Chapter 144 Death Samsung Domain

The signal receiver that Old Potter left to Xia Fei was a golden sphere, and the fiery red brilliance flickered inside the sphere, flickering on and off. (apex novels hand-beating novels)

In the past year, this signal receiver has never responded, and now the ball is shining just after returning to the league. Could it be the message from old Potter?

Xia Fei hurriedly picked up the signal receiver. In Xia Fei's mind, Old Potter was a very mysterious person. On the surface, he was just a repairman with superb maintenance skills, but this repairman gave Xia Fei a Flying a signal receiver left over from an ancient civilization, and an overload chip also from an ancient civilization, imagine how an ordinary repairman could have these things?

What's even more strange is that he can actually write in a meteor font that is unique to the big alliance family. You must know that this meteor font cannot be learned without more than ten years of skills. It can be seen that old Potter's background must be very prominent.

The golden ball was held in Xia Fei's hand, and suddenly, a light curtain popped up, with a few simple lines written on the light curtain.

"Go to the black abyss star field, dlc-113 to find the wind chimes." Xia Fei muttered to himself.

"Heiyuan" Ghost Shadow said in surprise, his eyes widened, as if he was very afraid of the name.

"What happened to Heiyuan?" Xia Fei asked with a frown.

Ghost Shadow pouted, "The black abyss is not a good place, just look at the star map and you will understand, why did old Potter go to the black abyss alone."

Judging from the date, the old Potter's letter was sent two months ago. The reason why he received it today is probably because the inheritance planet cannot communicate with the outside world.

Xia Fei frowned, "It's been so long, nothing will happen to Old Potter?"

Turning on the supermicro computer, Xia Fei quickly called up the star map to check. The star map of the computer system covers all the star fields known to human beings. There are more than 300 within the jurisdiction of the alliance. Outside the human alliance, there are also Many people in the star field do not understand it, so they cannot be included in the scope of the star map.

Enter the black abyss in the address bar, and soon the star map of this star field and other surrounding star fields will be displayed in three-dimensional imaging on the light screen, as well as the route from the Endalo star field to the black abyss star field. A bird's eye view.

After a while, Xia Fei sucked in a breath of cold air. There is no east, west, north and south in the universe. They all rely on up, down, left, and right to distinguish their orientation. The Endalo star field is relatively close to the Zerg territory, and belongs to the relatively remote star field of the alliance.

From the Endalo star field to the black abyss star field, it is almost necessary to pass through the territory of the entire human alliance. The distance is far more than ten million light years.

More importantly, although the Endalo star field is remote, it is at least within the known range. As long as the wilderness star field is the territory of the Zerg, humans still have some understanding of the Zerg.

The black abyss is completely different. If you go further from there, you will enter a large unknown area. That is to say, outside the black abyss, no one knows where it is, what kind of creatures live, and what will it be like? Danger.

Take a look at the star fields around the Black Abyss, the Evil Bay Meteor Field, and the Jedi Star Field. Just listening to the name, you know how terrifying and dangerous places are.

If the huge human alliance is like the earth, then the black abyss, the evil Gulf Stream, and the Jedi, these three star fields are tightly hugged together to form a spherical structure, like the moon, separated by thousands of light-years Outside, it is far away from the human alliance, far away from the mainstream human society.

"Why is the Black Abyss Star Territory so far away from the Human Alliance?" Xia Fei asked in a deep voice.

Ghost Shadow sighed, "These three star fields are also known as the corner of death. Long, long ago, there was a stable wormhole that could reach there directly from the Alliance's Pryris star field. Traveled through wormholes to get there because of homelessness, and settled in these three regions."

"About 400 years ago, this wormhole suddenly collapsed, so the Horn of Death became an enclave of the Human Alliance. Although it is still affiliated with the Human Alliance in name, it has become independent in fact. Bian has absolutely no way to control it so far."

Xia Fei realized the seriousness of the matter. He used the route calculation system to calculate the distance from the Endalo star field to the Heiyuan star field. Even if he followed the nearest route, it would take at least two and a half months. Advance in the vast no-man's land.

You must know that in the era when the jump engine was highly popular, it took more than two months to go from one place to another, which is an unimaginable distance.

"How do the people live there? Is there an army to protect these three star regions?" Xia Fei asked.

"There are still armies, but after the wormhole collapsed, these armies no longer obeyed the dispatch of the Union Military Department, and became warlords one by one. They each occupy an area and hate each other. Local supplies mainly rely on their own production. , and large-scale military shipments every six months.”

"Because these three star regions are de facto independent, the alliance's supply to them has become less and less. In short, it is an extremely chaotic area, there is no unified management, no materials, and the lives of the people are like ants. Low." Ghost said.

Xia Fei thought for a while, "So, isn't the death star field the same as the wilderness star field?"

Ghost Ying waved his hand, "The Wilderness Star Territory is a small group of pirates, and there is no large-scale military force, while the Death Star Territory is stationed with hundreds of reorganized fleets, which have long been reduced to the privates of local local tyrants and warlords. The mercenaries are far more ferocious than the pirates, and coupled with the countless small fleets and pirates, it is simply chaos to the extreme."

"The Human Alliance is so powerful, why don't you try to restore this place? Ordinarily, the Alliance should have such strength." Xia Fei asked again.

Ghost Shadow snorted coldly, "The Human Alliance is actually a loose organization. The Alliance itself does not have many fleets. The real armed forces are in the hands of several major sovereign countries. Sovereign countries are too lazy to care about it, and the alliance can’t manage it even if it wants to.”

"Besides, although these warlords and local tyrants are de facto independent, they still obey the management of the alliance in name. As long as they have a decent face, those politicians will not care about the life and death of the people."

Xia Fei gradually understood that, to put it bluntly, the three-star region of death is a no-nonsense area. They broke away from the mainstream human society and formed their own set of culture and rules, just like a country within a country, without following anyone's instructions, It's just that the name also has the words "Human Alliance" on it.

"It's really a little troublesome." Xia Fei said to himself while lying on the bed, "I don't know why Old Potter asked me to go to such a place."

The promotion-class destroyer slowly lifted off and returned to the direction of the Tianjue training camp.

The battleship had just left the communication shield of planet yzz-7526, and Xia Fei's ultra-microcomputer was automatically connected to the Star Network. Just like the last time he went to the Wild Star Domain, countless emails jumped out again, and the number was far more than the last time. Much more.

It seems to have become Xia Fei's practice to disappear every once in a while, but this time, his disappearance is bizarre, and the time is far longer than before.

Xia Fei closed the email and waited patiently. He knew that Avril, the elf, would find him soon. As long as there was a star network, she would always be seen. She seemed to be everywhere, and any rules of the star network would not follow. Couldn't stop her.

After waiting for ten minutes, Avril still did not contact Xia Fei.

Xia Fei was very puzzled. Gradually, this puzzlement turned into an extremely uneasy mood. Could it be that something happened to Avril?

He knew nothing about the mysterious Avril Xia Fei. He didn't even know Avril's phone number, her address, or even if the name was the real Xia Fei.

After opening the email system, Xia Fei sent Avril an email, telling him that he had returned, and asked about Avril's recent situation.

Email was the only tool for contact between him and Avril, other than that, Xia Fei had no way to find her.

In the past, when Avril wanted to contact Xia Fei, she could find Xia Fei anytime and anywhere. Even if Xia Fei changed an anonymous login account, she could not get rid of Avril's tracking. When Xia Fei wanted to talk to Avril, she only needed to send a message. If she had nothing to do, Avril would quickly connect to the video signal with Xia Fei, and even if it was inconvenient for her to speak at the time, she would send a reply letter to Xia Fei to agree on a meeting time.

But this time, Xia Fei's e-mails were like sinking into the sea, and there was no news. Not only did Avril hadn't contacted him, but he didn't even have a reply.

Xia Fei felt very depressed. Avril and herself were like two old friends. Although they didn't see each other often, they all had a memory in their hearts. Now this memory suddenly disappeared, which made Xia Fei feel very sad.

Lighting his finger on the light curtain, Xia Fei was about to send another email to Avril, and Xia Fei stopped typing halfway through the writing.

The fact is obvious, with Avril's superb method, as long as she wants to contact Xia Fei, she can always find Xia Fei. If she doesn't want to, what's the use of sending a million emails?

What Xia Fei is most worried about now is whether something will happen to Avril. As for the other Xia Fei, he doesn't care.

"Old Potter's life and death in the black abyss star field is uncertain, and now even Avril has not heard from him, what's the matter?" Xia Fei said to himself while lying on the bed.

Soft mattresses are the most likely to cause sleepiness. Xia Fei began to fall asleep while thinking about these troublesome things. Soon, Xia Fei fell asleep.

The ghost figure stood alone in the cabin and stared at the star map of the three-star field of death on the light screen for a long time. He seemed to be muttering something in a low voice, and his expression was a little dazed. Xia Fei, who was sleeping, did not notice it. all of these.

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