Chapter 7 Evil God Loki? What a weak God (begging for flowers)

This is how Iron Man transformed from an arms dealer to a crime-fighting superhero.

Although this turning point was huge, it was not incomprehensible, and everyone couldn’t help feeling a little emotional, and their senses of Iron Man were also changing rapidly.

At first, Iron Man’s enemies were just ordinary terrorists, criminals with high-tech skills, but suddenly the picture changed, Iron Man’s enemies turned into Asgard’s evil god Loki?

From a sci-fi painting style to a fantasy painting style, it almost broke everyone’s waist.

“The evil god Loki? Asgard? Is there really a god in this world?” This simply shocked Batman for 100 years.

Superman was also stunned: “Is there a god on earth?”

He knows that he is an alien, the universe is so big, there are other worlds with intelligence, and life is easy to understand.

But there is a god even Superman finds it incredible.

After all, the legendary gods are omnipotent!

Does this world really exist?

Wolverine choked on the smoke from the cigar in his mouth, and Professor X directly spit out a sip of wine.

The existence of Mutants in this world is incredible enough, but now there are even gods?

Wolverine murmured, “Is there really a god?”

He has lived for hundreds of years, and he has encountered all kinds of strange things, but it is still somewhat unacceptable for him to say that there is a god in the world.

Professor X even wondered if they thought Mutant was a god?

The most shocking thing is Iron Man himself.

My special purpose is to fight some terrorists at most, and the great opponent is a careerist like Obastan…

Now I have to fight with the gods?

Are the days over?

The footage of the video has switched to New York, and there are huge amounts of voids above New York.

Countless Chitauris rushed out of the hollow. They rode their chariots toward New York. For a while, artillery flew around, and the whole New York turned into ruins!

In the video, Iron Man Flight is in the air with weapons in disarray, shooting down one after another of Chitauri fighters.

Then a huge amount of spaceship like a big fish drilled out of the hole!

This makes everyone’s heart tighten. This thing is too big, bigger than an aircraft carrier flying in the air, and its shape alone brings an infinite sense of oppression!

Afterwards, countless Chitauri Flight chariots flew out of the huge amounts of fish-shaped spaceships.

Everyone’s heart sank.

Then Iron Man fell from the sky, and beside him stood a few strange people.

A burly man in blue and white clothes with a shield in his hand.

A sexy and glamorous red-haired woman with a pistol.

A burly blond man in armor, holding a hammer, wearing a red cloak.

There is also a short-haired shrewd man with a long bow in his hand.

Iron Man was even more stunned: “Are these Asgard’s troops?”

“Are the Asgardians aliens?”

“Aliens invaded? My teammates are actually these weirdos… shield, pistol, bow and hammer, and rely on these to fight aliens?”

“And this man, dressed like this, do you think he’s the captain of the United States?”

He can’t help it, no matter how you look at it, these comrades in arms are so unreliable!

Nick Fury said bitterly, “Yes, that’s the Captain of the United States, we S.H.I.E.L.D just dug him out of the ice.”

“That woman and that man are our S.H.I.E.L.D agents…”

“I don’t know the man in the red cape with the hammer…”

He had already completely believed that these pictures were real, and an indescribable feeling of powerlessness also filled his heart.

Are we relying on this group of people to fight the alien invasion?

Enemies are spaceships, lasers, we just use pistols, shields, bows and hammers?

How to fight this?

Then the huge amounts of fish-shaped spaceship swooped down, and a man who looked elegant and easy-going stood in front of Iron Man, showing a simple and honest expression: “Tell you a secret, I can be angry at any time!”

Then his body began to swell, suddenly became larger, and turned into a green giant. He punched out and directly hit the giant fish-shaped spaceship, blasting the alien spaceship into scum.

Then, he screamed up to the sky, jumped into the sky like a gorilla, and pinched those Chitauri to death!

Everyone’s mouth is O-shaped?

What the hell is this?

One punch to blow up an alien giant spaceship?

Could this man be the legendary Hercules?

No, Hercules is not green, nor is it the god of Asgard!

Iron Man felt that the Hulk was a little familiar, and Nick Fury said bitterly again: “This is the Hulk Dr. Banner, and I originally wanted to absorb him into the Avengers…”

Iron Man covered his forehead, I really don’t want to fight with these weirdos, I feel so ashamed.

Then the screen turns again.

Iron Man returns to his room, where he sees a man in a green cape holding a scepter.

Everyone guessed that this person was the evil god Loki. Loki held the power of the mind on Iron Man’s chest and wanted to control Iron Man.

But totally ineffective.

Next, Loki faced the Hulk, and the famous scene of the Hulk carrying Loki and smashing it on the ground like a sack shocked everyone.

“I’m going, this Hulk is so fierce?” Wolverine slapped his tongue.

“This is the evil god Loki? I can’t see how strong he is at all, is he here to laugh?” Louise almost laughed, but she couldn’t laugh at the thought of this man causing so much damage on Earth!

“Do you need any strategy to deal with such a person? No need?” Batman said.

Superman just shook his head, such a god is really vulnerable in his hands.

Is this God?

So funny!

The feeling of tension that I had previously disappeared and became more relaxed, and everyone began to make fun of Loki.

His performance, and his name, really do not match!

The narration continued: “The evil god Loki is the first formidable enemy Iron Man and Avengers face.”

“Compared to HYDRA, the future super artificial intelligence Ultron, the universe overlord Thanos, Loki is not a very strong opponent.”

“It’s not that Loki Ability is not good. Loki, who claims to be the number one magician in the Nine Realms, has very powerful spells and is good at illusion.”

“If he is not stupid, he is a very difficult enemy to deal with, but he is indeed a fool, and in a way, he is as stupid as that second fool brother Thor…”

“In this Loki invasion, the greatest danger to Iron Man is not from Loki, but from humans…”

Su Bai’s narration once again shocked everyone for a hundred years. *

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