Summoner Called Abomination

15 [11] Fahren, the city of adventurers.txt

It's been almost two months since the Will-Free Demon Sword entered the forest. Should we assume they've been wiped out?

The adventurer's guild to which the members of the Will-Free Magic Sword belonged.

Larsen, the guild's master, was troubled.

Two months ago, he had lost contact with the Will-less Sword, which had gone into the forest of the Demon Fog.

Larsen knew that they would avoid reckless behavior as much as possible, and that they had even prepared a transference stone due to the high level of risk involved in this search.

The sustenance they brought with them was enough for about a month.

Even if they are procured locally, not hearing from them for two months was enough for us to predict the outcome of total destruction.

The Will-Free Magic Sword is a party that Larsen expected to be in, and since he had nurtured it with all his attention, the shock of losing it was also great.

It is a very good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for, but it's not a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for.

That's why Larsen's mind is troubled.

If they were still alive, they would have used the transference stone to come back.

In other words, they would have been wiped out in the uncivilized interior.

Then I find it strange that there is no trace of them on their way to the backcountry.

The answer I've come up with is that there is something out there that has gone around covering their tracks.

When he arrived at that guess, Larsen felt a great deal of cold sweat break out.

Something strong enough to annihilate an A-ranked party without even giving them a chance to use the Transference Stone, and something intelligent enough to disguise and destroy their traces at a level where they couldn't discover them, was in the Demon Fog Forest.

It's still a guessing game for now, but if my guess (it) is correct, it could be a disaster of national proportions.

Should we proceed with our preparations...

Larsen mumbles in an inaudible voice.

I hope my guess is off.

Farren, the city of adventurers.

The city exists within the territory of the Kingdom of Badikane, a nation located in the southern part of the continent, and is where many adventurers are based.

It's also one of the few countries where racial discrimination is normal in many countries, but it's one of the few countries that prohibits it as a law.

Right now, Virum and the others were advancing towards that city.

It was a destination that Meldina had suggested and decided on, considering the three races of Vilm and the others and the fact that Vilm was an abomination.

'I've heard of the human race's black eyes and black hair being an abomination that brings disaster, but looking at Ville, it seems like it was just a rumor. I'll admit he's pretty strong, though.

'No, I'm just lucky enough to have survived, and the babies that are actually considered abominations won't last a year. There are ways to deal with it, but not for the outside world.

Meldina's question was answered by Vilm, "Really? I'm going to look into your face.

The 'annihilation' that the people of the outside world call an abomination is, to put it simply, a 'magic runaway'. Compared to ordinary people, the amount of magic power that an abomination possesses is abnormally large. Moreover, that magic power keeps increasing at an accelerated rate as it grows. Black eyes and black hair are the pigmentation changes caused by the accumulation of abnormal amounts of magical power in the body.

The two listeners' expressions are serious as Virum explains the matter-of-factly.

I've been told that the magic power that has accumulated too much will reach a critical point for a human being (vessel) in about a year, causing it to disappear. It's a baby, you know. They can't control the magic that overflows out of them and let it run amok. The only way to stop it is to release the magic power...

'Babies themselves can't control their magic, so they can't consume it by releasing magic. On top of that, from what I've heard, the same thing happens over and over again every time the magic power reaches a critical point.

That's right. But I'm still alive thanks to the spirits who risked their lives to save me.

Virum affirms the conclusions Meldina has drawn.

He looks very proud as he talks about the spirit (family) that helped him.

Well, there's no need to be treated unfairly in the Badikane territory. It is a country where the law prohibits discrimination and opens its doors wide. The human race will react, though.''

''I don't care what others think of me, so I don't have to worry about it that much. Well, it's my first time out in the outside world, and I'll follow what the senior adventurers say.

'Ha~ When I listen to Master's story, I feel small for being so troubled that I didn't grow up. I need to become stronger both physically and mentally.

Cunaria stretched out her perfectly flat chest and said, "Mmmm.

There was no way that Virum, who had easily dealt with even the demons of the Demon Fog Forest, would have a hard time with the demons of the outside world, and they were making good progress on the road to their destination, Farren.

I'm not sure if this is the place where the guys from the outside world live. I'm not going to be able to get to the bottom of it.

No. I'm using it as a barrier... or, uh, a ward... by surrounding the city like that.

Virum and his friends arrive at Farren without any particular incident.

Virum, who makes a subtly misplaced statement, gets a tsking and an explanation from Meldina.

''Huh? That's what they call a warding... If it's Sister Hinori, she can shoot magic from the sky as much as she wants, and if it's Sister Dia, she can neutralize it in an instant, right?

Please don't use Vil's standards. The wards put up in the Spirit-sama's village are at an extraordinary level from our point of view.

'Haha, it can't be helped, Mel. The Master has never been outside before.

Virum and the others approach the gate as they speak.

One of the beastmen gate guards caught sight of them and spoke to them.

I'm sure you'll be able to find your way to the adventurer's city of Farren. Do you have your ID card?

Like a dog-shaped beast, he shows his sincerity by pinning his ears and tail.

'This is mine and this one's. The people over here just came from the countryside and they don't have their ID cards. I'm going to ask the Adventurer's Guild to issue it for me, so please take care of the formalities.

Meldina shows her and Cunaria's identification cards and explains.

By filling in her name on the recording form given to her by the gate guard and handing over a silver coin, she was allowed to enter.

Yes, indeed. So, enjoy your time in Farren.

The gatekeeper gave me a good-natured smile and looked away.

The first thing that jumped out at me as I stepped into the city was the sight of so many people coming and going.

There was a wild and joyful bustle of activity, with many sales from stalls and bars.

This way. Follow me so we don't get separated.

Meldina is used to it and goes on without any hesitation.

Virum and Cunaria followed Meldina even though they were slightly confused by the crowds.

Soon after, the three of them arrived at the Adventurer's Guild and put their hands on the door.

The inside of the Adventurer's Guild was clean, as if it had been well-cleaned.

Some of them were at the table and others were looking at the bulletin board.

Those who were talking at the counter, as if they had finished their work.

The three of them walked to the receptionist's counter while looking at them.

Welcome. What can we do for you in our guild?

'I'm Meldina, a B-rated girl. I've come today to register these two adventurers. Would you mind going through the formalities?

Meldina presents her own ID and communicates the requirements.

Several people who were hanging around turned to look at him, as if they heard his name.

"Huh, so that's Meldina the spiritist, huh?

I've heard he's a master of water magic and keeps his enemies at bay.

I'm told you're a magician who can cut through the shell of a metallic turtle.

Among adventurers, Meldina seems to be somewhat well known.

Inevitably, you'll see Virum next to her....


One of the adventurers approached me wildly.

'You, why do you dye your hair like an abomination? Adventurers aren't as naive as that kind of scare tactics can be!

It was the human race adventurer who stared at Wyrm and said.

With his brown hair, leather armor, and twin swords at his waist, one could imagine that he had a fighting style that focused on quickness.

''Ko, Koza-san, you're not allowed to struggle within the guild, right?''

'But, Celica! No one is a rogue person who tries to intimidate you with this look!

A man (Koza) who is wound up without hearing the receptionist (Celica) stop him.

'I don't know what you're upset about, but I've always had black eyes and black hair.




For a moment, the space goes silent.

'Well, that's superfluous! Celica, if he's telling the truth, he's an abomination! You can't leave such a dangerous man in this city!

Coza, who has come to his senses, gets even more heated.

'Can you stop making weird accusations about my companion?'

That's right. Master is not dangerous!

Meldina and Cunaria stood in front of the man with an unpleasant look on their faces.

''You guys are the elves and the cowpeople, so it's no wonder you don't know. A dark-eyed, black-haired person like this guy...''

'I know. They call you an abomination, don't they?


Koza is surprised that he knew what was going on.

'Real...? Is this guy really a real bastard...? You knew that he was dangerous and you brought him to our city! Do you know what you've done!

I don't care what happens to you. Besides, if Ville is the abomination you say he is, he shouldn't be around anymore, should he?

An abomination disappears in the first year of life, with all around it.

No exceptions, no exceptions.

That was the common sense he knew and the reason why he couldn't acknowledge Vilm's existence.

''d*mn..., don't regret it. I'll be out of this city soon. I don't want to die.''

Oh, thank you for the extra advice, but after all this time together, I trust my own experience more than yours. But since we've been traveling together this far, I'll trust my own experience more than your story.

After alternately glaring at Wyrm and Meldina, Coza turned on his heel in frustration and walked away from the Adventurer's Guild.

Following that, the adventurers of the human race left one by one.

''Well, I'm sorry for the interruption, but I'm going to ask you to go through the formalities. It's good to see you, Celica-san.

When all of the human race, except for Wyrm, had left, Meldina changed her mind and spoke to Celica.

''Oh, yes. So, then, please fill out this registration form. I can write it for you, but do you need it?

No, I'm fine. I can write.

Virum is filling out the form smoothly and without seeming to be bothered by the commotion just now.

By the way, there are no letters of Servantil written in the name column.

This is the result of the fact that Meldina and Cunaria do not have family names.

While asking Meldina about the parts I don't understand, I hand the completed registration form to Celica when I've finished writing it all down.

''...Yes, no problem. I'll issue you an ID card, please wait a little longer...''

Wait a minute!

Suddenly, a large man violently opened the door of the guild and stepped in with a zipper.

Beside him was the figure of Coza, who was supposed to have left earlier, and the human adventurers.

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