Don, don don!!

Serika was attacked by wave bullets summoned by the robed woman with her magic. However, moving at great speed she managed to dodge them without any problems. The woman gritted her teeth in frustration at Serika’s agility.

“Kuh…. What a speed…!”

“It’s time to end this!”

Serika said fiercely and instantly disappeared from the scene. The woman was shocked.

“Wh-Where is… Guha!?”

Serika’s unexpected kick landed painfully in the side of the robed woman. Serika didn’t miss the opportunity as the woman staggered. She immediately turned around and jumped in front of her….


Ceaselessly and with blinding speed, she launched kicks at the woman. Ten kicks, a hundred kicks, no, maybe it was even a thousand kicks… Kicks unleashed like a machine gun stopping at no time. Even if a woman’s kick could be much lighter, if hundreds of kicks were delivered in a few seconds, the cumulative damage would far exceed that of a single heavy blow.

“Ga, ha…!”

…Before she knew it, the woman had collapsed in the middle of that barrage of blows, her eyes white. Serika stopped kicking like a rain of spears and fixed her hair that had gotten messy.

“…Ahh, I’m sweating. Although the good thing is that I’m not even tired.”

The words she said so languidly were only what a person with her qualities could say. They might not be as strong as the Heroes, but they were by no means weak, of course. They, like Eisuke, had greater capabilities than the average human.

“Good job, Serika.”

“Thanks, Yui. Sorry for making you wait.”

Serika raised her hand slightly as Yui ran towards her. Just before the confrontation with the robed woman, Serika had offered to make peace with Yui. The reason was simple. Serika looked back with an icy stare.

“That idiot saw my bra, and all because of her.”

“Oh, are you still mad about that?”

“Of course! I was manipulated, and on top of that I was seen half naked in public!”

“I was hung in the air by a man-eater and my panties ended up exposed.”

“I can’t stand this world anymore…”

“And having your breasts exposed is something more trivial than when Eisuke was happy when, still brainwashed, you squeezed his face with your thighs.”


“Hey look at that, they took care of that problem too! Good job!”

Eisuke, who had grabbed Hero Kyoko by the neck and had brought her over, walked over and asked Serika for a high-five. Serika raised her hand to the level of her palm and…


“And now why is that!?”

She slapped him in surprise. Eisuke avoided it by arching his back just in time.

“Don’t avoid me, you pervert with a thigh fetish!”

“I have no idea what you mean by thigh-fetish m̲a̲s̲o̲c̲h̲i̲s̲t̲! Yui, you said something unnecessary, didn’t you!”

“I can’t think what it could have been.” Yui turned away. She had been in a bad mood since yesterday.

Kyoko looked at them resentfully as they talked nonsense. She had fresh wounds all over her body from Eisuke’s attack. She didn’t feel like fighting anymore, just ducked her head.

“Lady Kyoko…!? What the hell is going on!?”

“…We’ve all been tricked.” It was Marielle, with her pure white beauty exposed to the dark night, whose dignified voice rang out among the noisy citizens.

“Princess Marielle…! Why are you here…!?”

Marielle’s appearance made the crowd stir even more. Marielle nodded at the ensuing silence, and turned her attention to Kyoko. In a low voice, she spoke.

“The appearance of the witches was caused by the Hero herself. It was a selfish crime, committed because she wanted to be worshipped as a Hero of Justice.”

“It can’t be…!”

The people sounded upset. They could not hide their surprise that the Hero they trusted was to blame for the incidents. Or, rather than surprise, perhaps disappointment or dismay.

“How many times have we been betrayed by them?”

Marielle asked the citizens. Her eyes were clouded with disappointment and unfocused. Eisuke looked at Marielle’s hunched back and stopped the nonsense he was doing. He walked over to her and put his hand on her head reassuringly.

“…Mister Eisuke?”

“…Hey, Hero. I don’t think everything you said was a lie.”


Marielle and even Kyoko were surprised at Eisuke’s words.

“I’m sure it’s true that you’ve always wanted to be a Hero of Justice. …But that’s not what you really wanted.”

“So… now what are you saying…?”

“You went to all that trouble to find people who adored you. But that’s not what you should have done: you should have made friends with someone and that person should have been by your side.”

“…” Kyoko bit her lip in a low, pitiful tone.

Justice was not something that should be sought and claimed for oneself. Justice was the highest praise another person could give in a friendly way. What she should never have done was a show of force: she should have sought a closer, more intimate relationship with the masses.

“I made a mistake, huh?” Kyoko exhaled with self-mockery. Then she closed her eyes. “What I really wanted from Princess Marielle… as you…”

Then she cut off her words and her lips pressed tightly together. Eisuke urged Marielle. Marielle understood what he meant and then nodded. Pale light particles of seven colors emerged, and a geometric magic circle appeared at Kyoko’s feet.

“…I hope that loneliness and that hole in your heart will be filled in the other world…”

That was the best Marielle could do at that moment to say goodbye. A round ball floated in the corner of Kyoko’s eye as the light enveloped her. Was it a reflection of the light or…?

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