286. Chapter 286

Chapter 286

Dark night.

In a bar in the White California district, two silhouette were hit and ran out of the street.

These two people are dressed up, and one of them is Feller with Melissa.


One out of the bar, two people are separated, moved towards both directions.

There are some complex barbecues on the streets, and the two move quickly and turn their eyes away.

Two people just ran away, and the door of the bar was once again hit by a bunch of red hair Wilman.

The chief strong man was wearing a gold earrings, biting his thumb with a rough crust cigarette. The nose keeps spreading white fog.

“Where's the man?”

“On both sides.”With a muscle strong black chuckled.

“Find them! Careful not to break the baby. If that baby's on that kid, I can't keep you. ”

Take the strong man off the lane.


A few people's red hair quickly echoed their voice and turned around and ran away.

Just leave the lead, strong man, alone, and watch the people who walked, and he smoked deep.

Stretch your hand in the pocket and light up a little thing.

An invisible wave of electric waves went out and turned its eyes away from the night sky.

After all this, he turned back to the bar. It was painted into silver grey wooden doors, 220499; one bullet was closed.



Feller and Selina breath appeals, fast running in the alley.

After a while, until the intersection of Messy and disorderly alley surrounded, even if they were unable to clear their own direction, they stopped slowly, bending their knees and breathing.

“What the hell is going on with those people? Suddenly, if I didn't react in a timely manner, we wouldn't even be playing! "Feller took a break and the next face hurts.

“I recognize them, those people, the weirdo don't attack!”Selina's breathing low. "They might be before we…The man who stole the Van Jon religion. "

Feller, remember the day before they stole a strange man and went to a place of assembly.

That's an abandoned writing building, where messy and disorderly are all strangers who have gathered in the past.

The most astonishing thing is that there are living people in the building who preside over ceremony.

And they looked at those weirdo, and they were absorbed by a little bottle of flowers in the hands of the living, and they did not resist it at all.

That was the time when they heard the people in there talking, and they learned that Van Jon taught that name.

“Van Eun taught…Must be this messy and disorderly cult. What are we gonna do now? Back to school? ”Feller helplessly said.

Selina shake his head.

“Others can't see strange people, go back to school, and we're also dangerous, and we have to find a place where there's no weirdo.”

“There's no weird place…Our school mentors have small secrets, and senior factories are built in small secrets. Or we'll come on, Melissa… ”

Feller suddenly thought that Melissa's big sister was not just one of the strongest schools, Spirit Heart Castle Manor.

“Little secret?Still don't bother Melissa elder sister. We'll find another place to hide. Nor does the Church of Man dare to break with a real wanton cruelty. "

Selina had an idea.

“Come with me, I think of a good place.”

She pulled Feller out of the alley.



Van Eun, Lin Sheng doesn't know what's going on, nor can he ignore it.

He's been hiding his heart in the rental house since he got that thing that was suspected of dragon crystal that night.

On the one hand, study this notorious thing.

On the other hand, demonic Ability was again practiced to upgrade Saint Force.

The spirit of the eight flowers, he completely vanished, turned into Rock Dragon Bloodline.

Since then, his energies have flourished to the pole, and for three consecutive days he has no intention of sleeping.

the source of Rock Dragon Bloodline in the body continues to absorb external energy and nurture him in the body's organizational organs.

This alteration has made him energetic and spiritual.

Similarly, Lin Sheng felt the same as when he summon came out of King of Night's body.

And he has been transformed, and he is raising his soul more.

If you can't sleep, Lin Sheng will use all the spirit on Demonic Ability.

And concrete strength, because he does not have reference audiences, and he does not know what he is.

After all, Rock Dragon Bloodline, combined with Saint Force and Demonic Ability, is unclear how powerful formidable power can explode.

He only knows that now he is, in the body of the body, a combination of all aspects, almost doubled it.

Rock Dragons are powerful creatures that grow up in defense and strength, unlike King of Night's shadow, just like King of Steel's flame.

This is better defensive than King of Steel, Rock Dragon Bloodline of Lin Sheng.

Of course, specifically formidable power, he also needs to find an appropriate opponent to measure it.

“The soul is clean and cannot be transformed into Saint Force, some trouble…”Lin Sheng sat on the couch, stuck in his mouth with a chopstick.

He's been living on this for a few days.

There are also four or five eggs in the convenience. Some dehydrated vegetables, looking like colours, giving people a lot of appetite.

“Seems to be the source of everything, or the soul…”Lin Sheng is not leisure for days, and he's doing one thing besides rehearsing Demonic Ability and meditating Saint Force.

That's how to absorb the memory of the thousands of human soul residues.

Thousands of people!

What's that concept?

Even if one person left his memory with only one movie, it looked like a thousand movies, Lin Sheng couldn't absorb it completely in a short period of time.

He can only use the key words to screen out a useful part of it and to integrate it.

The first is the memory of all languages.

Lin Sheng has a particular sense of linguistics for learning Demonic Spirits.

In his heart, he conceded that linguistic language, if given a certain degree of height, could trigger all energy in the world.

Rune is, in fact, a language. Many symbols are also one of the languages.

So he came from these Memory Fragments, the combination screening, the consolidation, and the creation of 11 foreign languages.

Apart from a number of meaningless small languages, all of these eleven languages are widely used, with a large number of audiences throughout the world.

If not some language in the memory of the soul, it would seem too long to be abandoned by Lin Sheng, he would have had more foreign languages.

But that's all, it's enough for him to take a lot of time.

Remembrance alone is not enough, and it is necessary to apply, practice, so that it can be integrated into the body and become part of it.

Lin Sheng estimated that it would take a few more days to complete it.

After the foreign language, he was second collated, with a high level of university scientific experience.

Yes, of the thousands of people he absorbed, a very small number of them were highly studying in certain disciplines.

Although there is no highly influential statesman scientist, knowledge systems are complete and research researchers are available.

Because it's Memory Fragments, not a complete memory, Lin Sheng can only remember a discipline.

Well, it's hard for him to spell out a lot of basic scientific knowledge.

Basic chemistry, basic physics, etc. Many of these souls have learned what Lin Sheng has been integrated and completely absorbed.

(This chapter is over)

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