620. Chapter 620 summon 2

    Chapter 620 summon 2

    “There are already five leaders here, and the sixth will come tomorrow.

    Dark power is getting stronger.

    Our strength will be growing. ”

    Dinkas is quiet and silent, constantly ringing in a bar.

    “How many demons have been born now?”

    The woman with the bartender sample quickly answered: “Under the leadership, 13 senior demons, 1,232 medium demons, more than 2,500 lower demons without specific details.

    All the devils are ambushed in the ordinary world, and you are ready to hear what you say. “

    “Is there so much already?” Carcharo’s got a glimpse, and that’s the power of the Black Prison to run this world for years.

    You know, even if it’s a general low-level demon, you can sweep all the powers under Angel’s rank in the world.

    And the middle demon is no longer the opponent that ordinary Angel can easily defeat.

    Angel’s inferior sins, and Angel, the top and the middle devil, fall apart.

    And higher levels of demons can even suppress higher levels of warning Angel.

    As for the devils of their five leaders, it was just a little bit different from St. Angel, who faced the highest position alone.

    If it were united, it would be perfectly easy to get rid of those two infiltrated angels in Santa Roland.

    If they were not worried that their deaths would leak the winds and release the news, they would never have allowed the two St. Angel to arrive in the city.


    power of the Blackfire devil, like a huge shadow, is gradually surrounding the whole city.

    “Now people are here, and we’ll arrange for a second exchange of defensive areas…” Dicas sitting in the center slowed down.

    The rest of them are reporting carefully on their own region of responsibility, and in a single statement, Casharo is a little less than a god.

    He doesn’t think he remembers Eldest Young Lady Perola of the polar blossom.

    I don’t know why it’s clear that the human girl, except beautiful, can’t find any advantage.

    But his heart is always uncomfortable with silhouette from each other.

    “What the hell is going on with me?” He’s got his eyebrows locked, and he feels kind of anomalous.

    “Don’t know what Perola is doing now?” He suddenly has some idea of walking.



    bang bang bang bang bang

    Clear heels continue to strike on empty Castle Manor ground.

    Perola, with purple skirts, with a bag of stuff, walks slowly along the corridor towards Castle Manor.

    At this point, she may not be called Pedro anymore, but should be Lin Sheng.

    Prior to that, Lin Sheng decided to try a new modes of arrival because it was really impossible to endure Perola’s foolishness.

    Only a place came to its own souls.

    In order not to be squeezed by the World, he took advantage of the soul opened up by Perola as a shell, wrapped his own soul, thus disguising and acquiring the world’s perfect native status.

    At that time, she was, in essence, similar to that of other leaders.

    Because Perola’s soul is simply unable to bear the great sense of Lin Sheng. Just touching, her consciousness and soul naturally and naturally dissolved into Lin Sheng’s consciousness.

    Despite the extremely disparity between the two, Lin Sheng had to protect himself with the spirit of Perola and did not completely absorb each other because of the exclusion and repression of the World.

    So there was a form of presence similar to that of other leaders.

    Unlike other leaders, however, Perola was at this time dominated by Lin Sheng’s consciousness. Perola’s consciousness is complementary.

    Or now, she’s a Lin Sheng with some of the characteristics of Perola’s memory.

    With something, Lin Sheng was on his way to light senses, and 20 monitors were found.

    There are also at least five stars in the dark, staring at her anytime. Obviously, these people are dedicated to watching her.

    “That’s stupid. In the face of this dilemma, are you still trying to paralyse yourself and pretend to be nothing? It’s a piece of shit!”

    Lin Sheng had a cold mind in his eyes.

    If she hadn’t just come by a part of her soul now, with little strength, she would have taken it all out of her hands when she had just discovered these surveillance.

    Through the lengthy white corridor, Lin Sheng soon arrived in a region with the lowest control – the Beauty Blue Plaza in the back of Gomburg.

    Bea Blue Plaza was the mother of Perola when he was a kid, and in order for daughter to have fun at home, a major playground was ordered.

    The area of land is equal to a small town and invests more than 3 billion. Facilities within them should be exhausted.

    But as Perola grew up, she rarely went to the park again.

    It has also evolved into forgotten Castle Manor surroundings.

    Lin Sheng seems to be here on purpose, that is, because there is the lowest level of surveillance here.

    She said something, she switched a little circle in the park, and soon came to a mirror maze.

    “That’s it.” ”She had a slight collision in her mouth, slowly walking into the maze gate.

    As she enters, the entire maze is slowly dispersed with a slight quarantine.

    This breath is as slow as fog spreads quickly as it covers more than 10 metres around the maze.

    Lin Sheng slowed down in the maze, and the eyes shined in the charming pure powder red.

    Although she did not inherit the great Saint Force and power of her own.

    With only a part of her mind, she can also develop a few special abilities.

    It is not difficult to find out in her vast knowledge repository and memory a few formulas that require only spiritual and material development.

    That’s just her, through voice, hand, and a part of spiritual force, the combination launched a simple model called consciousness segregation.

    It is derived from the treasury of the demon Empire, which has the effect of making people around it feel safe, and those who are concerned remain in their places of origin.

    It was used for special schemes like Crown Prince, but it was used here by Lin Sheng, and it was easy for the eyes of the watchers.

    Just after she entered the maze.


    white silhouette on several sides suddenly floats out of the air, blocking the front door of the maze.

    “She went in. What do we do?”

    “This maze has only two doors, no windows, and we just have to block the door. Maybe she just suddenly had a heart tide and wanted to play mirror maze.”

    “I don’t know why, I always feel that Perola seems to have changed somehow.” One of them suddenly said.

    “What changes?”

    “It is unclear, but the temperature seems to be somewhat different. Makes people feel more beautiful?” That guy’s got a little bit of a touch.

    Eldest Young Lady, the original Perola, is a natural, superficial Eldest young Lady, with no meaning.

    But now, there seems to be some difference.

    Although this difference has just emerged, this detective watchdog seems to have been noticed for the first time.

    “I think you miss women, don’t you? When we change class,” One of the most qualified women watchers is approaching, and one holds this traitor said with a smile.

    “Let your sister open you up and experience the joy of being a man! Hey, hey,” This woman is full of muscles, clouds, strong shoulders, and even masks on her face can see the cross of her face.

    “Well, elder sister Xu… I have something in my house today… My grandfather is seriously ill. I have to get back!”

    “What about you?” The woman turned her eyes around, looked towards another man.

    “I… I… My father is seriously ill.”

    “And you?”

    “My mom feels tired.”

    “My sister’s brain bleeding!”

    A group of men lose ones heads out of fear, and hurry up to all kinds of excuses.

    “Cut it! A bunch of shit!”

    (This chapter is over)

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