206. Chapter 206 Cruelty 2

Chapter 206 Cruelty 2

Cardula sweetly smiled.

“Am I so famous now? You're really talking to this man. I don't want to eat you… ”


With a wave of metal distortions, a large white arm, like a chain, grabbed a man from four sides, slowed down from the hole.

The people arrested are mad at struggling, twisting. Show despair and terrifying colors on your face.

Huh? It's the old Jan who just got out.

He can't imagine that a violel strong at the level of dignified Five Wings would have met in such a small place.

It is clear that he has tried to choose the most remote places in order to avoid the scourge.

It is clear that he has made the choice as low as possible.

It's clear…

He has no way to think about it, and he's getting a little blank in his head, and he can only feel that the whole muscle skull is squeezed by great force in his arm, and that's a little loud.

“Lord Cardula! If I knew it was you, I wouldn't dare have any impudent! Never dare against Adolf! "Old Jan screamed.

What he just did was do everything in control, and so far the shock, the madness of begging for forgiveness, and the latter made a clear contrast.

It seems that Adolf and Sina, next to them, have no idea how to react.

“It's late…”Cardula said with a slight smile, “I haven't had a good meal for too long…"

“Your Highness.”Suddenly, a black cigarette came together and became a heavy Warrior with silver armor in the corner of the basement, and it was Lin Sheng Sheng summon's soldier.

In addition to leaving the protection component in Xiling, Lin Sheng is next to a total of 10 dungeon soldiers.

“Palace Lord wants you to take old Jan over for a while. The Holy Mosque is now a time of human use, and if he is truly willing to convert to Saint Light, we should also give him an opportunity. "Tiger said solemnly.

Cardula, get up with a little mouth, some angry.

“I can't eat now, I can't sleep, I can't sleep, Palace Lord can't forgive me?”

“The subordinate simply reproduces the original words of Palace Lord. Sorry, Your Highness. ”Tiger said solemnly.

In the absence of Lin Sheng's control, these sub-souls themselves act in accordance with their memories and instincts.

In fact, they are not very different from their independent lives. The only difference is that all their souls are at the heart of one, Lin Sheng.

“No offense!”Cardula is extremely unsatisfactory and command a large number of arms to start sucking old Jenn blood essence.


Seeing old Jan's body shrinks from strong, flesh eyes, with less than two seconds shrinking into a dry, thin old man around 1.7 m.

He screamed, panicked and struggled, but there was no room for a strong white arm around him to die and control him.

This screen has allowed Adolf, who has just given his strong gratitude to Cardula, to swiftly turn his heart into fear.

He now understands why old Jan escaped when he saw Cardula.

This guy is a demon!

“No food over here. Where are the two over there?”Cardula again looks forward to the brightness of the eyes. look to Adolf behind Thena.

His malicious sight is that neither Sina nor Kani are shaking by their own selves.

“I'm sorry.”Another black cigarette is soaring into a second soldier. "Your Highness, Palace Lord has asked you to take the other two with him. "

Cardula just had a little cheeky face, and then he lost his smile again.

“Let's go!”

The emotion he came out of is a hard one. Nothing to eat.

Turn around, Cardula goes around and turns into black smoke disappears. Large white arms hold old Jan's nose, forcibly drag it together.

And two dungeons went to Adolf. Take them together and go to Lin Sheng's place.



Clear green in the woods.

The golden laser falls under Lin Sheng's feet, side by side, hair.

Smaller floating in the air is dancing in the woods and pollens, and occasionally there are small bandits passing through the wind.

On a little yellow flower on the trees, a few black little flies shake the wings of transparency, landed lightly on white petals, climbing into flowers and licking flour.

Everything is quiet and quiet.

Adolf's been here half an hour later.

He just got here and he saw his back on Lin Sheng.

Lin Sheng is at this point half-dragon, with constant release of light dragons from all sources, with a set of red armor belonging to the Warrior Association, just without a short ax.

The same armor, he put it on, and the ordinary Warrior public blood on it, is completely different.

At that time, he hid a glimpse of King of Steel's temperature.

Adolf was brought by himself, and his big sister went with father to get an emergency. It's good to rescue in a timely manner, and it's no problem to spend a dangerous period.

There is no one in the summon creature that's good at fighting, which makes Lin Sheng feel that some special talented monsters should be found in the dream and absorbed into their forces.

But it is time to take care of Adolf first.

Adolf is surrounded by battered and exhausted, with high-filtered white shirts contaminated by dust tears and blood.

But at that time, his expression was humbled and determined with a sacred emotion, devotion and devotion.

“See? That's what power means. ”Lin Sheng was dumb.

“You're actually just being hit by pools. The Jan family itself is just a leverage between father and son. And you will not bear the rest of the wave at the interior leverage. "

Adolf, lower your head, slight tight fist. Show it out in the eye.

“Please Palace Lord give me the divine power!”

He's gonna kneel on his knees.

“You should call me teacher.”Lin Sheng is very pleased with this disciple.

If it were to be said before, it was just to ignore resources and money and find a big deal of grievance. So now he's really going to take the other side, become his disciple.

“Yes…Teacher! "Adolf, hurry up.

“Saint Light will only be the one who's ready. Are you ready for everything?"Lin Sheng, calm down.

“My Spirit Heart is ready, but my body is too weak…"Adolf has some helplessly said.

“Don't rush…”Lin Sheng answered.

Any force will need a gradual process, as will Saint Light.

Lin Sheng himself, if it is not to absorb too many souls, is at best a common person who becomes superman.

“Teacher…Why? Why?Is that all? ”Adolf has no patience and no pain.

“I now give you Ash Seal's meditation."Lin Sheng intends to start a pair of them, and to pass Sanctuary, Ash Seal, officially and completely to Adolf.

He knew the suffering of Adolf, and he was not suffering from his own body, but was asking why the world had suddenly become like that.

Why did the order that had been established before collapse?

“Why do you know so few people who know and know the truth?"There is a cold and confusion in Adolf's heart.

But soon, he's no longer in doubt.

“Xilun local government is coming."Lin Sheng said it. "They're clearing the memory of all people. The memory of all witnesses. ”

“Clear your memories…"

“Yeah…That's the reality. If you're still in the garden now, the only result is that, because of an accident, the building collapsed. "Lin Sheng calmly said.

“For the sake of the stability of the larger environment, they will not allow the brutality of the real world to be spread out."

(This chapter is over)

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