Super Dad: The System Lets Me Take the Baby

Chapter 496: The company's door was blocked

Leng Yang also sighed deeply: "I'm sorry, I always wanted to say this sentence, I feel particularly sorry. Because of my reasons, the company has suffered a great loss."

"I should listen to Guo Yao's opinion at the beginning, and should not be with Zhang Ling presumptuously, thinking that I am a very different existence to her."

He thought he was Zhang Ling’s first love. For this girl, it would be extremely special. She should be desperate for herself, but in the end...

Ha ha! Or he was whimsical. He is very serious about this relationship. He is not a person who takes the relationship seriously, but this time he is really serious. But Zhang Ling didn't give him a chance to show himself and be a good man.

"Brother, if you say this, it’s a long way to go! If you don’t try the relationship, how do you know if it is appropriate? Although we all think that you and Wang Miao are particularly suitable, you don’t have that idea at all. Is it useless?"

"Actually, you don't have to blame yourself too much. If you feel sorry, I will fight back with me. Although I don't have such a strong intention to fight, it doesn't mean that others can bully me casually."

Leng Yang nodded heavily: "Okay, I'll listen to you, and it's the right thing to do."

After arriving at the company, even the special assistance waited at the door of the company early. This matter is big or small. Although it will not cause the company to fail, it will definitely cause huge losses, almost costing the company 200 billion.

"Dong Xiao, Mr. Leng, you are finally here."

At the door of the company, there were not only Lian's special assistants, but also programmers' family members. When they saw the two of them, they swarmed, and directly surrounded Xiao Chusheng and Leng Yang.

The leading woman immediately rushed to Xiao Chusheng: "You are the chairman, right? My husband had a car accident for the company, and your public relations said that it has nothing to do with you. My husband did his best for the company, you can’t. In this way, my husband is no longer in this world, and he has two children in this world. You must compensate me at least 10 million."

The woman's voice was very loud. While crying, she pulled Xiao Chusheng's clothes, wanting to get compensation. Xiao Chusheng and Leng Yang were also at a loss: "Who are you?"

Although Xiao Chusheng didn't know this woman, even the special assistant stepped forward: "Mr. Xiao, this is the wife of the employee in the accident, as well as his parents and children, and the others are their relatives."

Leng Yang quickly gave advice: "If you have anything, let's go in and talk about it. The impact on the company here is too bad. We just rushed here when we learned the news. Waiting for us to figure out the cause of the matter. Let’s talk about money again, do you think it’s okay? This lady."

When the woman heard Leng Yang’s words, she felt that he was not going to lose money, and she immediately began to splash: “I have nothing to talk about with you. My husband is not refreshed because of working for your company, and then I think the root cause is your company’s problem, and you will have to pay me 10 million."

"And my husband is the only child in the family, as well as these two children and two parents. He is the pillar of our family. He is gone. How do you let us live? Your bosses will only exploit the class. Now something is wrong. , What's the matter, don't you want to take the corresponding responsibility?"

Leng Yang didn't expect that he was obviously kind, and he didn't say no compensation, and the woman immediately began to slap. This kind of thing is the first time he has encountered this kind of thing since working for so many years. Xiao Chusheng is generally the person who speaks best.

He suddenly fell into contemplation. He seemed to think that this woman had come prepared, and it didn't seem like an accident at all.

"Madam, I am very considerate of you for not having your husband’s sadness, but the company also has its own operating principles. If it is our responsibility, I assure you that the company will bear all the consequences. But all of this needs to be verified. , Please cooperate, if you do your own way, we can’t have a good talk."

"If you are not satisfied with our company's practices, you can choose to take legal channels, or cooperate with me to investigate the cause and effect of the whole thing. You can't give you 10 million just because of your side words. You can think from my perspective, If I say this, will you give me 10 million?"

Xiao Chusheng spoke very hard, so he called the security guard directly: "You let me here, thank you. If you want, you can follow me in. If you don't want to, then you can continue to stay here. I am about this matter. I am not afraid of being exposed at all. Originally, our company did not have the exploiting class you mentioned."

As a result, several security guards quickly stopped them. Xiao Chusheng and Leng Yang entered the company together. The woman thought that this would not work, so she followed.

A group of people swarmed up. This was the first time the security had seen such a scene. Leng Yang saw his brother and knew that Xiao Chusheng must have a big head now, but this woman lion opened her mouth! It seems to be some wishful thinking.

But in the final analysis, we still have to find out the cause and effect of the whole thing, and we can still decide whether to give the money.

In the hospitality of the company.

"Everyone, please sit down! With the special help, go and prepare some tea and snacks. After all, there is a child here by the way. By the way, there is a time sheet for the employee’s performance in the company for three months before being late, leaving early, working overtime and other behaviors. Bring them all. And the medical report from our company last month."

"Okay, then I will prepare now."

This hospitality has been used for the first time since the establishment of the company. I didn’t expect that the first time I used it, I encountered this kind of thing.

"What do you mean?" The woman was a little angry.

"Do you think I'm ruining your money?"

At this moment, an old lady cried out, and she burst into tears: "My poor son, my son, why are you so miserable!"

Leng Yang’s most headache is to encounter such scenes: "Auntie, I know that you have lost your child. It is particularly painful, but please be rational. After all, it is a legal society, and everything needs to be evidenced instead of crying like before. It's okay to make trouble, you know?"

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