Super Gene Optimization Fluid (Super Gene Optimization Solution)

Chapter 378 Xia Fei’s anger (Second update, please vote for me!)

Chapter 378 Xia Fei’s Anger (Second update, please vote for me!)

Xia Feiji came to the command room to observe the data detected by the backup radar system.

"Oh no, we have entered the Zerg territory. There are not only Zerg spaceships but also cities where they live nearby." Ghost Shadow said in surprise.

"It doesn't matter, don't forget that we came here through invisible jump. Even if the border guard post can track a small amount of energy fluctuation, it will not be able to locate our position." Xia Fei said in a deep voice.

It seems that this is a small border town far away from the core area of ​​the Zerg. The spaceship flying in the universe is not large, and the detected towns are also very backward, which does not pose much threat to Xia Fei and his Bayonet.

"The further forward we go, the more danger we will encounter. Let's do some reconnaissance here first to see if we can get some useful information."

"You want to enter the Zerg town? This is too dangerous. The Zerg here will not pose much threat to you, but once they spread your story to the core Zerg group, I am afraid it will attract an army siege. I think it is still Go right through here.”

Xia Fei shook his head, "We have been separated from the alliance for too long. I need to know the progress of the battle and whether there are heavy guards nearby. In addition, the star map given to me by Bug Brain is too old. I must find the latest one."

"This mistake reminded me that nothing in the universe is static. It is lucky to jump into the territory of the Zerg. If there is a new black hole on the route and we don't know about it, then it will be true. tragedy."

Ghost Shadow originally wanted to dissuade Xia Fei from taking the risk of returning to the Alliance silently through the Zerg territory. Upon hearing this, Ghost Shadow immediately broke out in a cold sweat, Black Dong? That is the most terrifying swallowing hole in the universe, and even light cannot escape.

The star map provided by Insect Brain was from an unknown number of thousands of years ago, so any changes in the route were completely unpredictable. Besides, Xia Fei still couldn't let go of Avril.

"Okay, let's go down and take a look, but don't stay too long." Ghost Shadow said solemnly.

The Zerg town is built on a small planet. By human standards, both the water source and the air quality of this planet have reached unbearable levels. The dirty planet is full of garbage and all kinds of strange things. Creatures fly.

However, the Zerg's requirements for living conditions are not too harsh, and such a planet has no problems for them.

Xia Fei parked the Bayonet in a secluded place, put on a breathing mask and quietly sneaked into the outskirts of the Zerg town.

The Zerg have an extraordinary sense of smell. It is assumed that ordinary humans will be noticed by them as soon as they enter the city. After all, any inconspicuous flying insect here can also be the spy of the Zerg. Fortunately, Xia Fei has the breath-containing method to protect himself. , even the Zerg with the most sensitive sense of smell cannot detect its existence.

The town is getting closer. This town consists of hundreds of houses and six muddy roads filled with garbage. A town of this size in the remote outer star field is not considered small. After all, most of the Zerg are still in a primitive state. They live in dongxue and lead a life no different from ordinary bugs.

Only the Zerg that have evolved into humanoid forms are the real masters. They manufacture housing machinery and study language. Except for their weirder appearance, their living habits are basically similar to humans.

The Zerg streets are built with no rules at all. They are twisted and wide and narrow, just like a line of reptiles. The houses are taller and shorter, some are piled with stones or welded with steel plates. Even the sizes of the windows are not uniform. The windows of some houses are even bigger than the doors, and even the works of human children stacking blocks are not so messy. This shows that the life skills of the Zerg are still in their infancy.

The bloodthirsty ice god's battle uniform is covered with a black cloak. Xia Fei wraps his body tightly with only two eyes showing. Every dark corner is Xia Fei's best hiding place. All he can see is his movement skills. Swift and agile, it suddenly appeared at the top of the beam, and sometimes appeared in the gap between the two houses.

In the center of the town is a fairly reliable building. Although the appearance is a bit ugly, at least the walls are straight. You really can't expect too much from the buildings built by the bugs. Such an ordinary building is already the most beautiful in the town. .

Xia Fei held the beam with one hand and looked over. He saw a sign above indicating that the building was the local Zerg frontier command center and was responsible for local defense, liaison, transportation and other tasks.

The Zerg implements a soldier system, so every local resident is its soldier.

Xia Fei took advantage of the sparse flow of people on the street and jumped down from the rafter a few steps to the roof of the border command center. His body was stuck there like a thin piece of paper.

There was a square patio in the center of the room. Xia Fei leaned over and took a closer look. He saw two sets of simple communication equipment inside. Two bugs, one fat and one thin, were drinking and chatting.

It is said that the wine brewed by the Zerg tastes extremely bad, comparable to pot water. Human winemakers have always been one of the most sought-after goods in the border slave trade. Humans are far more advanced than the Zerg in terms of diet. The Zerg If you want to drink good wine, you must hire human slaves to make it. Of course, this is only the privilege of the insect nobles. All these border guards can drink is low-quality pot water.

The fatter bug looked like a seven-star ladybug, with a hard shell on its back that had not fully evolved, while the black and thin one clearly belonged to the ant tribe.

The ant tribe is the largest of all the Zerg tribes. It is said that one out of every ten Zerg tribesmen is from the ant tribe. Unfortunately, this most populous race is always unpopular. They are known for their hard work and taciturnity, and are known as ants. There are no complaints about the rule of other races, and they are low-status beings among the Zerg race.

The two bugs were drinking very enthusiastically, their words were already a bit wordy, and they were staggering when they walked.

"Our Zerg army is really not what we are bragging about. What human alliance? What kind of well-defended metropolitan circle? It was overthrown by our Marshal Tanini's fleet in one fell swoop," Fat Bug said loudly, looking very excited.

Xia Fei's heart sank. This result had been expected, but it still made him feel very uncomfortable when he thought about it. Avril, Quantum Company's new headquarters is in the Metropolis Circle, and he doesn't know what the Endaro Star Territory is like. , what about our home planet now?

The skinny Chongzi nodded frequently while holding up his wine glass: "Yes, yes, it is true."

Fatty stood up, as proud as a victorious general, "Wudi is indeed the smartest emperor in the history of our Zerg. The human alliance has now become a scorched earth. More than 100 billion soldiers and civilians are watching our Zerg army. He wanted to run away, but was overtaken by our heroic General Tanini from the back. It was so satisfying to wipe them all out in one fell swoop. More than 100 billion despicable humans were buried in the galaxy in the blink of an eye. This is the great glory of our Zerg race."

"Yes, yes, you are right." The honest and humble ant tribe nodded.

The fat man from the Ladybug clan raised the wine bottle high and said, "Come, let's drink to the great victory of the Zerg clan."

"Yes, yes, it's time for a toast." The thin man from the ant clan nodded and bowed.

Before he finished speaking, a banging sound was heard. The front door of the headquarters suddenly closed, and a man wearing a black cloak appeared in the room.

It turned out that Xia Fei couldn't stay any longer after hearing that the city's resident evacuation brigade was attacked by the Zerg and was brutally destroyed. He jumped down from the house in two steps and locked the door viciously.

Avril, Charlie, Andre, the people closest to me are all in the Duxing Circle. Are they really in danger?

Xia Fei didn't dare to think about it. As soon as he thought of this matter, the fire of ignorance in his body would burn uncontrollably.

"You said that all the more than 100 billion soldiers and civilians of the Human Alliance were killed by the Zerg, right?" Xia Fei asked in a trembling voice.

"More than that, the blood of more than 100 billion human beings was shed for seven days and seven nights. The entire human race was burnt to ashes by General Tanini. I heard that General Tanini also used heavy weapons to destroy the stars of the Vinnar system in one fell swoop. From then on, There will never be a place like this again haha”

The fat man from the Ladybug clan who was in high spirits did not know who was standing across from him, so he only exaggeratedly described the tragic situation at that time. In fact, Wu Di's original words did not contain these descriptions. They were all added by those who did good things to exaggerate the results of the victory. Morale is also a commonly used trick by military strategists.


Xia Fei raised his knife and cut the fat Zerg man into two parts. His arms were trembling, and his face was covered by black cloth so he couldn't see his expression clearly. What is certain is that Xia Fei's expression will never look good. .

"Is everything he said true?" Xia Fei asked with a stern face.

The real fear had just begun when Shou Chongzi saw Xia Fei's face clearly. He never dreamed that he would meet a human being in this remote border town, and he was also a very powerful and cruel human being.


The thin insect's two slender arms were cut off from the roots by Xia Fei

"answer my question"

The thin insect gritted its teeth in pain, its two huge canines facing each other tightly, trembling desperately.

He struggled and nodded, "It's true. Wu Di personally issued a commendation order in recognition of General Tanini's meritorious service in annihilating all the residents of the Human Alliance's capital system. The salary of all officers and soldiers in the army is tripled."

Xia Fei felt dizzy and took two steps back.

Avril, is Avril...

The fire of ignorance in Xiong is like a volcano about to explode. Nothing can stop its ferocious explosion.


The entire Zerg town suddenly became murderous.

Xia Fei completely exploded in anger

"Kill them, kill them"

A strange voice echoed in Xia Fei's mind, seeming to lead him towards killing.

At some point, the Moon God on his right arm flew out of the scabbard and quickly circled around Xia Fei.

"Qian Zun" Xia Fei roared in a deep voice. The whole town heard this terrifying sound. The insects raised their heads and looked up at the stars, thinking that it was thunder falling from the sky.


The air rolled in all directions with Xia Fei as the center

It was like a nuclear bomb detonating under Xia Fei's feet, swallowing up the Zerg town in an instant

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