151. Chapter 151. Touch?

Chapter 151. Touch?

Glad to show you all the worlds I like.

Not much more.

I hope you like this book, so much support. Reading, recommending, making the book more beautiful, and you can see more face, don't you?- Yeah.

Here, thanks to the many old friends who have been supporting me, you can remember me more than two months after I rest.

I also thank the new friends who joined the new book for being together, who can read the old rolling books and represent the same people.

And thank my editor too much, Boss, for his hard work and hard work in support of the old roll, for my accusation of Qilin's support for the book, for the beginning of the Chinese Network, for reading the text and for all those who are thankful?

All right, no more bullshit. I'll see you tomorrow afternoon.

(This chapter is over)

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