Chapter 101 Wild Star Field

Xia Fei stood at the porthole, lit a cigarette, and took a deep breath. (apex novels hand-beating novels)

The Zerg spaceship was knocked out of the wormhole by Xia Fei at the last moment and could not escape. The Alliance fleet could catch it without any effort, and if the light rain was on it, it would also be rescued.

A big stone in my heart finally fell, but the key point was that Xia Fei came to a completely unfamiliar place through the wormhole.

Outside the window is a yellow world, like the Loess Plateau after the strong wind, everything is shrouded in yellow smoke.

A piece of gravel of about ten cubic meters rubbed the side of the Eclipse and slowly crawled over. The gravel gently rubbed the tail of the Eclipse, pushing the battleship aside, and a few minutes later another gravel It hit the Eclipse from another direction, and Xia Fei's ship was caught between countless rubble, like a billiard ball, being slammed around by these rocks.

Obviously, this is an unknown gravel belt. No warship will like this kind of place, especially a small frigate like Xia Fei. If it plunges into the gravel belt at high speed, the Eclipse will Must be damaged by these randomly floating stones.

"It was quite thrilling just now." Ghost Shadow stood beside Xia Fei and looked out the window with him.

Xia Fei nodded, threw the cigarette butt under his feet and stomped it out, and said lightly, "Yeah, I was almost escaped by that Zerg battleship."

Ghost Ying rolled his eyes at Xia Fei, "I'm talking about you, don't you know how dangerous it is to enter a wormhole set up by others? If you're not careful, you will be torn to shreds by gravity. Fortunately, your luck is not bad, and it went well. through a wormhole."

Xia Fei nodded, walked to the control tower and turned on the battleship's self-inspection system, "In that case just now, hitting the Eclipse with the Eclipse was the only way. I can't just watch it escape."

Ghost Shadow sighed, "What a stubborn guy, what are you going to do now?"

The battleship's self-inspection still takes a while. Xia Fei sat back in the captain's seat and lowered his head for a while. He seemed very calm, and he didn't seem to be panicking because he was in an unfamiliar place.

"What else can we do, take one step at a time." Xia Fei said.

A few minutes later, the results of the battleship's self-examination came out, and Xia Fei frowned when he opened the results.

The average damage rate of the Eclipse reached more than 60 percent, and almost all equipment was on the verge of collapse.

The worst thing is that the jumping unit of the jumping engine cannot be started due to excessive damage. If there is no jumping engine in the vast sea of ​​stars, it will be a dead end.

At a speed of more than 8,000 meters per second, the Lunar Eclipse would have to run for more than ten days even if it was such a short distance from the earth to the moon. In the vast sea of ​​stars, this speed was the same as that of a snail.

To make matters worse, the positioning system and the communication system have also been seriously damaged, the positioning system is completely out of order, and the communication system can only be used with ultra-low frequency channels.

Xia Fei turned on the supercomputer, hoping to use the Star Network to send out a distress signal. Unfortunately, no matter how hard Xia Fei tried, the supercomputer couldn't establish a connection with the Star Network.

The Star Network covers all the star regions of the entire Human Alliance, and now it is certain that Xia Fei's position is not within the alliance.

After thinking about it, Xia Fei used the ultra-low channel to send out a distress signal. The ultra-low channel is easily interfered by the surrounding environment, and the transmission distance is limited. Now this is the only choice in this situation. I just hope that the environmental interference will not be too serious. , let the distress signal spread as far as possible.

There is no east, west, north and south in the universe. Xia Fei randomly found a direction to start the battleship forward, and at the same time opened the energy protection cover that could only run 25% to prevent it from being hit by these rubble.

"There is always a price to pay after the madness, do you understand this truth?" Ghost Shadow said with some schadenfreude.

"Hey" Xia Fei sighed helplessly and said, "Isn't it true, the Eclipse is so badly damaged, how much will it cost to repair it?"

Ghost Ying blinked and said incredulously: "Xia Fei, this is how you feel? You are all trapped here and you are still worrying about how to repair the spaceship? Should I say you are optimistic or should I say you are an idiot? Ordinary people I am afraid that I would have started crying for my father and mother when I encountered this kind of thing."

"Is it useful to cry father and mother?" Xia Fei asked back.

Ghost Shadow was speechless for a while, and said to himself: "At least you can vent."

Xia Fei set the automatic sailing of the battleship, "It's not that I'm crazy, I used the hull to hit the Zerg battleship because it was the only choice at the time, and I didn't cry because it was the most rational choice now. Sometimes The most correct choice is often crazy, what can I do."

Taking off his combat uniform, Xia Fei put on a pair of comfortable big pants and soft rubber slippers, "Let me tell you what the right choice is now, that is to take a shower and then sleep comfortably, after waking up Fry yourself a few poached eggs and watch a movie while you eat."

In the blink of an eye, Xia Fei had been drifting in this gravel belt for twenty days.

During this time, Xia Fei would get up on time every day. After breakfast, he began to practice the tricks of thorns and breaths. After the practice, he changed into work clothes to maintain the battleship.

Repair work on the battleship was very slow, and many components simply could not be repaired due to a lack of necessary parts.

The ultra-low channel has been turned on 24 hours a day. Unfortunately, Xia Fei's call for help has never been found during the 20 days, and no one has ever tried to get in touch with him.

Putting down the universal pliers, Xia Fei drilled out of the engine compartment under the floor, smelling of engine oil.

"How is it? Can the engine be repaired?" Ghost Shadow asked boredly.

Xia Fei shook his head, "No fun, the quantum starter is completely burned out, even if there is a quantum starter, it is useless, because the energy conversion unit is also finished."

Xia Fei walked into the bathroom and washed the greasy body with cold water droplets. The battleship's bath water was circulated automatically, which could satisfy Xia Fei's bathing needs in a short period of time.

Just after smearing soap all over the body, an old voice suddenly came from the ultra-low channel, "If you don't want to be torn apart by those thugs, then turn off the damn distress signal immediately, calling for help in the wilderness is like telling others where to go. Take advantage of the fire."

Xia Fei was stunned for a moment, picked up a bath towel wrapped around him, and rushed out.

On the light curtain of the communicator was a black, thin old man with thick black glasses, the hair on his head was almost falling out, and the messy goatee hung down on his chin.

Xia Fei thought for a while, turned off the distress signal and said, "Hello, my name is Xia Fei, I'm in some trouble now."

"Call me Alan." The thin old man looked up and down at Xia Fei, who was only wrapped in a bath towel. "Haha, young man, it seems that you are in a lot of trouble."

Xia Fei nodded, "That's true. My ship broke down in the gravel belt. I need to find a place to repair it. Is the base you mentioned near here?"

Allen glanced at the positioning system on the radar, "You are still 0.37 light years away from the Redstone Base."

Xia Fei was overjoyed and said: "Great, can you let me enter the base for some repairs? As long as the Eclipse is repaired, I will leave immediately."

Allen laughed. He stretched out his hand and gestured towards Xia Fei, "Young man, Redstone Base is a free place, provided you can afford the price."

"There's no problem with this, do you accept star coins?" Xia Fei asked.

Allen shook his head, "The currency of the Pan-Human Alliance? Sorry, we only accept this thing at the Redstone Base."

Allen took out a small piece of aquamarine stone from his pocket and shook it in front of Xia Fei.

This thing Xia Fei recognized was the elf's heart that contained the source energy of the universe.

Rubbing his finger on the ring, Xia Fei took out a dozen white dew and snake eye berries, "Sorry, I don't have this in my hand, but I can pay for it with some other items."

Allen squinted and looked at it, "Very good, snake-eye berries and white dew are also very good currencies in the Wilderness Star Territory. You look like you are not from the Wilderness Star Territory, why did you come here?"

Xia Fei smiled slightly, "My ship lost control in the wormhole, and then arrived at this place inexplicably. The equipment on the ship was also damaged. I don't know anything about the Wild Star Region."

Allen spat out a mouthful of thick phlegm in an unhygienic manner, "What a lucky guy, he wasn't torn apart by the wormhole's standpoint, the place you're staying in now is called the Wild Star Territory, here is the military alliance of the Human Alliance and the Zerg. The buffer zone, it's all pirates, smugglers and wanted guys."

"More than 2,000 years ago, this place used to be the main battlefield for the Human Alliance and the Zerg. After the war, they withdrew from here, leaving behind many abandoned military bases. Redstone Base is one of them."

Xia Fei nodded, it seemed that his luck was not bad, at least he didn't run into the area controlled by the Zerg, otherwise he would not even have the chance to cry.

"Okay, to make a long story short, the guys who contacted you and I at the base don't know, if they find out that your life will be over, there are 100 snake eye berries and 100 white dew each, I will try to get you into the base. , how?" Allen said.

"No problem." Xia Fei readily agreed to Allen's proposal. His ring had more than a thousand snake-eye berries and white dew, enough to pay the price.

"You prepare the fruit, I will send someone to take you in now. Remember, if you want to survive in the wilderness, you should never send out a distress signal. You can only rely on yourself here."

As soon as the words fell, Allen closed the connection with Xia Fei, and the light curtain went blank.

Xia Fei went back to the bathroom to rinse off the foam on his body, changed his clothes, put the Fengying IV combat uniform inside, and tied Chasing Light tightly around his arms.

From the brief conversation with Allen, Xia Fei already knew that this is a barren area, so everything needs to be prepared early. Just like Allen said, a person can only rely on himself. This is exactly what Xia Fei said. Fly's survival creed.

The waiting time is always very long. After about three hours, a video signal was connected to the ultra-low channel again. This time it was replaced by a girl about seventeen or eighteen years old. Chewing gum inside, a red baseball cap slanted on his head, a heroic look.

It's a pity that her face is full of large and small freckles. These brown spots seriously affect the overall feeling of the girl. Otherwise, she is a good-looking woman.

"Sit there and don't move, it may be a little bumpy," the girl said while chewing gum.

Xia Fei shrugged and said nothing.

The girl skillfully operated an industrial transport ship to descend slowly from the top of the Eclipse, the container cabin slammed open, and the entire Eclipse was put into the cargo hold, and the surroundings fell into darkness.

ps: I ate two skewers of grilled squid, and then drank a cup of cold white Kai, and my stomach began to churn. I had no choice but to sacrifice ppa + berberine**. It is estimated that it will be better in the middle of the night.

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