Super Gene Optimization Fluid (Super Gene Optimization Solution)

Chapter 376 (Third update! Please vote for me!)

The barrier on the sixth level of the Beast Spirit Code was not easy to pass. Xia Fei used his thinking energy to attack the barrier again and again but ended in failure.

The spiritual force brought to Xia Fei by the Worm Brain is gradually disappearing, and Xia Fei can only do nothing about it.

At this time, Xia Fei's most stubborn side showed up without reservation. He never stopped or gave up. Even though his body told him that he had reached the limit, his consciousness still refused to give up. He was like a stubborn warrior, using his own strength to The body is used as a weapon to hit the door that never opens.

As time passed, Xia Fei even forgot why he wanted to attack the door that would not open. He was just acting based on instinct. There was only one voice left in his mind, "Charge over, you must rush over."

Ghost Shadow has been observing Xia Fei's practice. He didn't know how far Xia Fei had rushed, but the fine beads of sweat on Xia Fei's face had already shown the difficulty of reaching the pass.

As a high-level killer, Ghost Shadow has certainly gone through the same experience. Xia Fei's unremitting persistence still makes him feel frightened. He has known Xia Fei for so long, and this young man from the earth can always surprise him. , perhaps this is the instinct of the legendary natural warrior, who often inadvertently explodes energy that is difficult for ordinary people to achieve.

Interestingly, Xia Fei's impact is getting weaker and weaker, and the pass that restricts Xia Fei from passing is gradually shaking. Unfortunately, Xia Fei is now unconscious and cannot feel the tension and excitement before crossing the pass.

The numb, continuous, and never-ending impact finally had an unexpected effect.

On the sixth level of the Beast Spirit Code, the difficulty level of this top beast control technique suddenly opened.

It was like the sunshine suddenly shining in the prison, making Xia Fei feel comfortable all over.

Xia Fei fell to the ground, and Mao Qiu, who had been hungry, hurried over and stretched out his warm tongue to touch Xia Fei's head. The ghost was slightly startled and hurriedly used his consciousness to wander around Xia Fei's mind. , said to himself: "He actually fell asleep? How can you say this?"

The Pan-Human Alliance-class flagship Liberty, the highest command center of the Ministry of Military Affairs.

This Amarr Company Eternal-class aircraft carrier is parked in the dark sea of ​​​​stars. Due to its size, the Eternal-class aircraft carrier cannot be berthed on any planet or military port. From the time it is manufactured until the end of its life, it can only stay in the starry sky.

Behind it are countless Alliance warships. In more than 20 days, the Alliance has assembled more than 400 fleets in the southern region, including the Alliance's only pure flagship formation, the Liberty Cavalry, and the Liberty. The flagship is the headquarters of the Free Cavalry Army, and is now used by the military as its own command center.

"Our situation is very bad now. The Zerg divided the alliance's main force into two parts. One part is in the south and the other part is in the north. They cannot respond to each other, which greatly interferes with our defense work." A golden staff officer from the headquarters said with a frown. : "I think if the Alliance wants to repel the Zerg attack, it must find ways to bring the two main forces in the north and the south together, and then fight the enemy to the death."

He stood up and opened the light screen, pointed to the star map on the light screen and said: "Although the Zerg occupy the territory of forty leaps near the capital circle, the Alliance Northern Fleet does not necessarily need to pass through the opponent's defense circle. It can completely pass through it. We will move forward in a roundabout way. Once the two main fleets meet, we will have the strength of more than a thousand fleets. Coupled with the three-star Death Expeditionary Force that will arrive in the near future, we can completely annihilate the troops stationed in the Vinar Star Circle in one fell swoop. Six hundred Zerg fleets.”

After listening to this, Williamson said calmly: "We are not the only ones being divided now. The Zerg are also divided into two fleets, the north and the south. When it comes to combat disadvantages, everyone is the same. The difference is that there is a hidden insect tunnel that can It leads from the Zerg territory to the Serenity Star Territory near Vinar. According to the reconnaissance team's report, this invisible worm hole is very stable and can allow the Zerg fleet to travel through it for a long time."

"There is a reason why the Zerg dare to stay near Vinar and are not afraid of us massing a heavy force to attack. First, the worm dong will provide them with a steady stream of supplies. Second, there must be powerful reinforcements behind the worm dong. Once our attack When the fleet engages the Zerg, reinforcements will enter the alliance territory in large numbers through the Zerg tunnels.”

"What you said about gathering all the fleets in the north and then trying to counterattack is simply not feasible. Once the Northern Fleet leaves, all the territory south of Vinal will be completely lost."

"But we can use our superior strength to take back the capital circle in one fell swoop." The golden staff officer said unconvinced.

Williamson chuckled, "Take it back? I'm afraid that not only will one-third of the alliance's territory be lost by then, but we still won't be able to get the metropolitan circle back. Besides, the Viner galaxy is already a scorched earth, so what's the point of taking it back?" use?"

Staff Officer Jin excitedly said: "Can it be that our thousand elite fleets, plus the Free Cavalry Army, can't defeat their 600 fleets? I know that the Zerg dungeons will bring them reinforcements, but General William, the Zerg reinforcements can How many? Will there be another 600 integrated fleets?"

"You must know that the Zerg have deployed over 600 fleets in their territory close to the Wild Star Territory, plus 600 fleets in the Capital Star Circle, the total has reached 1,200 fleets. Even if they still have reserves, they can I’m sure there won’t be many uses.”

Many of the generals nodded in agreement. The resentment of being occupied by the Zerg made every Alliance soldier furious and eager to fight to the death with the enemy, not to mention these military bosses. So when the Southern Fleet began to take shape, These warring factions frequently asked Yin General Tai to fight the enemy decisively.

Wilhelmsson was the calmest of all, and his position as chief of military staff also required him to maintain an objective understanding of the war situation at all times.

Shaking his head, Williamson said: "Don't you understand yet? If I were the Zerg commander, I would order the border guards to advance south. While the Alliance's foothold is not stable, I would use superior forces to attack from both sides and destroy our Northern Fleet. But why didn't he do this?"

All the senior military commanders expressed their confusion. The behavior of the Zerg was indeed very suspicious. The situation was obviously tilted towards their side, but the Zerg refused to fight the coalition forces. This was something that everyone could not figure out.

Tai coughed twice deliberately, "William, tell me your analysis."

Williamson nodded and said: "Yes, Marshal."

As the war is approaching, the alliance has initiated a state of war emergency. Tai has been awarded the title of Grand Marshal by the President, taking charge of all war matters.

The position of marshal does not exist in peacetime. It will only be awarded to the highest commander in the field when the alliance encounters a large-scale war. The last time the alliance had the rank of marshal was thousands of years ago during the first war between Zerg and humans.

During the war, the marshal is not only the supreme commander of the army, but also the commander of the entire alliance. He has the first decision-making power of the entire alliance. Even the president himself is not allowed to interfere with the marshal's operations, because now the entire alliance has entered a state of war, economy, politics , everything must make way for the war and serve the war.

The war machine that had been silent for thousands of years has started to move, and Tai is the machine's netbsp; Williamson was silent for a moment, organizing what he wanted to say in his mind.

"According to my analysis, there are three possibilities that caused the Zerg army to stand still. First, the Zerg planned to directly annihilate our army from the beginning, so they deliberately stood still, waiting for us to gather, and then wiped them out in one fell swoop. If so. It can only be said that Wu Di, the owner of the Golden Se tent, is too confident in his own army. He believes that even if we mobilize all our combat power, we will not be afraid, so he dares to do this. "

"Of course, according to Wu Di's character, this possibility is not high."

"Second, the Zerg troops remaining in the territory are just a bluff. In fact, they do not have much combat effectiveness. That is why they have never crossed the border to crush the Alliance. Their existence is only to contain the actions of the Northern Fleet. Once the Northern Fleet moves south, they will Take advantage of the weakness of our defenses to capture a large swath of the northern sky."

"And the fleet stationed in the Capital Circle doesn't have to worry, because the existence of invisible insect dung can send reinforcements here at any time. No matter we choose to fight separately or encircle the Capital Circle, the Zerg will not suffer."

"Third, the Zerg have an ulterior secret, which causes the fleet to stay near the Vinar system. I guess they are looking for something near the capital. According to the reconnaissance report, the large Zerg troops gathered near the capital and did not move. Send a small fleet to patrol the surrounding area symbolically."

"It can be seen that their real goal is likely to be only one, and that is to occupy the Vinar system. Other than that, all actions are to cover up this. Once they find what they need, they are likely to withdraw from the worm hole. territory."

The first two speculations about the generals are understandable, but the speculations on the third day are simply amazing.

Deploying thousands of powerful fleets and not hesitate to start a war with the Human Alliance, which is almost as powerful as itself, all this is just to find something? This kind of wild speculation is hard to imagine.

Tai frowned, "What's the basis for your third hypothesis?"

Williamson said: "Isn't it suspicious enough that the Zerg army has occupied the capital circle but does not continue to pursue us? No one will stubbornly guard the scorched Vinar galaxy unless he has an ulterior secret Resulting in having to stay there.”

Tai said: "If the Zerg army chose to pursue us at that time, it would indeed be a big advantage. After all, the Southern Fleet had not yet completed its integration at that time, and its strength was much worse than theirs. The Northern Fleet was suppressed by another Zerg fleet, so They do not dare to rush to send troops to assist the south. As long as they move, they will give up the entire north. However, this does not prove that the real purpose of the Zerg war is just to find something in the Vinar system. If this is really the case, they What are you looking for?"

Williamson said: "As we all know, the Vinar Galaxy is the place where humans originated, and the oldest habitat of the entire alliance. Maybe there are secrets that we don't know hidden there. I am a staff officer, and I only know that All possible speculations are provided, and the decision-making power is still up to you.”

Tai couldn't help but wonder. He knew very well what Williamson's IQ was, but why did the Zerg not hesitate to use heavy troops to search for something in the Vinar system? Is this kind of speculation too far-fetched?

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