Chapter 80 Finding Harry Quinn

(I don’t know if the last two chapters were poisonous or not, and the sudden drop in subscriptions scared me, so this episode is a little bit faster.)

Faced with this dilemma, Iron Man said: “J.A.R.V.I.S. . .

Then countless data streams poured out on the display of his mask, and eventually those data all pointed to one of the battleships.

Iron Man only knew that at that time the battleship said to Doctor Strange: “This is the fake.”

Everyone was stunned, and Dr. Banner asked, “How did you know?”

Iron Man said: “I had J.A.R.V.I.S scour the Internet for unusual information when I discovered an alien scout ship the other day.

J.A.R.V.I.S “Found some strange code that I think may have something to do with aliens and have been deciphering..”

“Although it has not been fully deciphered, with these data, J.A.R.V.I.S has detected the data interaction of these warships.

“Almost all the data in it points to that one, so it must be the flagship…

“If J.A.R.V.I.S were promoted to super artificial intelligence, these things would have been deciphered long ago, or they could reverse-invade their systems and win without a fight!”

Iron Man still hasn’t given up on his plan to build a super-level 13 artificial intelligence!

However, now is not the time to say that, Iron Man’s words make everyone feel like they can give it a try.

Doctor Strange let out a long sigh, then stretched out his hand, pointed out a little bit of brilliance like electric light, drew a circle, and then a portal leading to the starry sky appeared in front of everyone.

Iron Man and Dr. Banner jumped in first, followed by the others.

With a roar, Dr. Banner has transformed into the Hulk.

His nano armor has changed, only a hood on the head, which provides oxygen for him, and a propeller behind it.

Because Iron Man knew that his armor covering the Hulk not only did not protect, but hindered his power.

So the Warframe only provides him with Oxygen and Propulsion Ability.

Then the Hulk jumped onto Chitauri’s flagship, he raised his hands high, and began to smash down desperately.

Then Iron Man’s armor opened, and countless missiles as small as pencils slammed into the flagship.

Others have begun to attack with the weapons on the Warframe.

However, although their attacks were strong, it was impossible for them to break through such huge amounts of battleship armor in a short period of time.

These armors generally have the effect of Energy Absorbing.

The appearance of the Avengers made Chitauri extremely angry, but the Avengers were attached to the flagship like ants, and if others wanted to attack, they would attack the flagship.

So they also dispatched a dense number of fighter jets for cosmic starry battles.

Seeing that the battle situation is about to become dangerous.

At this time, Loki noticed something strange. He directly controlled the battleship and attacked Chitauri’s flagship frantically.

For a while, countless fireworks erupted from Chitauri’s flagship, and the endurance of the flagship’s armor was falling madly!

However, even so, it will last a long time!

Suddenly a rainbow crossed the cosmic starry sky.

Thor appeared with his four generals.

They can still live freely in the cosmos and do not need armor protection.

Thor let out a frantic roar, holding Mjolnir high, carrying an endless stream of lightning, and slammed down on Chitauri’s flagship.

One hammer, two hammers, three hammers

He finally blasted off the armor of Chitauri’s battleship.

The Avengers were overjoyed, and everyone rushed in and killed the Quartet.

In front of the cannon ship, in front of the real heavy firepower, Chitauri definitely has the absolute advantage.

But when Avengers and Thor came in, fighting for individual strength, Chitauri couldn’t stop it.

So far the dust has settled.

When the king of Chitauri was killed by Thor’s hammer.

All Chitauri all fall down.

They are the cellular structure of society, it is also a cellular physiological structure.

Wang’s death, they will die.

At this point, Flagship communication is opened.

Loki’s little face appeared on the communicator, he said proudly: “a group of stupid, if you do not make trouble, I would have to Qi Tarui Loki adults who completely resolved.

Thor Youjingyounu, he really did not think Loki actually secretly snatch a Chitauri warships.

He said: “Loki you really want to do?”

Loki insolent said: “I definitely was to rule the universe, but before the rule of the universe, I will kill Thanos.”

“He actually were to kill me, Loki adults, but very vengeful.”

“When I kill Thanos, you people just waiting for me to come back clean neck conquer Earth, Asgard conquer it.”

He laughed, driving out of the battleship fleet sequence Chitauri, and drove toward the vast sky.

Everyone not from silent.

They totally do not understand what they are going to do Loki.

But this time Qi Tarui invasion, Avengers victory, it’s better than nothing!

DC Universe.

Batman is very angry, because Joker escaped.

Joker no natural ability to escape from the isolation that everything, even the children are not made island.

But insisted that the Joker Batman charge back to trial, after the trial is completed, then that alone is the Joker to his hand rest of his life in prison.

But he did not think there hold the line under the situation, Joker was able to escape?

Even Superman can not find even the Joker.

We know Superman with his super hearing, locked heart beating several people.

His mother, Louise, Luther, Batman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, The Flash

As long as he wants, when he can find a few people.

And he locked the mother of Louise’s voice, and he will be the first time if they encounter any danger Room 037 know!

Superman is also aware of the dangers of the Joker, so he locked the Joker heartbeat.

For Superman has super hearing, the heartbeat of every individual is unique, as is each individual’s fingerprint.

But now he can not hear the heartbeat of the Joker.

He did not believe and Batman, Joker so dead.

This shows that there are ways to change the Joker his heart beating.

This is better understood, after all, if the use of drugs, it is possible to change the person’s heartbeat.

But how he knew Superman was locking his trail with a heartbeat?

Anyway, Batman is so absolutely impossible for Joker to escape.

His full search Joker’s whereabouts.

After the catch Joker, Batman special investigation of him, but the Joker’s past is like a blank.

He did not know what way will the presence of their own, a few decades erase all traces.

Joker no way looking to start looking!

However, Batman has a name, Harry Quinn.

He remembers watching the Raiders own when he mentioned the name Harry · Quinn, the Joker was like death uncomfortable mom.

So, when he called in to find the name of a man!

However, that name, but a lot of people, he can not target a specific person.

Previously also ruled out slowly, one by one now only visited one by one!

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