Summoner Called Abomination

69 [60] How to practice recovery magic?.txt

It has been a few days since the secrets of the spirit village were swept away by Julius to Larsen.

Little did he know that it was going to happen, and peace was passing in the village.

In the plaza, I could see the six of them in the square, Cunaria, who had numerous scrapes and bruises all over her body and was collapsing with her eyes rolling, Meldina and Miselio, who were healing her wounds by casting a recovery spell on her, Meeni, who was coming up to their side to talk to them, and Radia and Jenny, who were watching the situation with their arms crossed.

The first thing you need to do is to ask yourself: "Hmm, Viru-bo has been training me for a long time. I'm sure you've been training with me for a while now.

'Yes. Even though I was always outnumbered, I didn't expect to be able to compete with Radia. Lady Kounaria's physical strength is quite impressive.

Ladia and Jenny are having a conversation about Coonaria's ability to breathe roughly, as if she has exhausted her physical strength and doesn't even have the energy to get up.

Judging from the content of the conversation and the current situation, Radia and Coonaria must have been training in a real battle format just a few minutes ago.

'Yes, that's right. I'm sure you'll be able to find out more about this in the future. It's a good thing that the magic power also seems to be flowing well from Mio-chan to Mel-chan~


"Mmm-hmm! Of course!

At the side, Meeni is measuring the strength of Meldina and Miselio's recovery magic, or something like that.

At the words of evaluation from Meeni, who is a senior spirit, Meldina's face breaks out in happiness, and Miselio is nodding in satisfaction with his chest.

Why is this happening...the story goes back to this morning.

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A genie with a talent for recovery magic?

After finishing breakfast, Vilm, who was about to bring the fruit for dessert to his mouth, turned his attention to Meldina.

It's a good thing that I started to learn recovery magic, but there is a limit to how much I can learn on my own. I'm sure you'll be able to learn from the genie...

Just a few days ago, Meldina switched to the role of a recuperator and became competent in a short period of time, but due to her nature, she couldn't be satisfied with that level of competence, so she spent her days working harder and harder.

It's a good idea to be able to have a good idea of what you're looking for in a good situation.

I'm sure you'll be able to find a way to make it work.

I'm sure you'll be able to find a way to make it work. I'm sure you'll be able to find out more about it.

''Haha~. Vilm-sama, I was constantly getting fresh wounds from training with Radia-chan~''

Hearing the conversation between the two of them reminiscing about the past, Meldina quickly moved to Meeni's vicinity and bowed her head vigorously.

''Meini-sama, please! Please teach me about recovery magic!

'Oh, yeah. Okay~'

For a moment, silence reigns around the area at Meeni's too light response.

''Eh, um... thank you?''

Meldina's understanding of the fact that her own request was easily approved is not being followed, but she reflexively speaks words of thanks.

At the same time, Jenny, who was waiting at Satya's side like Meeni, speaks to the Lord who seems worried.

It's a very good idea to have a good idea of what you're going to do with it.

"Yes, but I'm in a bit of a bind. But I'm in a bit of a bind. I can't leave my room today, so I need one of you to stay behind.

Apparently, Jenny has concerns about Meeni teaching Meldina recovery magic.

It seems to have occurred to Satya, and she's unsure if she wants to fulfill her doting son's companion's request, but she doesn't want them both to be gone together.

'In that case, I'll guard and help your mother instead of you two. Can you ask for Jenny, Meeni and Meldina?

"No, no! We can't just let Master Wyrm do our job for us.

You have my permission! Rather, it's an order! Support Meeni to the hilt! 'Good day to you, Ville,'

'What, what? Lady Satya!''

Yeah, I get it.

Although Jenny reflexively tried to rebuff Vilm's offer, it seems that due to Satya's orders, which boast a god-awful reaction speed when it comes to her son, it has been decided that today's business will be chaperoned by Meeni.

As an aside, it is said that Satya's mood has reached an all-time high after she was confirmed to be with Virum for the entire day.

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That's why we are in the present situation.

The reason why Kounaria and Radia ended up training in the form of actual battles is because Vilm asked Radia to take care of Kounaria for him, since he was appointed as Satya's bodyguard.

You will be able to get the most out of your own personal computer, and you will be able to use it for your own benefit.

It's not long before the battle became a real battle, and the fighters were unable to keep up with Radia's fighting style, which mixes physical techniques and magic to fight at will, and were defending themselves against each other.

As a result, this leads to the evaluation of Jenny and Radia at the beginning of the game.

''Right now, Mio-chan's magic power feels like bah~ to Mel-chan, so it'll be better if you huff and puff~''


"So, no, not ba-uh, hygge-uh.

Meeni was devastatingly bad at "teaching".

Whereas Meldina was a logical person who considered and made a hypothesis based on the information she acquired, Mieni's intuitive way of teaching, in which she used her intuition and senses alone, was completely incomprehensible.

'Ah, Lord Meldina. Meeni wants to say, "I'm in a state where I'm continuously sending Miserio's magic power, so it's better to send the necessary amount at once."

Jenny is a spirit that could be described as a twin born at the same place and at the same time as Meeni.

Although there are differences in their personalities and abilities, their appearances, except for their chests, are exactly the same as each other.

Perhaps that's why they also had the special ability to understand most of what each other wanted to say.

This was the main reason why Jenny had accompanied Meeni.

''Also~ I think Mel-chan should do a peep instead of a poof~''

"The spell is spreading to the healthy parts of the body around the affected area, so you should only focus on the affected area."

'Nah, I see. I see.

Like Meldina, Jenny's explanation seemed to be easy to understand, as she is a logical thinker.

By correcting the points that were translated by Jenny, it was safe to say that Meldina's training policy was set in place.

By the time the wounds on Coonaria's entire body were fully healed, the accuracy and healing effect of Meldina's recovery magic had also increased to no small degree.

Meldina and Miselio, who had made their goals for the future, began to train even harder from that day onwards.

Needless to say, it goes without saying that the target was almost always going to be Cunaria.

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