding too fast, but the key is our progress. I hope to find your father quickly, these guys, I don’t know where I am going." Xia Geng said to Xia Fan.

Counting Xia Fan and Buddhism, the last team of Tianyi is a total of 63 people, one third is the speed system of the surname Xia, and two thirds are the partners who follow Tianyi. Although everyone is ready to go, everyone is in the heart. They are all a little uneasy, because Ant Demon said that not everyone is eligible to enter the lower realm, and the barrier between the two realms will stop some people.

The ant demons unexpectedly told Tianyi how to stabilize the time of the universe door, only need to sprinkle a drop of blood on the ban, and then you can return to the correct date and reunite with your bloodline relatives.

After hearing this news, Fo You returned to Cangyue again to visit Yin Shui'er and his newborn son. He buried his face deeply between Yin Shui'er's long black hair and kept kissing his son. The happiness of being a father for the first time completely surrounded the Buddha tour.

"You still stay, don't go to the Nether with us."

Xia Fan persuaded Buddha Tour to stay and take care of his young son, but Buddha Tour refused the proposal, claiming that the man's ambition was in the Quartet, and the lower realm seemed to be a very interesting place. He had to go and see, Xia Fan could not persuade He had nodded and agreed.

In a normal morning, a team of 63 people set off. For the world of thousands, there is not much nostalgia for everyone. In simple terms, here is a collection of all universes. Through the Divine Road, each universe is connected, each one The universe is a world.

The lower realm in the description of Ant Demon is a magical and incredible place. After the death of intelligent life, the soul will be reborn in the lower realm, but the living people want to go to the lower realm, they need to cross a turbulent river, Styx.

Xia Di showed extraordinary excitement, not many words, like a little boy who is quiet and alone, and has a stronger interest in the lower realm than everyone. Xia Fan has seen him listen to the speeches of adults for several times. Exuded, his fists clenched quietly.

Even the sound of his flute became cheerful, and there was an eager hope in the melodious tune. For several consecutive nights, Xia Di played the music on the top floor of the base. Those tracks have never been heard by anyone in the past, let alone People taught him.

Once, Xia Fan couldn't help but ask Xia Di why he was going to the lower realm, which would make him so excited.

Xia Di said that he did not know why, but as soon as he heard the name of the lower realm and thought of crossing the Stygian river, his mood was full of longing, just as Xia Fan revealed when he first heard his father's name. Kind of emotion.

In addition to music, Xia Di also began to draw some weird patterns. A high mountain, the top of the mountain was covered with snow, the clouds showed a wonderful holy ring, and a large river was divided into two from the middle, black and white, and the sky was connected in the distance. A towering waterfall, a magic light curtain floats in the middle of the river.

As the leader of the Tianyi Legion, Xia Geng became more and more worried after deciding to go to the lower realm. He always had the courage to explore. The persevering character of Xia Geng. Recently, he was very grumpy because of a small thing during the meal. In the face of everyone, the two water elements were scolded.

Stars in the water and Moon in the water are blunt temperaments. They were scolded and had no idea. They cried quietly from the back and felt very wronged. Xia Geng found them both afterwards and frankly lost his temper because he was really stressed. Now, the kind element of water immediately expressed understanding and worked harder than ever.

Gradually, everyone began to hide from Xia Geng, avoiding his bad temper. Xia Fan learned from the only words and phrases that the family brother occasionally revealed that Xia Geng's recent irritability may be related to a woman.

The woman not only has a stunning beauty all over the world, but also has a very rare personality, sometimes gentle, greets each brother with a sweet smile as if the spring breeze brushed her cheeks, her body fragrance lasts for a long time, and can stay in the air for a long time. For a long time, even a few years after the woman left, everyone still occasionally saw Xia Geng holding the handkerchief she left behind, sad in a cold night.

But there are times when women will sleepwalk, alone, wearing thin pajamas, walking through the corridor, laughing in the silence, the laughter will make the bravest Tianyi warriors goose ~People say that women's laughter is like a call from hell.

The woman's name is Mei Mei. She and Xia Geng are not married. Xia Di is the illegitimate child of the two. Shortly after Xia Di's birth, Mei Mei left Xia Geng. She suddenly shouted in the sleepwalking state: "I'm going Hell! Don’t stop me!"

Then, she went crazy, grabbed the warship with the shockwave engine, rushed into Shenlu, and never returned. Xia Geng, holding her newly born Xia Di, stood in the landing area of ​​the base and waited for three years.

During those three years, Xia Geng did not participate in any battle. The investigation team was completely led by Xia Yu. He didn’t care about anything that happened in the family, and he also forgot that he had a son, like a fool who was lost. Hope that the woman named Mei Mei will come back to find him.

Everyone was afraid to touch Xia's more fragile nerve, and did not bother until one day, three-year-old Xia Di came to his father. Compared with children of the same age, Xia Di spoke very late, and the three-year-old Xia Di called out that day. Dad, so Xia Geng burst into tears, hugged Xia Di in his arms, and vowed to forget that the woman named Mei Mei would live for his son from now on.

It was four years in a blink of an eye. In four years, Xia behaved more normally. He fought more vigorously than in the past, drinking the strongest wine, eating the hottest barbecue, his refreshing face shocked the family, Xia Fei and Xia Gucheng were already in Consider letting Xia Geng and Xia Donghai and other top fighters lead Tianyi's most important main battle legion.

However, to this day, when deciding to go to a place called Nether, also called Hell, Xia Geng began to malfunction again, maybe he could never forget that Mei Mei said when he left that dark night if.

"I'm going to hell! Don't stop me!"

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