At noon, the Rockets lounge.

Wang Fei wants to try his best to sleep for a while and keep his spirits up.

Just as he was about to fall asleep, he heard Gary Clark next door shouting, "what's the matter? What's the matter?"

Wang Fei was startled by the sound. He opened his eyes, turned his face, looked at Gary Clark and asked, "what's the matter?"

"Wang, look, this is an article published by the rocket editor on his home page today. I think it's incredible." Gary Clark rushed to Wang Fei with his mobile phone.

Today, the Rockets are the self media of the Rockets. They often release some team news and pictures.

This is also a network platform for Rocket fans to gather.

Wang Fei took Gary Clark's mobile phone and took a look. The page opened was an article entitled: the rocket signing Wang Fei is doomed to a failed cycle!

Wang Fei blinked.

What does that mean?

Your own media are singing down your players?

It's really unique.

Feng Chao began to read this article.

The main content of the article is still the same. It is said that through the voting of the Rockets' own fans, it is found that the vast majority of the Rockets' fans do not think signing Wang Fei is a good business.

The reason is still around Wang Fei's physical quality.

"Guys, let's see how poor Wang Fei's physical quality has been. His height is 1.73 meters. This is the height when wearing shoes. If you remove the shoes, it is estimated that he is only about 1.72 meters. His weight is also very small, only 60 pounds. If converted into kilograms, it is 54.4 kilograms. It's true that he is thin and small!"

"If you look at his arm span, it's only 1.74 meters. This is doomed. He's really rubbish. With any impact, he may lose his defensive position. With a slightly larger action, he may fly several meters away. Such a guy can play the NBA? Isn't this a joke?"

"So, what I want to say is that the Rockets are really anxious. We are too worried that we will lose our market advantage in China, so we can't wait to find a Chinese to play and then attract the attention from China. The rocket management has always had this idea."

"Therefore, we have signed Lin Shuhao and Zhou Qi, but they have not been successful. We have not been able to form a star effect like Yao Ming!"

"I think we can't blindly sign Chinese players anymore. These guys can't bring any help to the rockets at all, and can't let more Chinese people buy rocket products or watch rockets games. For Wang Fei, we should send him away immediately, which is the voice of the vast majority of fans!"

"The rocket club should listen to the suggestions of the fans. Your fans are mainly in the United States. It is these people who bring you rich income, not China!"

"Let Wang Fei go as soon as possible! Don't let this little man respond to us again. What we want to see is a wonderful game, not a clown laughing on the court!"

This article is very intense.

Wang Fei was beaten up again.

What makes Wang Fei feel embarrassed most is that there is a vote at the bottom of this article: do you think the Rockets should send Wang Fei away at once?

There are not a few fans voting.

More than 18000 fans have voted.

The vast majority, more than 90% of the fans believe that Wang Fei should be sent away.

After reading this, Wang Fei was really a little angry.

"Gary, today's rockets is the Rockets' home page, isn't it?" Wang Fei asked Gary Clark next to him.

"Yes, it's really the Rockets' home page. There's a guy named Corinthian house who manages this page. He should have written all the articles on it," Gary Clark nodded.

Corinthian house?

Wang Fei confirmed that he had not seen the man.

Maybe I have, but no one introduced him.

"Does the leadership of the team care if they disagree with the team?" Wang Fei said in a deep voice.

"Wang, I've read that article, too. I'll call Morey now and I'll ask him to give us an explanation." James Harden also came over at this time.

"Thank you, harden." Wang Fei nodded gratefully to James.

Harden called Morey.

At this time, Morey was answering a phone call.

It's Mike De Antony.

That's also the article in rocket today.

"Mr. Morey, did you see the article just published in rocket today?" d'antony asked very seriously.

"No, I didn't. Mike, what's the matter?" Morey was about to take a nap in his office, but he was woken up by d'antony's phone.

"I just saw an article in rocket today, which said that Wang Fei should be sent away as soon as possible. It also launched a vote. As a result, more than 90% of the fans agreed with the view of this article. What's the matter? Didn't you authorize the publication of this article?" d'antony asked angrily.

"Ah? Is there such a thing? Mike, I can't let house post such an article. It's absolutely impossible! You know, Corinthian house has always been in charge of the operation and management of rocket today, and I have hardly asked about it." Morey said in surprise.

Morey was angry, too.

Is this Corinthian house out of his mind?

How can you send such an article?

This is a blatant opposition to the club.

The negative impact of this article is simply too great.

"Mr. Morey, I suggest you read that article as soon as possible. It's really bad. It will make the whole American laugh at us. It's a little too much. Before, America today" An inexplicable vote was launched against Cameron Anthony. This vote allows people to choose whether to sign Cameron Anthony or LeBron James. This is a very rude humiliation! If it's not too much last time, this time, it's slapping the management of the entire Rockets! It's a crime! " D'Antoni said angrily.

"Mike, will you calm down? I'll investigate the matter. I'll call Corinthian house and ask him to delete the article as soon as possible." Morey said with a compensated smile.

"As soon as possible, I guess it has become the biggest joke in the United States," D'Antoni said.

"OK, OK! I'll call right away."

Morey hung up.

He had just hung up when another call came in.

Morey saw that it was harden.

This is the leader of the team.

Morey Xin said that paralysis is probably for rocket today. Isn't this Corinthian house safe before?

What's the matter recently?

This is looking for trouble.

Murray shook his head in pain, and he answered the phone.

"Hello, James." Morey tried to make his words easier.

"Molly, did you see the article in rocket today? What the hell does this son of a bitch house want?" harden roared.

"James, don't be angry and calm down. Mike called me just now. I just knew about it. What I can tell you is that I don't know about it. I don't authorize it. It must be the son of a bitch, Corinthian house. I'll investigate it now. I'll try to quell the impact of it as soon as possible. Please believe me." Morey said quickly.

"As soon as possible, sir! It's a great blow to our teammates. I'm really worried that it will affect Wang Fei's morale!" harden said.

"OK, OK!"

Morey was persuasive again, so he hung up the phone.

He immediately found Corinthian house's cell phone number and dialed it.

But what Morey didn't expect was that house's cell phone was busy and couldn't get through!


Morey just scolded angrily.

He got up, stormed out of the door and headed for Corinthian house's office.

Corinthian house is also in trouble at the moment.

He also had lunch at noon, and then planned to have a rest.

He soon fell asleep.

House was having a dream of dating a blonde when suddenly the cell phone on his desk began to ring.

House was surprised and he woke up.

He was very angry.

This is so special, isn't it too public morality? It's noon. It's lunch break. How can I call?

However, when he looked at the phone number, he was surprised, and even the last bit of sleep disappeared.

Because this phone call is the owner of the Rockets, Tillman feltita.

The local tyrant spent $2.2 billion on rockets.

Corinthian house quickly grabbed his cell phone and connected the phone: "Hello, Mr. fieldita!"

House greeted with great respect.

"Mr. house, what's the matter with you?" Dilman fieldita roared from the microphone.

House was stunned. He said in his heart, I didn't make any big mistakes, did I? He said quickly, "Mr. fieldita, I, I don't understand."

"Don't you understand? I ask you, what's the matter with the article posted an hour ago?" yelled Dilman fieldita.

House was even more depressed.

He said in his heart, I sent some photos of team training an hour ago. I didn't send anything else.

"Mr. fieldita, I sent some team training photos more than an hour ago, and then predicted tonight's game. I didn't do anything else," House said wrongfully.

"Falk! Are you insulting me? You sent an article advising the team to let Wang Fei go, and you insulted the young man. You're against the team!" Dilman fieldita was a little crazy.

I've never seen such a shameless man! I did it and didn't admit it!

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