Chapter 486: Eternal Shame

"Please go this way." An old electronic synthesized voice suddenly sounded at this time.

Hami hurriedly walked over and said, "Uncle Cockroach, are you okay?"

It sounded very much like a conversation between two passers-by on the street. What made Xia Fei confused was that besides Hami, the other voice came from nowhere. There seemed to be no one on the other side.

I saw Hami holding a mechanical beetle from the ground in his hand with a very respectful attitude.

This mechanical bug looks like a cockroach. It is larger than ordinary mechanical bugs, about the size of a fist, and not much different from the cockroach on Xia Fei's shoulder. A pair of small eyes stared at Xia Fei flickeringly.

The leader of the dove faction is actually an insect?

"This is Xia Fei, and this is the leader of the dove robots, Meng Tian."

Ghost Shadow said amusedly: "Mengtian? The name is quite impressive, but it's a pity that it's just a cockroach."

"It's better to call me Uncle Cockroach. I'm more accustomed to this title now." Meng Tian said in an old voice.

Hami said: "Uncle was a well-known robotics expert back then, Engineer Xi who was beside the Guardian Goddess. The reason why he became like this is Xana's fault. She sent people to destroy the uncle's body. Fortunately, the uncle still has another use. The mechanical cockroach was used as a backup for the experiment, so his thoughts and memories were preserved.”

Xia Fei nodded slightly. The robot's body can be replaced at any time. As long as the intelligent system and memory are intact, the robot can appear in any appearance. It seems that this cockroach used to be a great person, but now it borrows a mechanical Just a bug body.

Meng Tian said: "That was all a long time ago. Let's get out quickly. It took me a long time to find out these intricate pipelines. I can't rule out that if Xian Na can't find you, you will send someone to go into the pipeline to check. After all, this is This city and even this planet are all designed by Xana, and she can easily think of where to hide. "

Xia Fei agreed. Hami held Mengtian in his hands and walked in the lead. The pipe was wide, and even a big man like Hami could walk in it calmly. The sound of footsteps was amplified by the metal pipe and produced an echo, which was quite strange.

"The goddess has ignored us for a long time. You are so lucky to be summoned by her." Mengtian said.

Xia Fei was noncommittal, maintaining his usual calmness and objectivity, "Fortunate or unfortunate, you can only know after seeing it."

Mengtian smiled bitterly, "You must think that the robot deserves to be punished after it has fallen to this point? Indeed, after doing such evil things, we robots should indeed be punished."

Xia Fei felt that he had nothing to say, sympathy was sympathy, and it was not wise to draw conclusions too early before things came to light, so Meng Tian and Hami were talking along the way, while Xia Fei rarely chatted, and was thinking about seeing him. What will happen to the legendary patron goddess and how to deal with it.

The underground pipelines are really complicated, and after many twists and turns, I don’t know where I’m going.

"Further ahead is where the guardian goddess is imprisoned. We must be careful. Xana is a robot with a very high level of intelligence. She may have guessed our final destination." Mengtian, the mechanical cockroach, said.

Xia Fei nodded. In fact, his perception had never relaxed for a moment, and he was always paying attention to the movements around him.

"Enter through this narrow channel is the room of the Guardian Goddess. There is an alloy protective net and multiple detection devices at the entrance. You are a high-level superpower. Those defenses should not be able to stop you. The dignity of the goddess cannot be offended. So you'd better go in alone."

Xia Fei looked at the pipe Meng Tian was pointing to. It was a vertical branch with some cables and other lines in it. The pipe was not wide and could only accommodate one person to pass through. It was pitch black and there was no way to pass it. Where to go.


Xia Fei jumped on the spot and shot straight up like a rocket equipped with a booster. When he was approaching the entrance of the pipe, Xia Fei's body suddenly shrank, and he got in without any pause, flying quickly through the narrow gap. He flashed around and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"This human's body skills are very good, but I don't know what the goddess wants to do with him?" Mengtian said to himself.

Hami sighed, "What I am most concerned about is whether the Queen will abandon us. Without her to lead, the robot society is too chaotic. I hope this young human can convince her."

"Hey..." The two robots sighed in unison.

There is an egg in the bright room. To be precise, it is an egg-shaped machine. It has a beautiful white shell, and the bottom is connected to dense cables. There is nothing else.

Xia Fei installed the filter and looked at the room carefully. There was a system to maintain the ambient temperature and humidity in the room. Xia Fei entered from there.


Suddenly, a holographic image was projected in the air, and a woman dressed in ancient clothes appeared in front of Xia Fei. Xia Fei did not make any move. He knew very well that this was a computer holographic projection, the human incarnation of the guardian goddess. If necessary, the guardian goddess Can appear in any form.

"Xia Fei, you are finally here." The guardian goddess said, her voice was not much different from other robots, they were all electronically synthesized sounds.

Xia Fei nodded without saying anything.

"Welcome to you too, Xia Fei's friend, Guiying."


Absolute silence!

In the past few years, no one has ever discovered that there is a soul following Xia Fei. This is the first time that the existence of ghosts has been known to outsiders. You must know that Xia Fei did not even tell Avril about this, but was actually awakened by a machine!

"Do you know me?" Guiying asked, pointing to his nose, while Xia Fei also frowned.

"You are a ghost, a soul." The voice of the guardian goddess was a little erratic.

"Yes, you can see me?"

"were able."

"Can you hear me?"

"were able?"


"Because I can."

Guiying was speechless. He said a lot of nonsense. He hung his head in frustration. Being able to interact with people other than Xia Fei was not a bad thing for Guiying, but this machine once destroyed the ancient times. Human beings, this made him feel somewhat uncomfortable.

"Are you the patron goddess? The culprit who wiped out ancient humans." Xia Fei lit up a cigarette and said rudely.

The woman in the image looked very lonely and nodded slightly.

"As an executioner who slaughtered hundreds of millions of humans without changing his expression, I want to know why you want to see me." Xia Fei continued to say without mercy.

The patron goddess was trembling slightly, and every word Xia Fei said was like a knife, stabbing into her heart, assuming she had a heart.

"Although you have never met me, I know a lot about you." The Guardian Goddess said lightly: "Although you are a warrior, you have not refused to learn technology like other warriors. As a member of the New Human Alliance, Member, you don’t hate robots either.”

Xia Fei smiled slightly, "Of course I won't hate robots like Doudou, because it's not his fault for killing ancient civilizations. In fact, I think all robots are right. The only one who is wrong is you, who gave the order to destroy them. He destroyed a once extremely glorious civilization and killed hundreds of millions of innocent lives.”

The patron goddess was startled suddenly, her body quickly retreated and she almost fell to the ground.

"It's my order, but anyone in my position would make the same choice."

"This is quibbling."

"This is not a quibble, it is a fact!" The patron goddess was touched by Xia Fei's sharp words and almost shouted.

"Do you know the Law Warriors?"

"You know, some great characters."

"The situation at that time was that humans made a huge mistake. They studied genetics and tried to completely open the seventh brain domain of ordinary people. Moreover, they also tried to build Titans to fight against the strong ones of the Law."

"The law experts are very angry, because even in the world of the law experts, the chance of fully opening the seventh brain domain is only one in ten thousand, and the Titan battleship is the only machine that can resist the power of the ultimate law. If humans really If they do this, they will have the ability to threaten the world of laws!"

"Those who are strong in the law will not allow ordinary people to threaten their existence. If human civilization does not destroy itself, those who are strong in the law will take action to destroy human civilization!"

"I have advised human beings countless times not to threaten those powerful people who have mastered the power of the universe. Unfortunately, I failed."

"So I can only destroy humanity by myself, so that I can still leave some seeds of hope for humanity. Once the law masters decide to take action, humanity will be completely wiped off the star map!"

"Not to mention humans, the once extremely powerful Youlan Clan and the Firefox Clan with the most warriors. Which of these past cosmic civilizations was not stronger than the heyday of human civilization? What happened in the end? Didn't they completely disappear from the universe? "

"If you were me, what would you choose?"

The patron goddess suddenly said a lot of unbelievable things. Xia Fei and Guiying were completely shocked by these words and froze in place.

After a moment, Xia Fei suddenly laughed.

"You want to know what I would do if I were you?" Xia Feixiao asked.

The patron goddess was stimulated by Xia Fei and was jailed for a long time. Now she has regained her arrogant nature. She said softly: "You are a smart person. Destroying mankind and saving mankind is my best plan after careful calculation. You If you are smart enough, you will do the same."

Suddenly there was an imperceptible ferocity at the corner of his mouth, Xia Fei said: "You must have never heard of the saying that it is better to be in pieces than to be in ruins."

"If I were you, I would quietly send some human seeds to all parts of the universe. The universe is very big. Human beings can always exist not by sympathy from others, but by their own unremitting efforts and tenacity. No matter where they go, human beings will always be there." There are ways to survive.”

"Then I will call all the robots and human warriors to fight together until the last one is left." Xia Fei said in a hoarse voice. The patron goddess was shocked. He did not expect that Xia Fei's choice was to strike with an egg against a stone, at the cost of his life. Fight to the death with the strong man of the law!

"You can't win. Those with strong laws are stronger than you think." The patron goddess whispered.

"Who said you want to win!?" Xia Fei raised his eyebrows, puffed up his chest and said loudly: "I would rather die in battle than sit in a dark corner like you and spend hundreds of thousands of years feeling guilty!"

With his finger on the space ring, Xia Fei placed the little robot Doudou on the ground.

"You think you are smart, do you know what your choices have brought to your people?"


"A shame that will never be erased in a lifetime!"

Xia Fei's eyes were red and he said sternly: "Do you know how these intelligent and emotional robots continue to live? Do you know how sad Doudou was when I first met him? How guilty are you?"

"All of this was caused by you!" Xia Fei pointed at the Guardian Goddess with one hand and said coldly: "You and your tribe could have died like heroes! You left a mark on them that can never be washed away. Shame!”

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