Super Anti-war System

Chapter 2081: Is there a ghost?

If one survives, there will be future fortunes!

It's been a long time since I came to China to kill people and set fires. Like many devils, Kitano Kazejian has become half of China.

The destruction of Nagata Airport was so severe that all strategic materials were basically reimbursed.

In particular, thousands of devils, including hundreds of pilots, had to be wiped out.

After luckily escaping from Shengtian, Kitano Kazama had a whim after his mental state stabilized.

If you think about it with your toes, you can know that with this one, many big devils must be dead.

For it, this is naturally a good opportunity that is hard to find in a thousand years.

Although its status is not very high, at the very least, it is the elderly at Nagata Airport, who are more familiar with the situation at Nagata Airport than many outsiders.

In this way, it is very likely that it will be promoted by the superior!

Aware of these, in order to prevent this good opportunity from passing by, Kitano Kazuma noticed that there was that dead devil on his shoulder.

What made Kitano Kazama depressed was that just now, the patron ran away, and his body was actually soiled by the blood of this kind.

With the dust covering the sky and the earth, the whole body becomes an oil painting.

In order to prevent being criticized by the superior, even thrown into a military court, even ordered to have a cesarean section, and watched for a while, Kitano Kazuma hurriedly threw the female devil aside.

Don't do it, don't stop.

In order to completely remove all traces, Kitano Kazuma did not hesitate to throw this female devil into a fire.

The fire was already burning, but after throwing in a female devil, it immediately flared.

At the same time, Kitano Kazuma immediately smelled the scent of meat.

Immediately afterwards, it smelled of burnt corpses.

This kind of smell, if I have to describe it, is like the smell of burnt feathers.

Too pungent!

Unable to bear the pungent and strange smell, and to be light-hearted, Kitano Kazema immediately left this place of right and wrong.

Immediately afterwards, in order to seize the good chance of being promoted, Kitano Kazuma immediately entered the role generously.

Whenever he saw the devils running out, Kitano Kazuma would not forget to gather them.

What makes Kitano Kazama happy to hear is that these devils give it face.

The most important thing is that Kitano Kazama didn't see anyone with a higher level than him from beginning to end.

Aware of these, Kitano Kazama was even more active.

In this way, as time passed, Kitano Kazuma organized hundreds of devils.

Feeling that it was almost there, it was impossible for a devil to survive, and Kitano Kazuma began to give orders.

Of course, while giving orders, Kitano Kazama walked in the name of the supreme commander.

What I have to say is that at this time, Kitano Kazama's three original subordinates have all been reused by Kitano Kazama.

Under the order of Kitano Kazema, all three subordinates led a team of devils to various places.

For example, go to the periphery of the airport to see if the devils and traitors are still alive.

For example, patrol everywhere in the airport to see if there are any devils of rescue value.

For example, in places that were not ravaged by fires and explosions, some valuable items were actively rescued.

On the other hand, Kitano Kazama rushed into the underground backup telecommunications room, accompanied by a female ghost operator who was frightened of incontinence.

In fact, from Kitano Kazama's point of view, this female devil, no matter her figure, appearance, or skin, is far better than her.

However, at this moment, this female devil is stinking all over, so where is Kitano Kazuma interested in thinking about it?

Besides, in this special place, at this special moment, Kitano Kazuma is most concerned about how to seize the opportunity to advance.

Therefore, automatically ignoring the stench on the female devil, Kitano Kazuma immediately gave orders to the female devil.

After receiving the death order from Kitano Kazama, the female devil immediately followed the order.

Soon, the Yongtian Airport was completely destroyed and the loss was not ordinary serious, etc., at the speed of light, quickly came to the North China Front Army headquarters.

Headquarters of the North China Front Army.

Was awakened by the guards in the middle of the night, the general commander-in-chief Temple Shouichi should have been furious.

However, after seeing the telegrams, Terauchi did not lose his temper at the guards.

The reason is simple. These freshly released telegrams all interpret a common message.

what's the message?

Quite simply, Nagata Airport is suspected to be completely destroyed by a certain anti-Japanese armed force.

Thinking that Nagata Airport is the largest Guizi Airport in North China, and realizing the amount of information in these telegrams, Terauchi is in a bad mood.

According to all kinds of information these days, Lao La's Temple Shouyi thought of loyalty rescue in the first time.

According to Touichi Terauchi, only this anti-Japanese armed force had the ability to attack Nagata Airport by lightning and completely destroy Nagata Airport.

On the other hand, other anti-Japanese armed forces cannot do this at all.

Also, outside of Nagata Airport, there are thousands of devils and traitors on guard.

The most important thing is that the terrain of Nagata Airport is very special and it is definitely a place that is easy to defend and difficult to attack.

Therefore, if the small groups of anti-Japanese armed forces want to do things, they will be wiped out if they are not close to the airport.

As for the Chinese government army, Temple Shouyi didn't take it seriously.

Like many big devils, as the general commander-in-chief of the North China Front Army, Terauchi also has many channels to learn about information.

Among the many channels for understanding information, the Supreme Command of China is included!

The reason is simple. After nearly a hundred years of hard work, many spy agents in the island country have long been ubiquitous in China.

Moreover, these spy agents have also developed many traitors.

The point is that the jobs of these traitors are very special.

Therefore, in many cases, the Supreme Command of China has just made some kind of strategic deployment, and in the first time, many big devils can fully understand it.

After thoroughly understanding the deployment of the Supreme Command of China, relying on the advantages of a larger number of weapons and a stronger military literacy of the soldiers, the big devils will make corresponding arrangements to stay as invincible as possible.

Even after some operation, it ushered in a big victory.

In a word, once the Chinese government forces were thinking about a sneak attack on the Nagata Airport, Teruchi was sure to learn this information as soon as possible.

The small anti-Japanese armed forces did not have the ability to sneak attack on Nagata Airport.

On the side of the Chinese government army, there was no information that the government army was about to attack the Nagata Airport.

Based on these facts, Shouyi Terauchi immediately further confirmed his guess.

The armed anti-Japanese war is definitely a loyal rescue!

Except for loyalty, there is really no one left.

Realizing this, thinking of the fact that Zhongyi has killed and injured so many devils and traitors in the recent period, Terauchi Shouichi is really out of anger.

Without any hesitation, Shouyi Terai immediately sent fiercely worded orders to the Japanese and puppet coalition forces around Nagata Airport, especially the hundreds of thousands of Japanese and puppet coalition forces who were still pursuing and intercepting loyalty and rescuing 200 miles in the south.

Immediately shift to the Nagata Airport area strategy!

When transferring, be sure to follow all directions.

Strive for it to be able to encircle the loyal and righteous rescue group in the form of a net.

After deliberating, Terauchi Shouichi also thought of a fact that he didn't want to believe.

In Nagata Airport, it is very likely that there will be loyal and righteous comrades.

To be precise, there are insiders!

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