Summoner Called Abomination

90 [81] To the Kingdom of Humanion.txt

A few days after the alliance between the Servantil Spirit Nation and the Dizenaire Demon Empire was concluded, the heavyweights of the Humane Kingdom were busy with the information that was coming in one after another.

''Regarding the matter of the other day...''

No, no, no, I'm just looking for a solution to our food problem.

I just received a report from the troops we have been dispatching...

I've been sending out spies to watch out for the Rastabelle Empress, who defeated the Dizenaire Demoness without a hitch, but just the other day I received incomprehensible information that the country has been destroyed.

I'm sure you'll be able to find out what's going on in the world.

He immediately organized a force for Rastafarian defense and ordered the rescue and protection of the inhabitants.

There is no way to refuse this help to Rustabelle, which has lost its queen and its troops, and the city has been devastated, and it seems that a policy has been decided to accept the troops as soon as they arrive.

It's a good thing that the only people Zeldair wants to help are the people of Rastabel, and he has no intention of helping the higher-ups who would lightly wage war on other countries.

The protection of the inhabitants is the top priority. Prepare additional supplies. Send letters to the other nations requesting cooperation...


While the heavyweights were busy moving around, the one who opened the door vigorously and entered was Lumelia, the third princess of the Humane Kingdom.

''So it's Lumeria. As you can see, I'm busy at the moment. I'm sorry, but if you want to talk to me, you'll have to wait until later.

'I know you are busy. But High Sierra has brought me a letter from Mr. Wilm, and I'd like you to take a look at it. Please take a look at it.

Did Lord Wilm...?

Zeldia reacted to the words "from Vilm" by placing the bundle of materials she was holding at the back of her desk and began to read the letter she received from Lumeria.

Naturally, the heavyweights also stopped moving and their gazes would be directed at Zeldia.


Eventually, Zeldia finished reading the letter and looked up at the ceiling with a loud sigh.

''Heh, your majesty, what does the letter say...?''

"Lord Wilm seems to be on his way. With Emperor Dizenaire and his soldiers. It says they should arrive tomorrow.

「「「「 Ha-ha-ha! 」」」」

The heavyweights were speechless and stiffened by the unpredictable situation, with no context whatsoever.

Rumelia, who had brought the letter, didn't seem to have seen the contents of the letter either, and she put her hand over her mouth, exclaiming.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

A plain in the east as seen from the Humane Kingdom.

There was a group of people running towards the HUMANION Kingdom.

But although I tried to use the word "sprint", it seems a bit forced to describe it that way.

I'm sure you'll be pleased to know that I'm not the only one.

I'm sure you'll find that your magic is amazing. It's not just a matter of time before you're able to get your hands on a new one.

''At this rate, we'll arrive before noon tomorrow as planned. Meldina and Hyshela should be arriving by now, and I hope we get an audience as soon as possible...''

Currently, Virum and Radia are on their way to the Humane Kingdom with the members of the Dizenaire Demon Empire.

Just as Geord said, it is undoubtedly Radia who is effortlessly carrying thousands of people through the use of the Ground Slide, a magic that moves the surface of the earth.

I'm not sure if I'm right. In addition to my friend, Villebo, the Emperor Dizenaire is also here. No matter how modest we think it is, we'll be ready in the morning after tomorrow.

She should have already been using magic for more than two whole days, but she doesn't look tired at all, probably because of the supply of magic power from Virum.

If she was serious, she would have already arrived at her destination, but the reason she's keeping her speed down is probably out of concern for Kounaria and Oma, as well as Geord and the rest of Dizenaire's people.

''Virum-san! Now that you've recovered, go back to training with me!


Huh... Oma-kun, you're doing well.

Oma, who until just a few days ago had been depressed as if she had changed from one person to another, had completely regained her former condition.

Apparently, he said, "My life is in Virum's hands and I could be killed at any time. If that's the case, rather than living in fear while constantly asking for a good mood, I'll make the most of this chance to become strong.

The fact that Virum himself also gave me a pledge that he would not kill them as long as they didn't have any harmful intentions was probably one of the reasons why he decided to do so.

And as you can see from Virum's dismayed words, a reluctant Oma has been begging for actual battle training every time he recovers his strength.

There were more than twice as many of them as his sister's apprentice, Kounaria.

I'm not going to be able to do anything about it because of what I said. Oma, get ready...

"Wil-boy, wait a minute.

Just as the training is about to begin for what may be the umpteenth time already, Radia interrupts between the two.

'Sister Dear?'

"This time, child, I'll take care of you.

Radia smirks and smirks with amusement at Oma, who is dumbfounded as she prepares herself with her back to Wilm, who blinks her eyes.

Behind her, I can see Kunaria, who knows the details of her training, which is even more relentless than her Vilm, frowning slightly.

''...Eh? Mr. Radia?

I'm sure. 'Vilbo is far superior to you, but it's not good to have the same person every time. This is because each person has his or her own skills and thoughts. It's a good idea to fight against a variety of opponents to broaden your range of responses.

(There's nothing wrong with what I'm saying, but... I guess it's because I haven't moved my body for two days.)

It seems that Radia, who basically likes to move her body, couldn't stand it while watching them train.

Virum, who took that feeling into account, didn't have anything in particular to say, but dropped back meekly to the rear where Cunaria and the others were.

It may be true. But Radia-san is using movement magic, right? How much can you fight in that condition?

"Kakkay! Look at what you're going to say, that's what you're going to say! Don't worry. If it's a kid, this is nothing to write home about.

'Gosh, you said it! I'll get one for sure!

Oma pointed out that he controlled a great magic that moved thousands of people at the same time, and that too at high speed, but he was slightly pissed off by Radia's attitude, which he laughed off without even biting his teeth.

Oma holds his beloved naginata at the lower level and uses his momentum to slash at her.

(Mel-chan isn't there and... Oma-kun, I hope you don't get hurt...)

I'll note that the result was - - - just as Cunnalia feared.

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