Chapter XIX say you do not believe, Loki loved Asgard

Everyone on the death of Loki are very unexpected.

To be honest, after reading the introduction of Loki, no one has a crush on Loki, Odin and Thor are even angry at him cruelly.

But no one thought about this at any time cross jump, the man who stabbed a knife, since Thor catch to save his life at the last minute.

Thor actually a little watery eyes: “Loki I know.”

“For thousands of years, we eat together, fight together, get into trouble together, you are my brothers, that will never change.”

“I will not let you die ……”

Thor Zhuantouwangxiang Odin said:. “Let me point Qiesijia father was military forces, to the conquest Thanos, I want to cut his dog’s head.”

Odin angrily: “Shut up.”

He also does not mind calm, Thanos actually going to kill his son in the future, he definitely wanted to cut off the dog’s head Thanos.

But Thanos’s prowess in the universe Ruleiguaner, not so good to kill.

And there Asgard Hela threat.

Previous video screen albeit short, but Hela demonstrated the power of Odin did not dare even contempt.

Odin old, although the older Asghar people, the stronger the divine, but the body is old, Odin is already bloated.

Otherwise they will not rush to pass to Thor!

The Hela power is much progress, but the power in Asgard Hela was limitless.

If two people fighting in Asgard, Odin did not win the confidence of Hela.

How this case might go conquest Thanos?

Iron Man to see the two of them brothers affectionate look, feel very sick.

No matter how affectionate brother, Loki is also the invasion of Earth murderer ……

He asked: “Odin sir, I do not know about this Thanos, what kind of person he is?”

Odin looked Iron Man one, said:. “Is displayed in the video next Loki will invade the Earth, so you hostile to him, this is normal.”

“But now that I know what the future will this development, I will not let such a thing happen.”

“As Thanos, I do not know much.”

“This crazy Titans crack a lot of men, killing spree in the universe, I do not know how many planets have been his stamp Tu ……”

Odin actually unprecedented for Iron Man to make an explanation, even a promise, promised not to let Loki invaded the Earth!

Thor and Loki stunned and Zhang to the mouth.

Gods Odin unified nine circles, Yanchufasui, when it will need to explain to mankind what is promised?

Batman then asked: “Thanos said previously that, let his hand down to find two stones on Earth, and this is the generous pieces of the same jewel?”

Luther DC is the world’s most intelligent man, and Batman is not weaker than the wisdom of Luther, and he is the world’s greatest detective, he inferred that little bit of clues inside the purpose of Thanos.

Odin said: “That is the Space gem on behalf of space, it was at the beginning of the Big Bang gave birth to six salivary stones they are called Infinite Gems, have the power to imagine, a lot of people are pursuing them ……!”

Infinite Gems?

Power is difficult to imagine, what kind of power?

They are curious, but Odin did not continue to say!

Batman has said: “I saw six grooves on Thanos fist, Is he prepared to gather together six Infinite Gems do?”

Odin frowned: “The power of Infinite Gems power pole, even if it is to fully play out a gem, such as immune impossible, let alone six ……”

Thanos Odin do not think there can be messengers 6 Infinite Gems of Ability, but this crazy Titans ……

He was not sure.

Iron Man look to understand, Batman This is helping themselves to ask it.

Speak of wisdom, he does not feel weaker than anyone, but in terms of this observation and reasoning, than the big Batman Detective quite the thing.

He was a little grateful for the help of Batman, gently nodded.

Then narration sounded again: “Loki Throughout his life, he has nine circles of the first magician said Roar, but the favorite is behind the poke.”

“Loki is not very clear on their own perception and positioning.”

“He is good at magic, his magic is very powerful, but never thought continue down this road, the illusion of power to the limit.”

“If a phantom can fake and the real thing, then it is magic it?”

Screen gave Loki figure, just wearing very strange.

He stood on the lawn, hands in the air, followed by a huge amounts of cities where they stand, do not see a little false appearance!

Loki a blank mind, this is what I do, I have the illusion so powerful it?

Thor looked blankly that city: “That is Asgard, you actually using magic evolution of the entire Asgard?”

Professor X, said: “Although I do not understand magic, but in my opinion, Loki can complete the illusion of evolution Asgard, he is bound to Asgard are well aware of every inch of land ……”

On the other side of Luther, he said: “Although this conclusion sounds ridiculous, but I think Loki is definitely remember every inch of land of Asgard, may represent his love of this land.”

Superman frowned, Loki love Asgard?

He does not believe!

However, this person called Luther said may be right, if not actually in love with heart Loki Asgard, how he will be desperate at the last minute to kill Thanos it?

NARRATOR continued: “Instead of every day wondering how to use a knife stabbed people, Loki as good as his magic to the limit, and if his magic can really exactly the same, and that there is no difference between the creation of thin air, and at that time he was eligible to called first nine circles magician. ”

“Even without such a powerful illusion, Loki at the time of the invasion of Earth, but also can easily achieve his purpose.”

“He can use his magic to become President of the big beautiful country in the name of the president’s big beautiful country disbanded S.H.I.E.L.D, arrests Iron Man, the United States captain these people.”

“Then use the whole big beautiful national research Tesseract, open space channel, quoted Qi Tarui into the Earth, led directly to a large beautiful fruit surrender the planet’s most powerful country …… occupied without firing a shot.”

“As Hela and Thanos, both Loki is to face the most formidable opponent.”

“But if he can stir up Thanos and Hela war.”

“As long as within Asgard, no Infinite Gems of Thanos, may not be able to beat Hela.”

“This time, Loki will be the beneficiary, get rid of his two enemies, this is the trick of God to do something.”

“And people can exchange blows with quite a lot of Thanos, Hela, Odin, Ancient One magician, Captain Marvel, Scarlet Witch are considered one.”

“As long as Loki can play a trick God their strength, provoke conflict between these people and Thanos, as long as Thanos can not collect enough Infinite Gems, still have a chance to beat him.”

“So deal with Thanos, to prevent him from collecting together Infinite Gems is the most critical.”

“This is the end of this article Raiders, hope you like them!”

Here the video ends.

Then pop up a pop video: “This site has been upgrade is completed, opened a new function.”

“After watching the Raiders have a choice.”

“If you can answer, you will be rewarded. If you got it wrong, there will be some punishment.”

“The question is, Loki died in the hands of Thanos, and this time he was really dead or suspended animation?”

(Seeking two flowers, Bese! Also, I wrote the movie universe, seen from the movie, Hela does have singled out the strength of Odin!) *

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