Summoner Called Abomination

24 Past [04] Protecting each other is my sister and younger brother.txt

"Dear Mr. Wilm! Master Wyrm~? How long are you going to be bathing? Your meal will get cold~?''

When Wilm, who was supposed to have gone to bathe, doesn't come back, Jenny comes to look for him, but she tilts her head when she doesn't see him.

Jenny arrives at the fountain, but again, Virum is nowhere to be found.

'Hmmm, where did he go? He didn't even seem to be in his bed...''

Suddenly, Jenny looked at the fountain, but she noticed something strange.

The ground facing the spring is not wet.

Jenny gets impatient and asks the fairies nearby if they have seen Wyrm.

'Virum? 'Mitenai, Mitenai'

"Vilm? Kitenae, Kitenae.

The fairies are too pure to tell a lie.

That means they haven't come to a place to bathe, or even near a spring.

To Jenny's head, "I'm coming too! The image of Virum, who said, "I don't know.

''Well, no way........Chasing after Radia...!

If it's a false impression, that's fine.

However, if it was true, it could lead to a situation that could threaten Virum's life.

Having come to that conclusion, Jenny hurriedly followed Radia and the others.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"What? Fool!''

The long spear released by the mature man stabbed into Radia's side as she protected Virum with a quick decision.

The reason why the long spear was thrust into Radia, who was supposed to be a spirit close to the spirit body, was because it was made of mithril.

''Ah, gu...''

(You were caught off guard. I didn't expect Ville-boy to come charging in to protect me.)

Radia frowns at the pain she rarely feels.

'Di, sister Dear!

Wyrm's eyes widened in agitation and he couldn't move in confusion.

'What?' This kid.... you're an abomination, aren't you!

'It doesn't matter. For some reason, the genie covered for this guy so I could finish him off.

'I don't know how we got this far, but, well, let's just leave it alone, shall we? "I don't want to get caught up in the annihilation, so why don't we just get the spirits and go home?"

Hearing the three of them, Vilm reacts to the words of catching the spirit (Radia) and reflexively stands up.

The first thing that comes to mind is the fact that it's a good idea to have a good time. You can't fight and win with your hands, Viru-boy.

Radia spun the words bitterly, but she was already out of Virum's earshot.

'You guys! You hurt my sister, you hurt her! I won't let you off the hook!

Virum holds himself up while glaring at the three of them.

Virum shows his determination to die, but what greets him is the ridicule of the adventurers.

'Kuchahahahaha! You're making me laugh, kid! Since you interrupted me, that spirit must have protected you and received a spear from you!

"Kukkukkukkukkukkukkukkukkuk. You just disturbed that spirit. You're the one who hurt that spirit.

'And what's a sister? You think you're playing family games with a bastard? Ah-ha-ha-ha! It's weird!

The adventurers' words deeply affected Vilm's heart.

I'm...? Was it my fault...?

Virum's eyes were shaded and unfocused, wondering where his anger from earlier had gone.

Perhaps amused by the reaction, the adventurers (Sannyin) further agitated Vilm.

''That's right. Thanks to you going the extra mile, we'll be able to capture that spirit without much damage.

I guess I owe you a debt of gratitude. Thank you for helping me... for helping us.

Hmmm, don't worry. That spirit won't die. It would be better to die, although it might be used to destroy you, right?

To the earliest Virum, there is no response.

He is hanging down, blaming himself with his lightless eyes.

"It's my fault...? My sister, Diaz, can you grab her? Gone?

"Don't do it, Vir, my dear boy. Don't put yourself in a corner.

Although her face is twisted in pain, Radia tries desperately to talk to Virum, but her words do not reach him.

The adventurer, who was watching the course of events as if it were an interesting spectacle, may have become bored, but he or she approached Radia.

It's a good idea to have a few minutes of free time to spare, since you've made me laugh a lot. Don't resist, genie, don't resist. If you don't want this kid you care about to get hurt, okay?

" low-life. Do what you want.

I'm glad you're so open-minded.

The big man reaches out his hand to restrain the writhing Radia, with the drooping Virum at his back.

Just before the big man's hand touches Radia, Virum, who hadn't even moved until now, grabs the big man's arm.

''Ahh? Tsk, I was just about to let you off the hook, you little brat.

You can go to ・・・・ and...

Virum's voice, thin and now fading away.

'What? No matter what you do, this spirit is already ours!

The big man's fist catches Virum's cheek.


But Vilm didn't even stagger, let alone scream when he was hit.

"Megi-megi! Bogey!

What? Gahhhh!

The big man's arms fluttered noisily.

As soon as possible, the two men behind them take up a fighting stance.

Don't touch my sister, Dear!

Anger at being hurt by Radia (family).

Anger at being treated as an object by the family.

And most of all, anger at himself for not following Radia's instructions and for doing something so selfish that he ended up hunting her down.

All the anger runs through Virum's body and removes the control (limit) that he usually exercises unconsciously.

What overflows is the same band of near-black, purple magic power as it was a few years ago.

However, what was different from a few years ago would be that all of that overflowing magic power went towards Radia.

"It was the result of Virum's desire to save Radia, which worked as the final control (limit).

"This, this...? ...?

Radia can't hide her confusion at the sensation of magic power flowing in.

The magic power that flows in closes up the wound that Radia received, as if it were reversed.

However, the flowing in of magical power that far exceeds his own magical power (capacity) causes pain and suffering that reaches several times greater than the previous one, but he grits his teeth and endures the pain (it).

(The magic power has begun to run amok. If you reject this flow of magic now, Villebo will die for sure. I won't let you do that!)

Determined to be Wyrm's mentor and above all as her sister.

''...! ....?''

I am the only one who can save my son, now that there are no other spirits left!

For a brief period of time that seems like an eternity.

A change comes to Radia's body as she continues to endure with her terrifying mental strength, even though she feels like she's going to pass out many times.

Scales emerge on her chest, limbs, and groin area, and four thin, sharp fangs grow in her mouth.

Her pupils elongate vertically and change into reptilian-looking eyes.

A spearman and an archer are stunned to see the scene.

They couldn't understand what had happened, and even the big man had fainted, unable to endure the wound that had crushed his arm.

Radia, who had evolved into a spirit animal just like Hinori did, quickly dropped to one knee, placed one hand on the ground and muttered a single word.

''Ground Viper.''

At the same time, the adventurers' feet rose to the surface and changed to the shape of a snake.

The earthen serpent opened its mouth wide, and without giving the adventurers time to scream, it swallowed the adventurers and dove deep into the ground.

The ones left behind were Radia, the sorcerer, and Virum, who had consumed a large amount of magic power and was unconscious.

When Radia sat by Virum's side, she gave him a knee pillow as if to say that it was a continuation of the story in the village.

You never know what Virum will do if left unattended. I have no choice but to help Hinori, and I have no choice but to help him.

While stroking Wilm's quietly sleeping head, Radia talks about her feelings without telling anyone.

She smiles ticklishly, perhaps with a little bit of embarrassment mixed in, and spins the words as if she were speaking to Virum.

O ye strong souls... - O ye strong souls...

A calm voice, unimaginable from the usual Radia, echoes around her.

As if in response to her voice, the trees in the forest stir.

I swear to thee, my soul, my whole being, I swear that we shall live together as brothers and sisters.

Radia's eyes continue to stare at Wyrm.

There was no pretense in his eyes.

-Let my soul become a sword and I will avenge thy enemies and destroy them.

His gaze was full of compassion.

'My name is Radia,' he said, 'and I am the one who cuts off the enemies of Wilm, my brother. My name is Radia, and I am the one who turns down the enemies of Wilm, my brother.

The moment the pledge is completed, Radia feels a resonance (link) with Virum.

It's a warm, even tender, connection with Virum.

Radia felt a little jealousy boil over, wondering if Hinori had ever kept something so good all to herself, but it didn't matter as she watched Virum's calm, sleeping face.

But I digress...

After this, it seems that Wilm had to receive a powerful sermon from Satya and all the other spirits, who had received the news from Jenny and had embarked on a major search.

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