Chapter 383 Ordnance Warehouse

ps: The first update in September. Please give me a monthly ticket. Thank you.

On the ceiling of Tanini Holy Warrior School, Mao Qiu displayed his superpower for the first time, slowly spitting out a cherry-sized silver ball of light from his mouth. As soon as the ball of light came into contact with Jin Mie's The body of this fourth-level holy warrior suddenly disappeared and turned into invisible energy molecules, floating in the air.

Xia Fei's body also regained consciousness as Jin Mie disappeared. He tried moving his arms a few times and looked at Mao Qiu in disbelief.

With a sweet smile on his face, Mao Qiu jumped from Xia Fei's shoulder to the ground. He opened his mouth and absorbed the energy molecules turned into Jin Miehuan into his stomach. After a while, his belly became round and round. .

When there were no more energy molecules in the air, Mao Qiu licked Tian's mouth with his tongue in satisfaction, then returned to Xia Fei's shoulder and rubbed Xia Fei's face with his hairy body, with a flattering look on his face, looking extremely satisfied. .

Xia Fei naturally couldn't see the energy molecules distributed in the air, but his keen perception allowed him to feel the abnormal energy fluctuations in the air. He stretched out his right hand to explore the air.

"It's all absorbed"

"That's right, not a single bit left." Ghost Shadow nodded.

Xia Fei didn't know how much energy a level-4 holy warrior of the Zerg race had, but he knew very well that a level-4 holy warrior was equivalent to a galactic-level warrior among humans, and the energy reserves would definitely not be small.

Mao Qiu absorbed all the energy floating in the air in one breath, and his appetite was indeed unimaginable.

Thinking that Mao Qiu had absorbed all the energy contained in three purple sejing spirit hearts, Xia Fei became indifferent. Facts have proved that Mao Qiu is probably the most voracious beast in the world, but he has absorbed so much energy. Where has it all gone? Is it stored in the body for future use or is it all used to promote body growth?

If it's the latter, Mao Qiu's growth rate is too outrageous. Since his birth, he has absorbed enough energy to allow a large aircraft carrier to travel in the star sea for more than a year. This amount of energy allowed him to grow to the size of a basketball. Xia Fei really couldn't imagine how many elves' hearts Mao Qiu would have wasted when he reached adulthood.

"It seems that the mao ball has the ability to convert entities into energy. This ability is simply too powerful. I have never heard of it before." Ghost Shadow nodded while stroking his chin.

Xia Fei used his hand to hit the ball. Fortunately, this guy had signed a contract with him to become his own special beast. Otherwise, Xia Fei would not want to face such a powerful enemy, and would never want to do so.

The conversion between entity and energy is by no means simple, but I wonder how the ball does it?

"I should have thought of the fact that the Zerg tribe also has its own superpowers. From now on, I will re-examine my battle plan." Xia Fei said.

Ghost Shadow said: "It's no wonder you. The Alliance and the Zerg have never been in contact with each other, so you have no way of knowing the information about the Zerg. According to the data records, the Zerg should not have any supernatural warriors. Maybe it's just the few thousand people who have it recently." Years later.”

Xia Fei nodded. During the first war between humans and Zerg, there was no information indicating that Zerg also had superpowers, so Xia Fei didn't think too much about it. Now that he had actually arrived in Zerg territory, he realized that things were not as he thought. As simple as you imagine, dealing with these holy warriors with supernatural powers is actually a very dangerous job.

"Why didn't you find any information about the Zerg superpowers in the Zerg network?" Ghost Shadow asked.

Xia Fei said: "Perhaps my research on the Zerg network system is not deep enough. When I go back, I will work hard again and try to break into the Zerg's most secret deep network. I'd better not think about it for now and put the Blood Demon Let’s find out the claws later.”

After hiding the other body, Xia Fei went down the spiral staircase. The door was not closed but was reserved for his retreat.

It was almost early in the morning, there were not many people in the Holy School, and there was silence all around.

It's not a good idea to wander around in a huge school. Xia Fei found a schematic diagram of the school's distribution. Each building was clearly marked on it, telling the new students the purpose of these buildings and the paths leading to them.

The teaching building, training facilities, and student apartments were first excluded by Xia Fei. A magical plant as valuable as Blood Demon's Claw would never be placed in such a conspicuous place. The collection must be extremely secretive, and not many people would break in casually.

While observing the drawings, Xia Fei analyzed the possible places where the Blood Demon's Claw might exist. Logically speaking, if Xia Fei wasn't thinking about this magical plant that could help him repair the seventh brain area, he could just burn it all with fire. This school would burn those damn bugs to ashes. It would be a pleasure to do so, but it would undoubtedly make it more difficult to find the Claws of the Blood Demon.

"Could it be in Principal Todd's residence? After all, this man is a fifth-level holy warrior, equivalent to a human legendary level of cultivation, and he is also the head of this school. Maybe he will hide the claws of the Blood Demon in A place like your own bedroom," Guiying said thoughtfully.

Xia Fei shook his head, "The Claw of the Blood Demon was given by Wu Di in recognition of the school's contribution to the Zerg over the years. It is not his personal property. There is no reason to put it in his own home. The more complete the evolution, the more complete it will be." The more sinister the Zerg are, they will scheming like humans. If Todd hides the Blood Demon's Claw in his home, it will be revealed. No intelligent creature will do this, and neither will his deputies. Allow him to do so."

"Then we rush in directly, use the Butterfly Flying Tuo to tie up Todd, and then you use the Beast Spirit Codex to force him to reveal his hiding place." Ghost Shadow said.

Xia Fei nodded, "If there is really nothing I can do, I have no choice but to do this. Before that, I want to spend some time searching in the school. If I can't find him, I will attack him."

His eyes moved to the schematic diagram again, comparing the buildings in front of him one by one.


There is an existing building in Xia Fei that is not marked on this plan. It is a simple bungalow, standing alone in the southwest corner near the mountain wall.

This building has a simple appearance but is not small in area, covering several thousand square meters. Why does such a large building have no signs?

Xia Fei couldn't help but feel suspicious that there must be a demon when something went wrong. This unmarked building might hide some ulterior secrets.


The figure floated away like a ghost. When Xia Fei sprinted hard, he would fly across the sky like a steel battleship. When he didn't need to go too fast, he would gather his breath and use trickery to make his figure erratic, like a shadow. Flashing along the darkest corner.

Ghost Shadow nodded secretly. The superpower is indeed the most difficult and weirdest type of all superpowers to cultivate. As Xia Fei becomes more and more proficient in using tricks, his body skills have already surpassed his own. I'm afraid only the master He Ying can compare with it.

Completion of training and proficiency are not the same thing. The trick of Xia Fei is the first one that Xia Fei completed. Now it has become more and more perfect. Coupled with the training given to him by Meteor Planet, Xia Fei's tricks are probably far away from all others. People form their own unique style and become a school of their own.

With his body pressed against the mountain wall, Xia Fei hid himself in the shadow, making no sound.

This building is rectangular in shape, and the door is open casually, seemingly defenseless. Compared with the locked doors and windows of other buildings, the defense here is too sloppy.

All the unusual things were suspicious to Xia Fei. He did not sneak in rashly, but carefully observed every detail of the building by constantly changing his position.

Suddenly, something unexpected happened

The grass behind the building somehow rose up, opening an underground passage. A single-person small aircraft slowly floated out from the inside, and then flew towards the center of the campus.

Just like the Tianjue training camp has a small flywheel that can be ridden by a single person, the huge holy school uses this simple aircraft as a transportation tool. After all, it takes a whole day to get from one end of the campus to the other on foot. It's a bit difficult for people with special abilities.

The simple aircraft flew not far from the mountain wall where Xia Fei was hiding. It was quiet, showing a good engine mute system, but the style was a bit crude, like four suspension systems trapped on a bench, which was okay. Strangely, the things made by the Zerg have always been ugly and civilized.


Xia Fei took advantage of the fact that the iron gate leading to the underground was not closed yet, and floated in in a flash.

Inside is a long road that goes vertically downward, at a forty-five-degree angle, extending to more than ten kilometers away.

There are monitoring systems on both sides of the road. Xia Fei cleverly used the blind spots of the monitors to reach the finish line. As long as there is no sensitive air sensing system, these monitoring systems cannot stop Xia Fei. Even infrared detectors that sense temperature cannot work because of the battle. The suit itself has a heat shielding system, not to mention Xia Fei's breath-containing technique.

The air sensing system is the only detector that can detect high-level superpowers. After all, people inevitably cause air flow when walking. Other than that, these detections are completely incomprehensible to Xia Fei.

I squatted in the corner and observed the surrounding situation. It turned out that this was the location of the school's armory.

The four strong alloy doors are tightly closed, and the nameplates on the wall indicate their respective functions. Some are for storing arms, some for cold weapons, and some for storing communication equipment. This is a holy warrior school, which is often used by students. There are all kinds of weapons, so it is natural to build such a large storage warehouse.

Only the innermost door caught Xia Fei's attention. According to the sign, this warehouse is used to store food. Who would put food and weapons and equipment together? Unless the person in charge of this school is crazy, since it is food, it should be placed near the restaurant.

What's even more strange is that there are no guards at the important place where the ordnance is stored. There is no monitoring equipment. The defense is not as tight as the passage just now.

Gritting his teeth, Xia Fei approached the warehouse where food was stored, preparing to open it to take a closer look. Unexpectedly, at this moment, a sudden change occurred.

A gust of Yin wind hit the back of Xia Fei's head

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