By the time Xia Fei returned to the hospital, it was already evening. Although everything had been arranged, he did not relax because of it.

I walked all the way and carefully thought about any possible negligence. After all, this is a major matter related to Avril's safety, and there must be no omission.

"Don't think too much, the plan you just made is very detailed and perfect. As long as Thuram's people take it seriously, there should be no mistakes." Ghost Shadow comforted Xia Fei.

Xia Fei sighed, "This is exactly what I'm worried about. People talk a lot. If there is a mistake in one place, it is very likely that the whole game will be lost."

"Since you're worried, why don't you do it yourself?" Ghost Shadow pouted and said.

While talking, he came to the downstairs of the hospital. Xia Fei tidied up his clothes to make himself look more energetic, "I must stay by Avril's side. Even if the plan is missed, people must keep it."

Now, the bureau has been set, just waiting to close the net.

Xia Fei handed over the command to the brothers of the Ling family, and stayed by Avril's side to protect her wholeheartedly.

The Ling family brothers and Xia Fei had a pretty good relationship. Xia Fei had seven points of trust in them, so it was better to hand over the net collection plan to them than to other strangers.

Besides, Xia Fei once saved Ling Feng's life, and according to the characters of the three brothers, he would definitely do his best to help Xia Fei.

This is the result of a long thought.

If Xia Fei was in command of the net closing operation, he would definitely not be able to stay by Avril's side. If he wanted to stay by Avril's side, he had to surrender the command. It was impossible to have both.

The number of bodyguards in the corridor is obviously more than in the past. Xia Fei was slightly surprised. At this time, Pang Xing came over and said in a deep voice, "The old man is here."

Xia Fei was slightly taken aback. The so-called old man should be Avril's grandfather Ernst. It is said that this old man has already retreated to the second line, hiding in the mountains to cultivate himself and not ask about world affairs.

Xia Fei nodded towards Pang Xing, thanked him for his kind reminder, and walked slowly towards Avril's room.

The brain is thinking fast, now is the critical moment to close the net, Xia Fei has already expressed his attitude to Pang Hai, no matter what, Xia Fei will never let this scumbag go, and at this time, the Jian family The real big *oss suddenly appeared, and Xia Fei would not believe it if there was no connection between them.

In the room, Avril was sitting next to an old man. The Jane family had always been blond. The old man's hair had turned yellow and white due to his advanced age, which was strange. His face was exactly the same as that of Newman and Barty, except that there were more folds on his face, there was no difference, his eyes were cloudy but not lacking in shrewdness, and his bald chin did not even have a beard.

Pang Hai stood aside, smilingly watching Ernst and Avril play, Xia Fei frowned and knocked on the door.

"You're back." Avril opened the door excitedly and pulled Xia Fei in, "Xia Fei is my grandfather Ernst."

"Grandpa, he is Xia Fei."

Xia Fei greeted Ernst and Pang Hai politely, and found a chair to sit next to.

Ernst's eyes kept looking at Xia Fei, his eyes seemed complicated, Xia Fei didn't say anything, got himself a cup of tea, and leaned back on the chair to drink to himself.

"You are Xia Fei?" Ernst asked.


"I heard that your hometown is in a place called Earth?"


Xia Fei's answer was very simple, Ernst thought it was meaningless, so he didn't ask any further questions.

Although Avril is not too sophisticated, she still smells some bad smells from the conversation between the two.

"Bad, grandpa doesn't seem to like Xia Fei very much, what should I do?" Avril thought anxiously that her father didn't like Xia Fei, and neither did her grandfather, which gave Avril a great headache.

"Xia Fei, my grandfather likes listening to jokes. Tell me a few jokes you told me earlier." Avril had an idea to let Xia Fei tell a joke to ease the tension.

Xia Fei shook his head, "I'm a little tired today, can I talk about it another day?"

Ernst laughed, "Okay, don't force it if you don't want to say it. You go out first, and Xia Fei and I will talk about something else."

Avril listened to her grandfather's words very much. She and Pang Hai walked out together, winking at Xia Fei, signaling Xia Fei not to make Ernst angry. Xia Fei pretended not to see, which made Avril pouted.

"It's just the two of us now. You already know why I'm here?" Ernst asked.

Xia Fei nodded, "Batti is your son after all, I'm afraid I'd come too."

Ernst let out a long sigh and looked out the window with cloudy eyes, "You are right, the son is at fault, and the father also has an inescapable responsibility."

After a pause, Ernst continued: "I know everything about Barty. It's hard for Pang Hai to hide it on his own. If it wasn't for now that he couldn't continue to cover up Barty, he still wouldn't tell me."

"The Pang Hai family has always served the Jian family, and besides, it was my son who brought it up, so I have no reason to blame him. Now that he is old, it is time to retire. His son Pang Xing What do you think of him? What do you think of him? Is he qualified to serve as a housekeeper in the family?"

Xia Fei was stunned for a moment. He couldn't figure it out. Is anyone qualified to be the housekeeper of Jian's family? Why should Ernst ask himself this kind of thing?

With a slight smile, Xia Fei said, "This is your household chores, so it is inconvenient for me to interrupt."

"Then you can at least talk about your opinion of Pang Xing. I heard that you had a fight with him?" Ernst continued to ask reluctantly.

Xia Fei organized the vocabulary in his mind, "I'm really not familiar with Pang Xing, but I think his loyalty to your family is unquestionable, and he is also very good to Avril."

Ernst seemed a little dissatisfied with Xia Fei's evasive answer. He folded his arms in his arms and asked, "Do you like Avril?"

"Yes." Xia Fei didn't expect Ernst to ask such a sharp question at all. Fortunately, he had the aura of a bachelor, so he didn't panic, but answered generously.

Old Ernst's eyes lit up, and then he said with a wry smile: "I also love my son very much."

On the surface, these two sentences are not directly related, but at such a time and place, everything becomes very intriguing.

"All fathers in the world will love their sons, this is normal." Xia Fei said lightly.

"A father can pay any price to protect his son." Ernst suddenly changed his previous attitude and became very serious.

"Everyone is a father's son, and no one is more noble than the other. I think other fathers will spare no expense to protect their children."

There is something in the words, Xia Fei is very clear about Ernst's purpose, so he secretly reminded him that those girls who died at the hands of Barty are also dead, and there is no reason why his son can kill other people's sons for fun without punishment.

Ernst was stunned for a moment. He seemed to have aged a lot in an instant. Xia Fei's words undoubtedly touched him greatly.

"Really can't let him go?" Ernst asked in a hoarse voice, covering his face with his hands.

"It's not what you think. I'm not the only one who knows about Barty. It doesn't make any sense for you to tell me these things."

"But I know that those people are working for you, you can definitely make this matter a little smaller." Ernst finally stopped going around in circles and said frankly: "I'm not begging you today for this beast, Barty. These things that have been done have long been enough to die a hundred times. Today, I am here to beg you on behalf of our ancestors in the Jian family. Once the story of Barty is revealed, our entire family will be finished. I can't watch the hard work of our ancestors. In the hands of this beast"

The more Ernst spoke, the more excited he became. An old face turned red. Xia Fei knew very well that Ernst was telling the truth. He did not only do it for his son, but for the whole family, Avril's family. .

"If you promise to let Buddy go, I will marry Avril to you, and everything in the Jane family will also belong to you." Ernst said with red eyes.


extremely shocked

This is indeed a condition that cannot be refused. The beautiful Avril Lavigne, the thirteenth star alliance company in the league, countless people can't even dream of it, and today, such an opportunity is in front of Xia Fei, as long as he Nod, it's all yours

Xia Fei really hesitated. Anyone would hesitate in the face of such attractive conditions, not to mention that Xia Fei was a person who had struggled from the bottom of society. He understood the importance of money better than anyone else.

Ernst squinted his eyes slightly. The old man knew very well that Xia Fei was hesitating. He believed that as long as he was not a lunatic, no one would refuse such a condition.

It's just that he didn't know that Xia Fei really had a nickname called Xia Lunatic.

Xia Fei frowned and pondered for a long time, suddenly he seemed to want to understand something, and the whole person became very relaxed.

"Sorry, I can't do it." Xia Fei said with a smile.

Ernst was completely speechless. He was confident that this was an offer that no one could refuse, but Xia Fei actually refused.

At this moment, Ernst felt a little haggard in his heart, and it seemed that even the surrounding air was laughing at the impending decline of a big and famous family, and it was still in his hands.

Standing up, Ernst staggered and walked out. There was no need to continue talking about the matter. Xia Fei could refuse such conditions. He really couldn't think of any other conditions that could impress him.

"Actually, I have a way to avoid the decline of your family." Xia Fei hesitated and said.

"any solution?"

"You should know."

Ernst laughed at himself, turned around and nodded slightly towards Xia Fei: "Although the result is different from what I expected, I still want to thank you."

"You're welcome," Xia Fei said.

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