Summoner Called Abomination

79 [70] Spirit Village Defense Battle ⑥ ~ The Guardian of the Earth ~.txt

Explosive smoke and dust rolled up, making it impossible to have a decent view.

The miserable black flashes of light emitted from the north scattered a terrific roar and impact around them as soon as they landed.

Fuelled by the wind, the smoke slowly cleared to reveal the figure of Radia, whose clothes were torn in many places and whose body was also covered in wounds.

The horror of the black flashes could be seen from the devastation of the ground around her that seemed to have been gouged out, including the injuries she had sustained.

''Oh dear, what an attack. It's not a good idea to do everything in your power to prevent it.

Dear sister, don't talk now!

At the earliest, she didn't have the slightest bit of leeway to seem even sensationalistic against the large army that had just been there, and she was down on one knee, puffing bitterly.

Beside her, there was also the figure of Virum, who sent in magic power with an expression of mixed concern for Radia and anger at the enemy for injuring his precious sister.

As soon as the black flash was released, Ladia, not wanting to do any damage to the forest of demonic fog behind her, immediately transformed the terrain to create a barrier, but the unexpectedly powerful force of the black flash was not enough to create a barrier, resulting in considerable damage.

The reason why Virum was not injured as much as the wounded Radia was because she protected him, who could only endure the damage by strengthening his body.

If even a spirit creature (Radia), who defended herself with all her might, was in this situation, the Dizenaire Demon Empire, which had no way to counteract it, would have been helpless.

(But it doesn't make sense. A weapon with this much power... I don't think it's something that can be made easily.)

What... it can even withstand a direct hit from a magic cannon?

When the smoke screen cleared and captured Radia's figure, Aldenis revealed his surprise, as if her survival was unexpected.

He probably didn't expect that the Dizenaire Demon Empire, which was touted as a powerful country, would be able to survive a direct hit from a magic cannon (material cannon) that they had no way to do.

From what he said and did earlier, he must have given up on capturing the spirit beast (Radia) and shot it with the intention of obliterating it.

''Hurry up and fill up on energy.''

"With all due respect, General Aldenis. "I am afraid, General Aldenis, he is visibly weakened. Then it will be easy to capture him, won't it?

'Maybe so, but we don't know what kind of power he's hiding. I'll give you another order to capture him, but you'd better be ready to shoot him right away in case something goes wrong.

Understood. Material cannon, begin recharging energy!

At Ardenis' command, the soldiers including his entourage began to move, and some kind of liquid-filled capsule is gathered around the magic cannon (material cannon).

The soldiers took out a cable from the capsule and finished connecting it to the material cannon, and then they touched the jewel on the side of the capsule.


A moment later, an inaudible scream came from inside the capsule...No, it was difficult to hear due to the exterior, but a cry tinged with agony could be heard.

It was rampaging, and through the window that was attached to look inside, a human-like body part was visible and hidden.

The one inside of it was...

We've passed the 30% fill rate! At this pace, it won't take much longer to re-launch!

''As expected, you can extract a lot of energy from a senior spirit. It's just a fortuitous thing that we were able to capture a few senior spirits before we arrived here.

It was the spirits.

Sister Shi and the others' magic power is decreasing...?

Virum was the first to sense something was wrong.

It's obvious that something is going on with them. It's clear that they're doing something to you.

Radia, who had recovered somewhat after receiving the transfer of magic power, also seemed to notice it and narrowed her eyes at the results that emerged from the situation.

The magic power that can be said to be the very life force of a spirit.

To be deprived of that by someone else's hands is equivalent to having one's flesh and blood shaved off if you compare it to a person.

In addition to the defense of the village, Virum's goal was to rescue the Siuil and his friends, and he knew their location through magic detection.

He predicted that they would not be harmed so easily since they were captured while still alive, but he was angry at himself for making a mistake in judgment.

Naturally, against those who were tormenting his precious family...

"...Dear sister, we're going to help you soon. I need you to help me.

If you bury your enemies with your emotions, the rescue of the suffering families may be delayed and the situation may be irreversible.

With this in mind, Vilm keeps his boiling anger in the back of his mind and asks his mentor and sister for help.

''Kakkah! Of course. I invite you to exert your power.

Radia, who was asked by her beloved brother to help her, let out her usual lively laugh and closed her eyes with a happy expression on her face.

O guardian of the fatherland, O guardian of the fatherland, O guardian of the fatherland, O guardian of the fatherland, O guardian of the fatherland

A clear voice, one that doesn't seem to have anger swirling in its chest, echoes around them, even though it's outdoors.

It seems to have reached the place where Aldenis and the others are, and there are many people who are upset by the sudden voice that they hear, which they don't even know who sent it.

I (I), I (I), seek thee (Nandi), I (Nandi) exist...

Suddenly, a tremendous shaking attacked Aldenis and the others.

The tremor is far greater than the occasional earthquake, and the soldiers fall to their hands and knees and get down on all fours, unable to bear it.

But strangely enough, despite the violent shaking that makes it impossible to even stand up, it has no effect on the surrounding vegetation and ground.

We are now on our knees and on the ground.

Not surprisingly, changes began to appear in the two people who had not been affected by the earthquake.

Radia's body begins to glow yellow, and the light spirals upward, gently changing its trajectory before falling directly on Virum.

The light spirals up, and as it changes its trajectory, it goes straight down to Virum.

Immediately after connecting with a spiral of yellow glowing light, Radia's body turns into fine, beautiful sand and begins to drift through the air.

Each grain of sand emitted a brilliance that was reminiscent of the stars twinkling in the night sky, creating the illusion that the entire area was a dream or an illusion.

'Advent Fusion, Princess Oujaki Zemium Garna.

As soon as Virum called his name, the world changed dramatically.

The particles of sand that rose up so wildly that it was hard to believe that they had been drifting peacefully until just now, were absorbed into Virum's body as if following a trail of light.

Just like Hinori's, Virum's body began to show the features of Radia that he had taken in.

The first thing that would catch the eye would be the change in her head.

The hair that extends to his chest is dyed from the black color characteristic of the abomination to the same as Radia's hair (that), a creamy blonde color.

Sharp fangs peek out of his mouth, his eyes, which have changed to a color reminiscent of topaz, have become long and narrow in a reptilian fashion, a powerful tail sprouts from his buttocks, and snake-like scales appear on some of his exposed skin.

As soon as the physical transformation was complete, several ores began to drift around Virum, wherever they appeared from.

The movement, which was irregular but did not move away from Virum, seemed to rejoice in the fact that the incarnation of the earth had manifested.

''What was that?!''

You're not the same genie you were just talking about...?

Oh, hey! Where's the other one gone?!

In addition to the fact that the creature that was attacked, which they had absolute confidence in, had survived, the Rastabelle Army seemed unable to contain their confusion after witnessing a scene that was incomprehensible to ordinary people.

Although the general, Aldenis, is the only one who is trying to calmly assess the situation, there is no way he can understand the unknown phenomenon without any prior knowledge.

''What is the fill rate of the magic cannon (material cannon)!

Juh-uh, filled! I'm ready to shoot at any time!

Then shoot me now! As soon as we're done radiating, we'll re-fill it!

'Ha, ha! Magic Cannon (Material Cannon), fire!

Most humans in such a situation are terrified of what they don't understand and eventually try to get rid of it.

Although he tries to remain calm, Aldenis, already in a state of panic, seems to have forgotten that he is the one who gives the order to fire.

The black flashes that are released again, without even adjusting their sights, miraculously thrust towards Virum, but ━━.

You used your sister's magic for this stupid thing...!

Just before they landed, several ores that had been floating around seemed to come to the fore, and a translucent wall appeared, starting from each of them, stifling the black flashes.

'Nonsense! Prevented? Take another one! Hurry up and fill it up! Come on! This time we're going to squeeze it out to the last minute!

Begin filling up. Hurry up! Hurry up!

The unrest of the Rastabel Army, which didn't think that they would be prevented from being hit, let alone killed, is remarkable.

Even though they already knew it would be ineffective, they had no choice but to rely on their own magic cannons (the most powerful weapons), as they had run out of options.

The soldiers, who should have touched the pearl to start filling up with energy, notice that the feeling in their hands is different from the one they felt earlier.

The capsule in which the spirits were trapped has begun to petrify around that pearl.

The reflexive soldiers tried to let go of their hands, but they couldn't escape because the parts they touched had been eroded.

In the time it took to resist the petrification that was eroding at an abnormal speed, the bad-taste stone statue of Tsukumo, whose face was twisted in fear, was completed.


The gaze of Aldenis and the Rastabelle soldiers in the extreme state of confusion, who were not even able to try to be calm at the earliest because of the situation too much, were naturally drawn to the person who would have caused this event.

You are being punished for toying with everyone's magic (life). You are all being punished for using everyone's magic power to extinguish it!

At the same time, the black flashes of light that Vilm had fastened into a sphere enveloped the army of Rastabel.

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