Summoner Called Abomination

36 [29] Escort request.txt

'I'm so sorry! My guards attacked me too quickly.

The one who is uttering the words of apology as if to worship is the woman who was called the princess by the female knight (Ristiane).

Thanks to her reprimand and explanation, Ristiane seems to have been convinced, though reluctantly.

''Princess-sama won't bow to you! Originally, it was this man's fault for being so close to the princess!

I'm telling you it's because you helped me, you dumb knight in shining armor!


The princess slaps Listiane's cheek with a snap-action slap.

Ristiane's expression as she was slapped is somewhat happy.

''I don't mind. I didn't mean to help them, you know. I was just following these two because they wanted to help.

'What? You're still a man if you don't intend to help the princess when she's in danger!

I don't care what happens to a stranger. If you really want to help me, you'll put in a request for a job.

You! You are forgiven.


Once again, the princess's slap strikes Listiane.

Perhaps because it was more forceful than before, beautiful autumn leaves have formed on Listiane's cheeks.

''Yes, yes, shut up for a moment. Now, Virum-san? Now, you said you'd help me if it was a job, right?

Yeah, if it's a job.

'What? How does that princess know Ville's name?

'Oh, come to think of it,'

The two of them were wondering why she knew Virum's name when they were supposed to have never met before.

'Let me start by introducing myself. I'm Lumeria-Humanio. I'm the third princess of the Humanion Kingdom. I have taken the liberty of looking up Vilm-san. However, you seem to be a celebrity in this town, so I got the information even though I didn't tell you.

Even though she says it's selfishly, I can't sense any ill will on her face.

In fact, she is proudly stretching her chest.

It's a good idea to be able to have a good idea of what you're looking for.

That's usually the case with Virum, isn't it?

I don't blame you for investigating me or what you do with me, and I'm not interested in that. But if I'm disadvantaged because of it, I won't condone it. You must remember that.

You! If you've been quiet for a while now, what a way to talk to the princess! Get up there! This time you are going to slay me.

'I told you to be quiet, you dumb knight. Is your head so bad that you can't even remember my commands? Then say so. I'll cut off your head right here and now.

"Even a Buddha's face is said to be three times over," but Lumelia retracted her joking expression from earlier and stared at Ristiane with a gaze that could shoot the creature to death.

Perhaps she sensed that it was a final warning.

Reacting to the cold-hearted voice and words, Ristiane instantly straightens her posture and doesn't move slightly like a stone statue.

''Totally.... So, Mr. Virum. I'd like to ask you for an escort to the Humane Kingdom. Also, I need you to meet with my father and king, Zeldair-Humanio.

'You can go through the guild on the matter of guards. But why would you want a mere adventurer to meet with the king of a country?

My father is interested in the fact that you've grown out of annihilation, despite being an abomination. He also wants to apologize for the unintentional comments made by his subordinate, Bazelard.

(Bazelard..., that guy, huh? The target is 90% of the Hinori sister (spirit animal). I'd like to make her promise not to interfere in the forest, but the risk of failure is high... Well, what should we do?)

Virum guesses King Humaneon's intentions from the familiar name included in Rumelia's reply, and thinks about it, but he can't come up with a very good idea.

(After all, I'm not going to negotiate this time. But if we think about the future, is it necessary to have a face-to-face meeting with the king of a country?)

All right. We'll talk about it at the Adventurer's Guild. Meldina, Cunaria, I will proceed in the direction of taking the request from Princess-san, is that alright?

Of course. I mean, how often do you get to know the king?

I agree with you!

Thank you. Well, I'll make it official with the Adventurer's Guild.

Once the conversation was settled, Vilm and the others took Rumelia and Listiaane to the Adventurer's Guild.

After arriving at the Adventurer's Guild, Celica, who had been briefed, immediately interceded for Shazar, and the five of them were led to the guild master's room.

Even in the presence of the princess of a country, Shazar's meekness did not change.

Although Celica's one is stiff and nervous.

''I understand the story. If Virum-kun and the others are willing to accept it, then let's leave this request in the care of the Adventurer's Guild. Celica-kun, I'll ask you to prepare the request form and process the order.

'Hi! I'll get right on it!

Celica is in tears as she gets on with her work, having been entrusted with the task of handling a request from a country that is putting a lot of pressure on her.

Celica, as usual, is in pity.

I'm not going to be able to get rid of it.

''Well, Princess Lumeria, Your Highness.''


Instantly, the temperature in the room changes to a cold object.

''I have a general idea of what the people of the Humane Kingdom want from Virum-kun.... If they try to force that request, the upper echelon of Farren... no, I, Shazar, will be the enemy. Please tell Zeldia-sama that.

The usual calm expression on his face is nowhere to be seen, and a Noh mask-like nothingness is sticking to his face.

Although you can't feel the killing spirit, a sense of intimidation that an ordinary person can't release dominates the place.

It's not just a matter of time before you get to the point where you can get your hands on it.

I'm sure you'll be able to find out. Your words, I'll be sure to give them to the king. Of course, I promise not to behave atrociously towards him either.

Lumeria's mental strength to withstand Shazar's intimidation and reply in a firm tone of voice can be described as amazing.

''Promise, we made a promise, right?''

The intimidation emanating from Shazar disappears and he returns to his usual meek expression.

Incidentally, Virm and Cunaria, who was undergoing his murderous training on a daily basis, and Meldina, who was watching the training in close proximity, were kelpid.

It was decided that it would take a little time to prepare the paperwork and process the orders, so Virum and the others, who had decided to leave tomorrow morning, were to disperse for now.

After informing the people in the upper echelons who were involved in the city of Farren, as well as the proprietress and Lulu of the flying dragon's Tombstone, that they were leaving on business, Virum and the others prepared for their journey to the Humane Kingdom.

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