Adventurer's Guild Beginners Course.

It is a mandatory training session for newcomers to the Adventurer's Guild.

It teaches the minimum rules and manners of adventurers, how to deal with monsters, knowledge of herbs, and other things that adventurers should know.

This workshop is held to prevent newcomers from wrecking their lives, and if you do not attend this workshop, you will not receive any work from the guild.

In addition, since this workshop is also treated as a job, you will be given a silver coin and five bundles of luna grass to replace a minor wound, so there are few people who won't take it.

After finishing the lecture, Virum and the others came out of the Adventurer's Guild waiting room.

Since the incident with Kavaka and the others, thanks to the cooperation of Shazar and the rest of Farren's top brass, no one has gotten involved with Virum and his friends.

It's a good idea to have a good time with them.

The rumor that Kavakka and his friends were easily beaten back by newcomers to the Adventurer's Guild, despite the fact that it took several of them to get into a fight with them.

We've decided on a policy for the training of Kounaria and have prepared our weapons.

It's time to start working in earnest, that's why I've come to attend the training session necessary to receive the job.

Coonaria was talking to Meldina, who was waiting in the waiting room, about the course she had just taken, but Virum seemed to be thinking about something.

''Master? What do you have in mind?

'Ville? What's going on?

When they noticed Virum's condition, they called out to him.

''Oh, that lecture we just had...''

Hello, Mr. Wilm. I see the class is over. Did you find out anything you didn't understand?

The one who approached with a soft tone was Shazar, the guildmaster of this adventurer's guild.

Ever since the recent meeting, Shazar had been concerned about Virum and the others.

It was only natural since the spirit beasts (Hinori) would turn against him if he was not good at it.

However, he didn't excessively try to curry favor with them, but only treated them the same as other adventurers.

''Shaza... Guild Master, I have a question for you.''

As long as you belong to the Adventurer's Guild, Meldina taught him that it's not a good idea to call out the guild master, and Virum seems to have decided to follow her words.

Although he is still unaccustomed to calling her by her name, and he can't help but say it out loud.

'Yes, what is it?'

'It's about the herbology in your lecture. I was halfway through the process of extracting the ingredients of luna grass and kushiked fruit, is that what you're teaching on purpose?


The expressions of Meldina and Coonaria, led by Shazar, harden.

'Luona grass, once dried and powdered, will have a better healing effect if mixed with the sap from the Iba tree. You can deal with more poisons by boiling them in salt and ingesting them as they are rather than tampering with them poorly.

Vilm talks about it like it's nothing, but it's a reversal of the common beliefs of herbalism.

Shazar thought he was beginning to understand the insanity of Vilm's insanity, but he was still naive and had to change his mind.

''I'll look into it right away. Thank you for the valuable information, Virum-kun.''

Virum responds with a flutter of his hand.

It seems to be a common knowledge for Virum, and it wasn't something he was particularly reluctant to give out.

''Celica-kun, I'm going to start my experiment now. Please cancel all of today's plans and tell the people at the other end of the line that you will be coming back later to apologize. I asked for it, okay?

'What? Wait, Guildmaster!

Withdrawing his usual meek smile, Shazar told Celica what he wanted to do without a second thought, and then holed up in the guild's laboratory.

''Eh, eh~? Wow, I'm going to say no?

Celica gets teary-eyed at Shazar's recklessness.

The other staff members looked at her sympathetically, but none of them helped her with that.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Since the time was past noon, we decided to start taking orders for work tomorrow, and Virum and the others came to the place where we held the training the other day.

Today's training was combat training with the big axe that they purchased at Assem's store.


At first, even with the use of body strengthening, Kounaria was barely able to lift it, but after about two hours, although she couldn't remember her kata, she was able to swing it around.

Naturally, this is because of the advice given by Virum, but the speed with which she learned was remarkable, as she worked diligently and without doubting Virum's words up to this point.

This time, Virum had taught her how to integrate her weapon and body.

It is a technique that strengthens the body while at the same time incorporating the weapon into the circulation line, allowing it to be controlled at a level similar to that of one's own body.

Bushin Ittai

There are few who have mastered this technique.

This is because normal body strengthening techniques can be invoked even with vague recognition, and therefore there are extremely few people who are aware of the detailed pathways of magic circulation.

Furthermore, even if they were able to recognize the magic circulation pathway, it would be difficult to channel magic power into matter.

It is only relatively easy to pour magic power into special substances such as mithril and magic stones.

It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for when you receive treatment from Virum, because every time you have a little time to spare, you recognize your own precise path of magic power circulation, and because you're using Assem's longest-standing big axe, which is made of mithril and jade steel, which has a high rate of magic conduction, so you're able to learn it roughly.

Once you get a feel for it, it's just a matter of getting used to it.

We'll have to keep an eye on Kounaria in the future.

Okay, that's it. You'll need to circulate the remaining magic to regain your strength.

'Huh, huh... Yes! Okay, sir!

Cunaria couldn't even stand a few days ago on the first day of training, but she was standing firmly on her own feet, though her breathing was erratic.

''It's amazing. Coonah is getting stronger and stronger every day.''

'To be honest, I thought she'd give up quickly at first. I'm amazed at the guts of Kunalia.

'Oh, even Ville can surprise you, can't he?

Meldina giggles as she learns a rare aspect of the world.

Meldina has been unable to learn Virum's physical strengthening and martial arts skills because her past experience and stereotypes have prevented her from learning them.

However, she has been steadily training herself to master them without losing sight of that.

I'm really pleased with Kunalia's growth, and the slightest bit of impatience and frustration has been turned into food for her efforts.

I've mastered the basics over the past few days. After that, we'll work on it in the actual battle.

'Finally, the adventuring activities with these three will begin. Coona is stronger now, and so is Vir. It's very encouraging.

'It's going to be a lot of fun! I'll do my best not to drag Master and Mel down!

Virum and his friends were thinking about the unknown story that was about to begin.

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