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: It is really compelling, I have to ask for a day off.

>Some brothers may scold, isn’t it OK, won’t you ask for leave when you go home? You are unbelievable.

A while ago, the coughing was almost vomiting blood. Jiuer thought that it was lung cancer, so he went home with a heavy heart. Upon inspection, he found that it was not cancer but acute tracheal inflammation, which avoided the fatal scourge of terminal illness. Hanging the bottle, taking medicine is always inevitable.

The medicine was very stimulating. For the first two days, Jiu'er felt uncomfortable after pulling out the needle. He couldn't breathe and took some oxygen in the hospital before going home.

Feelings of vomiting were so strong that I couldn't eat, and although my coughing was less severe, my lungs still hurt badly.

Ask for another day of cheeky face, everyone understands it.

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