Super Gene Optimization Fluid

Chapter 1401: Fierce struggle

The mysterious black suitcase of the MIB has become the focus of the moment.

The old man asked Huang Rong to open the box for inspection. Of course, Huang Rong refused, because it was a military asset, and Liang Fara, a senior investigator from the Secret Service, was obviously on Huang Rong's side.

"Dad, don't deceive people too much. The military's assets cannot be viewed by anyone." Liang Fara licked her lips with her tongue and said poorly.

Dad Jerry laughed, "How did the Secret Service become a random person? Do you bear the responsibility of the criminals who prevent the Secret Service from investigating the case?"

Liang Fara was stunned. According to the Union Law, all cases involving crimes by superpowers were handled by the Secret Service, including the military. Assuming that Jerry would report the matter up, even the military might support it. Father Jerry’s opinion, after all, the military did not want to be suspected by the Secret Service.

Just when the two sides were deadlocked, Huang Rong suddenly caught a glance at his men. When even a soldier in casual clothes lifted the box from the corner, he put it in front of Jerry.

Huang Rong said: "A search can be done, but there must be a saying, what if the evidence is not found?"

The old man looked at Xia Fan, and Xia Fan said with a rather mysterious smile on his face: "I dare to use my head to guarantee that the evidence must be in the box."


Huang Rong smiled and waved his hand, "You can't afford this responsibility, dad, what do you say?"

The dad called Deng, who was nicknamed the man in black, to his side, and said to him with a serious face: "Go and see what is in the box. If there is no evidence, I will retire."

Colleagues of the Bureau of Investigation stunned, Dad bet on himself!

Qin Zimo looked at Xia Fan and seemed to complain to him. After all, Dad did this because Xia Fan's reason was that if he could not find the evidence, Xia Fan could not blame him.

Deng frowned, but he didn't talk much. He always wore a black trench coat on his body, and he didn't change it all year round, so everyone called him a man in black.

Xia Fan felt that the most mysterious of all investigators in the Secret Service was Dunn. He was always out of the bureau and did not know what he was busy with. Chen Chen was Deng’s partner, but Deng always kept Chen Chen alone. Still in the game.

The box was opened, Dunn took black gloves and took out the contents one by one, and the secret service's face was getting more and more ugly.


Deng glanced inside the box at last, then shook his head silently at his father, indicating that there was nothing stolen from the safe, and then he gave Xia Fan a fierce look, his eyes seemed to swallow Xia Fan for life. .

Huang Rong chuckled and said with pride: "You should be stubborn now? Daddy, I'm a bit busy today. Looking back, Lao Liang and I invite you to drink."

Dad's overweight body shook slightly, and then he closed his eyes unwillingly. He never thought that his career ended like this, while others, including Chu Yan, stared with blame. Xia Fan.


Just listen to Xia Fan with a smile: "Slow down."

"What else do you want to do!?" Liang Fara said angrily: "There is nothing stolen in the safe!"

Xia Fan said in a hurry: "I didn't expect to find something stolen in the box. What I was really looking for was this."

After all, Xia Fan stepped out of everyone's astonishing eyes and took out a transparent glass bottle from a pile of boxes. When he picked up the bottle, Huang Rong's face changed and he clenched quietly. Fist up.

Coming to a wall in the living room, Xia Fan gently touched the wall with his hand and smiled and said, "The murderer left important information on the wall, but some people rushed to the wall with a special chemical potion before we came. The writing on it is erased. If you don’t believe it, you can test it."

"Unauthorized erasure of key evidence, you are waiting to go to the military court."

After Xia Fan finished, he reached out and pulled out a sealed bag from his pocket, put away the bottle of chemical potion, and gave it to Chu Yan.

It was even fooled by Xia Fan!

Xia Fan did say that there was evidence in the box, but did not say which kind of evidence.

What he was looking for was not the stolen items in the safe, but the potion!

Liang Fara's eyes were dull, and Huang Rong's complexion turned from white to red, and eventually turned to blue.

"Boy, you have it." Chen Chen came to Xia Fan excitedly and patted his back.

Although Xia Fan found the key potion to prove the military's erasure, the father's face was more dignified than before.

He stared at Huang Rong, "Why do you do this? What is there on this wall?"

Huang Rong raised his eyelids, shrugged his shoulders, and said nothing. All the military personnel immediately became dumb just like Huang Rong. No matter how the dad asked, they didn't say anything.

"If you go on like this, you all have to go to the military court, is it worth it?"

The dad asked again, they remained silent and seemed determined to hide the truth.

Xia Fan said lightly: "Dad, besides them, there is the maid who found the scene. She may have seen something on the wall. Now the maid is taking notes at the local police station."

Jerry nodded, "Qin Zimo, let the police station send witnesses to the station."

Qin Zimo nodded, walked out of the living room, and called the police station in the hallway.

Not much time, he frowned and returned to the living room, lying softly in the ear of his father.

"Dead!?" Dad listened, stunned.


Chu Yan was really told that the Secret Service is best when there is nothing to do, as long as there is something, it must be a big event.

Six MIB personnel were detained. They belonged to the military department and needed to report to the headquarters and the military department. These things alone were enough to make the office busy.

As for Liang Fara, the father only reported his situation to the General Administration, and restricted his personal freedom, and did not go into custody.

The site investigation was handed over to Chen Chen and Deng En. Qin Zimo was responsible for escorting Huang Rong and others back to the bureau. Xia Fan and Chu Yan were sent to investigate the scene where the maid was killed.

The maid is Bai Dongmei, who is 47 years old and lives in a low-end community 3.7 kilometers away from Wu Jie’s home. It is a mother of five children. His husband works in a construction company and his income is not high. Very poor.

Wu Jie and his wife were born in the military and were in good health. They didn't need other people to take care of them. But because their children were too busy working, they sent all three grandchildren to their old couples. So they asked Bai Dongmei to take care of cooking and take care of their children.

The police took her to the bureau to make notes. When passing through a tunnel while driving, the vehicle suddenly lost control and rammed into a large truck approaching. The police car caught fire due to the collision. The two policemen plus Bai Dongmei died at the scene. The driver of the large truck was also taken to the local hospital because of serious injuries. He is still in a coma.

After investigating the scene, when Xia Fan and Chu Yan returned to the bureau, it was already one o'clock in the afternoon. Father Jerry decided to immediately hold a plenary meeting to summarize all aspects.

The Breton Special Service Branch counts as Jerry’s father, and there are only six investigators, so even if all gathered in the conference room, it still looks a bit deserted.

Dad frowned at the center of the conference table and said, "Dun, you speak first."

So Dunn, who was wearing a black trench coat, nodded and tapped his finger on the remote control to release the high-resolution photos taken on the spot.

"It's miserable." Deng pinched his fingers and said, "The two old men and the three children, as Xia Fan reasoned, were all executed. The children had bruises on their knees. Obviously the murderer let them in Knelt in the living room for at least thirty minutes before killing them."

"There are tears in the blood on the floor. The three children shed them. They were obviously scared by the murderer."

"Then the murderer left his knife with his left hand and wiped their necks one by one, starting with the youngest child and finally Wu Jie. That is to say, Wu Jie was executed only after watching his grandson and wife killed. The murderer felt that it was not addictive to just kill Wu Jie, so he was psychologically tortured."

"Being able to easily control Wu Jie, who has a mid-level constellation, shows that the murderer has a high level and a strong combat effectiveness, but there is one thing I don’t understand. This murderer is so cruel and has a deep hatred with Wu Jie. Why did he just wipe Wu Jie? A family's neck, but did not insult the body?"

"Assuming that there is really hatred, it is more revenge to kill Wu Jie's corpse, right?"

Silence in the conference room, Xia Fan said lightly: "If the murderer is a soldier, this matter will make sense."

"Why?" Deng asked puzzled, everyone turned their eyes to Xia Fan.

Xia Fandao said: "I saw it in the book. The third volume of the Alliance’s Military Cultural Studies and the memoirs of Rika’s multi-cosmopolitan Fourth World War are recorded. From the beginning of the First World War, the troops of the three major alliances , A habit of exchanging remains was formed."

"During the war, soldiers will regularly hand over their bodies so that soldiers who have died in war can be sent back to their hometowns to settle down. The humiliation of corpses is strictly prohibited, and the soldiers are regarded as a cowardly act. Keep it until today."

"So the murderer is a soldier?" Chen Chen asked, scratching his curly blond hair.

Xia Fan was undecided, "Wu Jie joined the army at the age of seventeen and has worked in the army all his life. His social connections and friends are also in the army."

"Deng En said just now that the murderer let the Wu family of five people kneel on the ground for half an hour. During this time, the child was scared and terrible, but the murderer did not even have a little sympathy or panic. This cruel and Calmness is obviously not something ordinary criminals can do."

The dad didn't say a word for a while. After thinking over, he asked Xia Fan: "What clues are there for the Wu's maid?"

Xia Fandao said: "The corpse has been burnt to ash. Chu Yan and I found a pair of black diamond earrings from the charred floating car. After inspection, they were worn by the woman Wu Jie. They belonged to the token when the two were engaged. They were purchased at the time. The price is 268,800 yuan, and the transaction record can be found in the archives of the Jeweler Union."

"If there is no accident, the maid with the surname Bai is not a good person. She came to the Wu family in the early morning and found that all five of her family were dead, so she dared to steal the precious earrings of the old lady. "

"So it's impossible for Liang Fara to conclude that money robbing and murder are impossible, and that the expensive jewelry on the corpse doesn't but stole the things in the safe? This is really strange enough."

"What is even more bizarre is that the vehicles now have an accident prevention system. All security measures of the police car actually failed, and it accelerated to the oncoming large truck. It must be suspicious."

"What do you mean?" Chu Yan asked nervously.

Xia Fan said helplessly: "Obviously, there has always been a force that is preventing us from approaching the truth. If there is no accident, this force must be related to the military even if it is not the military."

"I suggest that Huang Rong be interrogated overnight with veritaserum. He must know something."

Spit the real agent! ?

Everyone is stunned. Veritaserum is a powerful chemical medicine. Once taken, the brain will lose control, no matter what questions you ask, you will know everything.

However, at the same time that it is powerful, it also has huge side effects, which causes the user to be in a trance. If it is serious, it will also induce mental illness and endanger life.

Although Huang Rong has been detained by the Secret Service, he is, after all, a member of the military. Using veritaserum on him may cause strong dissatisfaction from the military.

At this moment, Father Jerry suddenly slammed the table and said in a firm tone: "That's it, Deng En, you go to the warehouse to extract the veritin, Qin Zimo, Xia Fan, you go with me In the interrogation room, if Huang Rong still does not explain, give him an injection."



Everyone stood up, and at this moment, the door of the meeting room was suddenly opened, and Liang Fara walked in with a sullen face, looked around them, and placed a fax with the Secret Service logo on Father Jerry. In front of you.

"This is the appointment and removal order of the General Administration. I'm sorry dad. From now on, you are fired." Liang Fara said hoarsely.

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