Summoned by a Goddess

Part 3


The five of them had made their way through the forest and were almost over the mountains. In an hour or so, they would reach Melwa, the first city they had to pass through before reaching the imperial capital.

“Eisuke, is there anything I can do for you?”

“…Well, there is something.”

Eisuke said to Yui, wearily. …She was more than close, walking with her arm entwined in his.

“…It’s hard to walk like this, move away from me a little.”

“…I see, I get it…”

Yui obediently let go of Eisuke’s arm. Just when he was wondering why…

Then she grabbed Eisuke’s arm and pressed it against her broad chest. He immediately withdrew his hand, using his natural reflexes to the fullest.

“What… hey, you idiot, what are you doing?!”

“I thought you wanted to touch me, since I felt your gaze on my breast.”

“I never said anything about that, did I?!”

“I simply asked, “Is there anything I can do for you?” Although you didn’t say it, your heartbeat, gaze and breathing told me.”

“Don’t use your ability for something so trivial! So, your ability really is dangerous after all!”

In front of Yui Koisuke, a girl with highly developed senses, even the arrogant Eisuke couldn’t hide the inferiority complexes of a high school boy.

“La-Lady Yui! A woman shouldn’t do something so embarrassing…”

“Marielle, over here.”


Serika pulled Marielle’s dress as she tried to go to Eisuke and Yui, who were walking in front of her, to admonish Yui.

“Wha-what are you doing!”

“Stop it, don’t tell them anything, and don’t stop them either. This is an operation.”


“I already told you. We’re going to bring them together. Let’s make them lovers.”

“Lovers…” Marielle’s face turned red at the mere mention of the word. She was a 14-year-old girl who didn’t even know how babies were born, and she put her hands to her cheek. “Lo-Lovers means, uh, sending each other love letters…?”

“Are we in the Heian period? I don’t know how love affairs are conducted in this world.”

“No, as far as I know, that culture does not exist in this world either. My lady’s knowledge of romance is no different from that of a five-year-old child.”

“Rukino! Don’t make fun of me!”

“Don’t worry. You don’t need such unnecessary knowledge, my lady.”

“…Rukino, that smile scares me. I can feel it. I can feel your strong will to keep Marielle away from men for the rest of her life.”

Rukino grabbed Marielle by the shoulders and smiled at her, but it was too terrifying to keep her from feeling fear. To which Serika sighed.

“You must at least know about kissing. Isn’t that what lovers do?”

“Ki-Ki-Kissing…!? What do you mean kissing, um…!?”

“Aah, so at least you know what a kiss looks like, right?”

“Um, shamelessly and gently touching the tip of your index finger to the tip of someone else’s?”

“What’s so embarrassing about that? No, it’s too annoying to even correct it, yeah, that’s it.”

Serika, who had been taken aback, responded. Marielle hid her face as she said, “Hiyawawa!” She had sexual knowledge less than that of a five-year-old.

“You know? That doesn’t matter anymore, but I’m going to set that guy up with Yui anyway. I don’t know what it is about Yui, but she seems to like him, so it’s perfect.”

“The-Then… What about Mr. Eisuke’s feelings…? I thought love was something that both parties should be willing to do…?”

Marielle said modestly, sounding unenthusiastic. Serika approached her.

“Well, Marielle. I’ll tell you one good thing.”

“…What is it?”

Serika prepared to tell Marielle with a straight face.

“There are romances in the world that start with boobs.”

“I don’t like that kind of love!”

It was too vulgar to even call it a saying.

“But look at that. Take a look.” Serika pointed in a way that Yui wouldn’t be noticed. …Yui’s breasts were discreetly hidden by the large size of her sweatshirt, but they were still impressive enough that her silhouette stood out clearly when viewed from the side. Rukino, sweat beading on her forehead. said.

“Ce-Certainly…. That’s a brutal force.”

“Perhaps Yui’s superhuman characteristics are really those?”

“It can’t be that, can it?!” Marielle said, groaning at Serika’s red-faced, distant gaze. “A-Anyway! Why do you have to make those two be lo-lovers in the first place anyway?!”

“What are you talking about? If they become lovers, it will be easier for her to take the reins of the relationship. If Yui makes use of her romantic feelings, maybe that troubled boy will become more mature.”

If Eisuke became infatuated with Yui, he would start to pay more or less attention to her. And Yui was a girl with a good personality to begin with. If Serika could get them to become boyfriend and girlfriend, she could control him somehow. …In other words, she might be able to indirectly control that arrogant battle addict, Eisuke Tsurugi.

“I see… indeed, the guy looks reliable, but there’s an air of uncertainty about what he might do if left unchecked… It might be worth a try.”

“Right? It’s a plan that won’t hurt anyone.”

Marielle listened to Serika and Rukino’s exchange and looked vaguely at Eisuke and Yui standing together. …For some reason, a feeling of lack of conviction for Serika’s plan remained in Marielle’s heart.

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