203. Chapter 203 Extreme 2

Chapter 203 Extreme 2

It's inconceivable for him to get so much material in so short a time.

The material is complete and the money is scarce. Lin Sheng intends to really start formal summon and find a place to build a base.

He would want to buy a house in the industrial sector, after which Adolf was brought.

The following day, Adolf sent a two-hundred-year lease right to a small mountain outside the suburb.

That means that that little mountain outside the outskirts of the tree, from now on, until 200 years later, was used by Lin Sheng alone.

Adolf's efficiency, speed, even if Lin Sheng asks to be picked up again, can't find any gross illness.

One more day.

Adolf's people are coming again.

In order to express its devotion to Saint Light, Lin Sheng was heard of a lack of funds.

Adolf injected all of his own savings into a notorious account, while at the same time his money was released every other time.

This account will automatically be transferred to another unregistered account opened by Lin Sheng.

Lin Sheng felt that he did not necessarily have Adolf's loyalty to Saint Light.

As a result, with the logistical support of Adolf, Lin Sheng immediately intends to try some tests that have never been tested for lack of money before.

He feels like choosing this kid to join, and it's a wise and right choice, and now the treatment is like heaven when Xiling comes.

He doesn't need to raise his own money to buy the material, just one word.

With substantial resources, Lin Sheng decisively chose to start a large number of new summon soldiers and to establish a full new base.

Iron Fist Assembly's power is still too weak. There's some bad reputation, but it's okay. Another skin he could still keep confusing.

Cardula was seriously injured, with only one King of Steel outside, and once a little trouble had arisen, there was no way in which it could be supported in a timely manner.

In a short time, Lin Sheng felt he couldn't summon strong boss anymore.

But a little bit of the elite, but it's a bunch of summon.

Lin Sheng has searched for a time, with a well-painted chart, to go straight to the hill that Adolf gave, to find a new ceremony summon in the depths of the mountains.

As for Adolf, he must wait for himself to take care of his body and no longer spend the fields of alcohol and have some energy in order to start a formal study.

Otherwise, it's too bad to study, it's courting death.

The one who did it…

The one who did it…


A strange voice came from outside the villa wall.

Adolf slowed up from home swimming pools and went shopping. Some confused look towards the outside wall.

In order to follow the guidance of the black envoy and obtain the true guidance of Saint Light, he began to exercise his body carefully every day, restore physical energy and reduce the frequency of flowers and alcohol.

In order to learn Saint Force, there must be a strong body first.

So he lives these days are extremely prescriptive.

bang bang!

There's two more screams out there, and there seems to be something going on. But there is little scope.

Adolf wore a dry towel, put a slipper on, walked into a dry and warm quarantine, swiftly washed a shower and changed his clothes.

He was not worried about security.

The security level of the villa is the highest, with a total of 3-Layer close protection and 24-hour continuous patrols outside. It's also equipped with guns.

At this point, Dad is negotiating with the old Jan group on the next cooperation.

big sister handles group services in the office on the second floor.

There are microcameras everywhere, almost no dead corners, and, once something happens, all cameras can be connected to the computer centre in the Minton Police Department at the first time.


Just dressed up, Adolf was going back to the room for a break.

Suddenly that kind of weird shock came up again.

The voices are not loud, and only in the back of the pool can they be heard.

“What's that sound?”He's a little eyebrowed, picked up his cell phone, ready to call the captain outside.


On the side of the wall, the wall was steeply blown, and it broke a big hole.

The various pieces of fragments that were blown were flowing around, a big silhouette in a uniformed uniform, and were slowing in.

“Mooney, get out of here!”

silhouette screamed, blew up a lot of gas and spreaded around the ashes.

“Lawrence? Little Jan! "Adolf's head startled by the pool, recognized the identity, stayed on the ground.

When did you get away from the traitor to be a cop's little Jan?

Don't wait for him to react.

A number of patrol guards from the internal wall came in, and gunguns were a series of shootings against Jørn.

Little Jan movement technique was twisted, left right away, and a few bubbles came to the front of the police personnel and shot it in one hand.


The two men were blown out on the spot, bleeding, falling out of meter away, looking out on the ground.

A few others yelled out loudly. Firearms in their hands are shaking and they turn around on the ground. But still hit by little Jan, one by one, smashed the back, spit the blood down.

At that time, little Jan, the muscles almost got the uniforms, with densely packed red blood on his face, and there was about purple fluorescent in his eyes. The breath is so heavy as wild beast.

His hands slowed down the blood, turning around and staring at some direction on the second floor of the villa.

Aaah!He bang bang bang bang a few steps out of a hurry, a heavy step, a high leap.


Adolf opened his eyes and watched Juan jump four metres tall and hit the window on the second floor of the guest room.

The glass is broken, and in less than a few seconds, the two heavy silhouette descends from the sky and strikes on the ground.

A black, muscle, like a tall creature of the devil, is strangled by his hands and raised up his neck.

“Did you get the present I gave you? My dear son… ”

the black devil did send out old Jay's voice.

Little Jan struggles in his hand, beats each other, tries to get rid of it.

The world view of Adolf for more than two decades has finally collapsed at this moment.

He was blank in his head for a moment, but soon, he turned into a crazy second floor of the villa.

His father and Big sister are still up there!

Step three, step two.

Adolf looked at it, the whole second floor of the dust rolled out, and conceived to hear someone breathing in a big cough.

He soon saw Big sister Sidney coming over here with a bloody father Carney, a tough wall, a step towards moving towards it.

“Sister!”Adolf, hurry up and grab the big sister and father who shaken his mind.

“Dad's hurt! Let's go! Get out of here! The Jan family…It's all monsters! ”big sister Siena shows the color of fear.

Adolf doesn't say anything. Take Father Carney back on his back.

“It's gonna be okay, it's gonna be okay, it's gonna be okay!”He was fuzzy and emotional was also close to alarm.

father Kani's blood, like he doesn't want money, keeps following him, hands, clothes, downstairs, can't stop.

On the side of Kani's waist, there is a huge, bleeding creature, a metal triangle, which has been deeply stabbed into his back.

Adolf was busy trying to press the wounds, stop the blood, but it didn't work. The sooner he moves, the sooner he bleeds.

(This chapter is over)

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