Super Gene Hunting Ground

Chapter 4: Into the mountain

啸 Yang Xiao walked to the edge of the playground, got into the woods, and entered Yueshan.

One thing Yang Xiao felt strange was that many buildings had collapsed, but the terrain of Yueshan and the forest of trees had almost no destructive effects.

真的 Was there really an earthquake last night? Why was Yueshan not affected, and Shonan University was established at the foot of Yueshan? This is not scientific!

According to the scenario analysis that Yang Xiao now sees, almost all buildings inhabited by humans have collapsed, but there is no damage in uninhabited places. This is a directional slaughter against human beings, which is extremely harmful to humanity. No wonder Gubo said that nine out of ten people died overnight.

Is this really happening on the whole earth?

That's 6 billion people!

If this is the case, it is an organized and planned murder!

But who has the ability to launch such a slaughter that goes beyond common sense in science and technology? Is the alien represented by Gubo?

啸 Yang Xiao shuddered when he thought about it.

There is an asphalt road leading from the foot of Mt. Yueyue to the mountain. Yang Xiao walks in a forest that is rarely visited by people. There are tall trees and shrubs of about two meters.

啸 Yang Xiao pulled out a watermelon knife in his backpack, holding an iron pipe in his left hand, cut off the vines and branches blocking him, and moved forward slowly.

The sun is getting higher and higher, Yang Xiao looks at his watch, it is now 10 o'clock in the morning.

I took out my phone and glanced again, but there was still no signal.

Since most of the buildings have been destroyed and there is no electricity in the city, there will naturally be no network signal. Perhaps even the telecommunications company's launch pad and machine room have been destroyed.

啸 Yang Xiao thought for a while, and turned off the phone directly, and kept the electricity in the phone. In critical moments, he could still use it as a flashlight.

Yang Xiao remembered what Gu Bo said. After seven days, all creatures will have genetic mutations. Yang Xiao felt that his hiding place could not be far away from the playground. At a critical moment, he must be able to run back immediately. He believed that the gene store Can deal with the attack of genetically modified organisms.

Yang Xiao walked on the mountain for about half an hour. In the jungle on the mountainside, there was a large rock of dozens of square meters. The rock was surrounded by bushes more than two meters high. It was a natural hidden place, and From here, you can see the whole picture of the playground under the mountain at a glance, including the gene store.

If encountering a mutant gene attack, Yang Xiao can also rush to the playground under the mountain within half an hour.

啸 Yang Xiao decided to use this place as a temporary shelter for these seven days.

Stinging in the woods on the mountain, it is relatively safe during the day and more dangerous at night. All kinds of mosquitoes and poisonous snakes come out at night.

啸 Yang Xiao took the backpack off, put it on the big rock, put the watermelon knife and iron pipe aside, and began to sleep.

现在 From now on, he will change the biological clock, sleep during the day, and be on guard at night.

After drowsily at about 2 pm, Yang Xiao naturally woke up. He heard the noise of the crowd on the playground below the mountain, glanced through the bushes, and saw that more than a hundred people had gathered on the playground.

Three or five groups of people are talking about what is on the playground. They are full of curiosity and doubt about the gene store, and at the same time they have some fear.

Most people don't seem to be aware of the risks after seven days. Many people are waiting for the government rescue team to come and find water and food in the rubble for the time being. Everyone's mood is relatively relaxed.

少数 A few alert people started rummaging through the ruins in the distance, just in case.

In addition to the scene of the school, Yang Xiao can also see some scenes outside the college. The high-rise buildings near the college no longer exist, and there is a ruin everywhere.

Some ruins can be seen vaguely on some ruins.

Not everyone knows about the gene store. Those who are far away are organizing self-help and searching for their loved ones and neighbors from the ruins.

啸 Yang Xiao sighed and continued to close his eyes and forced himself to sleep.

If you do n’t sleep enough during the day, you will become sleepy at night. He doesn't want to fall asleep at night and be bitten by a poisonous snake.

On the playground, Xiao Zhe was looking for Yang Xiao, carrying a backpack full of food.

"Where did this guy go?"

Xiao Zhe is the vice chairman of the Student Union and a well-known person in the school. Many people know Xiao Zhe.

Some survivors gathered around Xiao Zhe.

"Xiao Zhe, should we have suffered from such a catastrophe, shouldn't we organize the rescue? You are the vice chairman of the Student Union. You should take the lead and organize everyone to help themselves."

"Why didn't any leader of the academy come to our rescue? And, where are those PLA officers and soldiers?"

"What about the government? What about the leaders of Shahe City?"

还有 "Also, what is that strange orange building, the two silly warriors at the door, are they making a movie? Dressed so weird."

"Is the old man's genetic mutation of the earth's creatures seven days later true? How do I find it funny?"

Uh ...

Xiao Zhe has a big head. Now he doesn't want to be the leader and come forward to organize everyone, because soon they will encounter a huge problem and food shortage.

He now has enough food in his backpack to maintain him for 7 days. He just wants to find a place to hide and survive these seven days. If he is the leader of everyone, it is estimated that this package of food will have to contribute by then.

Of course, as a leader, if he can successfully organize everyone to unite, there are also many benefits, such as using force to obtain more survival resources.

After thinking for a while, Xiao Zhe decided to make things difficult and organize self-help for production.

"So, if you trust me, I can lead you to organize and cope with the disaster at hand, but once you join my organization, you must absolutely obey orders and arrangements. If you can do it, join my team. Otherwise, take care of yourself. "

On the spot, dozens of men and women voluntarily joined Xiao Zhe's team, and more people chose to wait and see.

Xiao Zhe counted it, there were about thirty people joining his team.

"Okay, now give everyone a task, immediately go to the ruins to find as much food and mineral water as possible, and then we will organize them together. Also, everyone needs to find some iron rods, etc. as self-defense weapons."

"Xiao Zhe, looking for food is fine, but do you really believe that little old man said that the genetic mutation of the earth's organisms after seven days?"

"What I am worried about now is not the earth ’s biological variation after seven days, but how do you survive the next days. Do you have enough food and water on hand to support these seven days?"

When everyone heard this, they suddenly came to their senses. Everyone was empty-handed. They all picked up a little food in the ruins without making a long-term plan.

大家 In everyone's mind, the government will definitely come to the rescue.

"Well, don't waste your time, start now, immediately go to the ruins to find food, and then come to the playground to gather, all the daily necessities can be brought."

Xiao Zhe gave full play to his leadership skills, and he decided to form a self-rescue team at Xiangnan University to fight the disaster at hand.

How many people are powerful!

Also, people will win!

However, he did not propose to rescue the wounded in the rubble from beginning to end. He didn't want to waste too much time. The two samurai at the gene store and the door kept on his mind. He felt that things might be more than expected. serious.

Xiao Zhe's organization is very effective. UU reading book is very fast. More than a dozen people joined Xiao Zhe's team. Everyone started to go to the ruins of the college mall to find food. More people came here to look for food, and the surface was able to turn up and the food was basically picked up.

Alas, everyone started to separate and went to the ruins of the shop outside the college to find food. In the afternoon, everyone returned to the playground carrying a large bag of food.

Xiao Zhe asked everyone to focus on food, organize everyone to distribute uniformly, and stand on guard.

Xiao Xiaozhe formed the first team of Xiangnan University. By the next day, there were already more than 100 people, and their food was collected a lot. They were piled on the playground and set up a temporary camp account.

At midnight, the moon was bright.

啸 Yang Xiao was sitting on the rock, drinking mineral water, eating two ham sausages and a bag of salted chicken drumsticks.

There are constant calls from various insects around. Yang Xiao didn't dare to turn on his mobile phone and use a flashlight. He could only use the moonlight to constantly scan the surrounding area. Fortunately, there were basically no bugs or anything on this big rock. Can rest assured overnight.

On the playground at this time, a team of more than 100 people organized by Xiao Zhe gathered, some people slept, and some people watched the night. The purpose of the night watch was to prevent someone from stealing their food.

Xiao Xiaozhe has stopped accepting new members unless he can bring enough food.

Xiao Zhe's team, boys accounted for about 70%. Now everyone has simple weapons such as iron pipes, steel bars, and wooden sticks. This team is currently the strongest fighting force.

有 一 About 2,000 people survived the whole academy. Now there are about four or five hundred people gathered on the playground. More people are scattered elsewhere.

消息 News about gene stores and genetic mutations in the earth's organisms seven days later is also spreading.

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