Super Anti-war System

Chapter 578: Encounter at the pier

Obviously, the size of this battleship is too big, and it is very difficult to sink it vertically.

Also, this battleship is not only big, but also has a lot of mess on it.

Even if it sinks slowly, the movement range is small, but it will produce slight bumps.

As a result, some debris will be displaced, causing the battleship to lose balance.

Moreover, once this shift occurs, the degree will intensify.

Water flows to a low place. If the inclination is sufficient, many solids will slide to the low place under the action of the center of gravity, or even fall.

In this port, there is no doubt that this battleship and that aircraft carrier are the two most important warships.

Naturally, in addition to the devils on duty on the boat, devils in other places will also stare at them.

The behemoth began to tilt, attracting the attention of devils from other places, so they quickly activated the emergency plan, that is, sounded the alarm.

The sirens were harsh, one after another.

In an instant, the whole port rioted.

The figures are bluffing.

Apart from Ichiro Sugihara's brigade, tens of thousands of devils who have not been consigned to the mainland by train, especially the devils navy in charge of these warships, are also busy.

One by one, it's like a mourning concubine.

Also, the resources of island countries, especially strategic resources, are too few.

Even if they looted from China's three eastern provinces and other places day and night, it was far from enough compared to occupying the entire China first and then conspiring to the world.

Therefore, all kinds of strategic resources, especially steel and oil, etc., the island countries have to spend a lot of money to buy from European and American countries, or their colonies.

Because island nations are striving to develop their navy and want to build many large warships, especially giant battleships and aircraft carriers, the amount of steel required is even more scalp.

Therefore, in the usual propaganda, the big devil has repeatedly emphasized that it is necessary to protect the existing warships.

Seeing so many devils rushing into the port madly, Ye Tian was really depressed.

What a special thing!

What is the difference between you playing this way and rushing to reincarnate! ?

Can you afford it if I have delayed my work?

Also, the second heavy cruiser has just been dealt with, and the five light cruisers, twelve destroyers, and a dozen large merchant ships have not been dealt with yet, so the plan has to be suspended.


It was easy to get that battleship, aircraft carrier, and these two heavy cruisers, and they were all done without any risk.

However, seeing that there was no chance to deal with other ships, Ye Tian had no choice but to leave.

To be on the safe side, Ye Tian ordered Ono Lily, like him, to put on the uniform of the Guizi Army.

In addition, Ye Tian ordered Ichiro Sugihara to pretend to be as coercive as possible when meeting his subordinates after going ashore.

For this reason, Ye Tian said that this was the last time Sugihara Ichiro gave orders to his former subordinates, or his own investigation of him.

Hearing that, Sugihara Ichiro did not dare to neglect.

Ye Tian found that Sugihara Ichiro was quite talented and capable of acting hard.

He led himself and Ono Yuri to the outside, and when he met the subordinates who came to rescue him, he slapped him if he didn't agree with him.

Moreover, he yelled at them and told them to run quickly.

In addition, Ichiro Sugihara ordered them to find the enemy as soon as possible.

Just when Ye Tian admired his pretense, with his extraordinary vision, Ye Tian suddenly discovered that a lieutenant general division leader also appeared in the crowd.

At this moment, the head of the Lieutenant General's Division was bluffing, giving orders to his subordinates.

It seems that although there is nothing wrong with him, he really wants to be a good person.

In this situation, Ye Tian smiled.

What a special thing!

This is not a prey to be delivered to the door, how can it be counted?

According to system regulations, if a lieutenant general division leader is killed, Ye Tian will get 15,000 points.

What's more, beside this division commander, there are also two brigade commanders and a group of high-level staff officers.

According to system regulations, if a major general brigade leader is killed, Ye Tian will get 10,000 points.

Regardless of the staff, just killing the head of the lieutenant general division and the two major general brigade commanders, Ye Tian could get 45,000 points!

Without hesitation, Ye Tian quickly made a decision to kill these three big devils.

If there is a chance, kill all the staff members!

Ye Tian knew that in a division, the staff, especially the chief of staff, had a very high status and a very important role.

In terms of military ranks, the division commander is the lieutenant general, the brigade commander is the major general, and the chief of staff and the wing commander are both generals.

However, in terms of ranking, the chief of staff ranks ahead of the brigade and wing captains.

The reason is simple. Like the division commander, the division chief can also command the entire division, while the brigade commander can only command the entire brigade, and the wing commander can only command the entire wing.

What made Ye Tian dumbfounded was that he had heard before he crossed that, in many cases, the division commander had to listen to the division chief of staff.

The chief of staff of the division is responsible for the specific combat plan. After the chief of the division has stamped it, the chief of staff will execute it.

If the chief of staff is bypassed and the division commander makes a separate combat plan, it is an illegal use of troops.

Moreover, because the division leader is not familiar with the details of the business, the consequence of this is that the movement of the troops is very chaotic.

For this reason, under special circumstances, the chief of staff can even dismiss the division chief!

In addition, the chief of staff of the division can also benefit the division.

Although island nations have many heavy weapons, such as heavy artillery and military aircraft, some of them are not under the jurisdiction of the division.

Specifically, after the military department has formulated a combat plan, it will issue it to the division and regiment. After the division’s staff obtains the order, it will work out a detailed combat plan and then report it to the headquarters of the general staff.

Then, this detailed plan will be returned to the military headquarters.

According to the requirements of the detailed combat plan, the military headquarters will allocate various heavy firepower to the divisions and regiments, or strengthen the establishment of the divisions and regiments.

This also caused a phenomenon, because the firepower of the division often changed, and the Chinese government army could not make accurate judgments.

Unless the Chinese government forces can penetrate into the division to find this detailed combat plan.

In addition, the Devil's Staff, in addition to formulating combat plans, even often command troops to fight!

Thinking of this, Ye Tian decided that since he had encountered it, he would try to kill all these big devils, so as to save them from harming Chinese soldiers and civilians.

For this reason, with excellent night vision ability, Ye Tian quickly found a position.

Not far to the right of this group of big devils, there is a big rock that can easily hide under it without attracting the attention of other devils.

So Ye Tian made a decisive decision and ordered Ichiro Sugihara and Yuri Ono to gather there quickly.

At this moment, it was 3:30 in the morning, which was the darkest hour before dawn.

On the dock, tens of thousands of devils were busy searching for the enemy and rescuing the battleship.

PS: Military is on the left, literature and art are on the right! "The strongest military entertainment", a different military attire forced entertainment.

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