Summon the Emperor System

Chapter 814: God order!

"Yeah." Xue Tianyao nodded slightly, the eyes of Phantom's body floated with brilliance. Five hundred years, she was actually thinking about having a real body again, restoring her cultivation base, and then fighting side by side with Zhao Hao against the dark world.

At this time, the ancestor Hongjun said: "Although the generals are defeated, there are still many powerful powerful people in the dark world. Those powerful people will be a catastrophe for all living beings in this world, and we absolutely have to guard against it. The broken light The barrier between and the darkness cannot be guarded by no one. Next, I have to guard where it is."

"My old Sun pierced the hole, but I want your ancestor Hongjun to guard it, hehe, it's really..." Sun Wukong grabbed his ears for a while, winking his eyebrows and said: "Hehe, I'm really embarrassed."

"If it weren't for you, the heavens and the world would fall into greater despair." Old Ancestor Hongjun smiled and looked at Zhao Hao: "Xiaoyou Zhao, girl Yao, five hundred years later, it will be the dark world that swallows the world. In the Ten Thousand Realms, it's still up to you to defeat the Dao. Everything is up to you."

"I am against the sky. I must let that day be reversed. I am the sky. I will never allow the sky to collapse." Zhao Hao said, at this moment, he couldn't help but think of a line in a movie. The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility.

"Then I will go. Also, these two treasures are now returned to the two."

The ancestor Hongjun sacrificed the ‘Plane’s Tire’ and the ‘Snow God’s Crystal’, pushed towards Zhao Hao, and then flew towards the broken barrier between light and darkness.

Outside the dark hole in the void, like sitting in meditation, he set his eyes down, his ears closed, and waves of majestic power were released from his body, he settled in the void and sealed it with his body. Broken enchantment.

"After running around for five hundred years, my old grandson can finally take a good rest." Monkey King yawned, holding the golden cudgel in both hands and placing it horizontally behind his head, stretching a long lazy waist in the void. Looks laid back.

"Only the incompetent will have idle time, and the capable will be busy all the time, wherever they can rest." Zhao Hao smiled: "The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. Brother Monkey, you I can't rest, the emperor still has important things to entrust to you."

"What's the matter?" Sun Wukong's spirit came again, two golden lights flashing in his eyes.

"This emperor is not dead, I must make the heavens and worlds excited and excited." Zhao Hao smiled, and his expression was straightened: "Then let the sentient beings even more shocked. This emperor will issue a heavenly path to the heavens and worlds. make."

"I have eight thousand external incarnations, which can be scattered to help the emperor travel to the heavens and the world to send messages." Monkey King understood immediately.

"Not bad." Zhao Hao nodded.

He used the advanced skill of the Emperor of Heaven, "Nuclear Storm", to win eternal tears from the generals, and used the "Xin Lei" to blow up the Tianshang Star into ashes, showing his super strength twice, Hong Jun, Brother Monkey, and Xue Tianyao. Everyone thought he had reached the cultivation base of the Hunyuan Realm, but in fact, he hadn't reached it. Right now, it's just the peak of the Immortal Emperor Realm.

It is inevitable for Xue Tianyao to recast his body. Next, the most important thing for Zhao Hao is to break through the Hunyuan realm and make himself stronger, allowing the birth of the two swords of "Creation of the World" and "Destruction of the World" to contend with the path of destruction.

To break through the mixed element realm, the system must be upgraded.

After he successfully crossed the Tribulation of the Lord God's Tribulation, the system has issued another main mission: Dominate the heavens and the world!

To dominate the heavens and worlds, the system will be upgraded to the highest level.

Therefore, if he wants to upgrade the system and break through the Hunyuan realm, he must first dominate the heavens and all realms.

In fact, for the past five hundred years, the eight emperors have been fighting, and the heavens and worlds have been occupied by half of the Shenlong Empire, but the rest are some absolutely powerful plane worlds.

"What order does the Emperor of Heaven want to issue?" Monkey King became interested.


Zhao Hao displayed the supernatural power of change and waved his sleeves.


In the void, one heaven after another appeared, in front of Zhao Hao, densely packed, like a long and wide wall.

Zhao Hao shook his emperor's body again, releasing the power of the heavenly blood.

Suddenly, he was like a spirit spring, and thousands of auras were released from the emperor's body, one by one, flying towards those heavenly orders.

Tian Ling with the big palm of his hand flashed a lot of light.

Fonts float on every piece of heavenly order:

"In order to save all living beings, this emperor must control the heavens, dominate all realms, and seek infinite power."

"The way of heaven has orders, and the heavens obey."

"Receive the order, Shuntian. If you don't take it, fight against the sky. Those who follow the sky are born in accordance with the nature. Those who resist the sky will die against the sky.

"Grant, Zhao Ritian!"

Now, all the heavens and all realms know that Zhao Ritian is the savior and the inheritor of the heavenly path. It can be said that it is very reasonable for him to unify the heavens. In a few short words, Zhao Hao made no secret of his purpose to all beings, and he had already stated the key points.

"Sun Wukong, issue these heavenly orders to the great realm masters on all planes of the heavens and ten thousand realms." Zhao Hao's voice was loud and majestic.


Sun Wukong waved his hand, and he took all the heavenly orders in the air, and shouted: "The Emperor of Heaven, my old grandson will go." His body swayed in the air, and suddenly, one avatar after another...

Eight thousand Monkey Kings scattered towards heaven and earth in all directions.

"Let's go back to the Xuanwu world." Zhao Hao also smashed the void with a palm, taking Xue Tianyao's soul into time and space.

Suddenly, in the void, several super powers all disappeared, Hongjun ancestor went to guard the broken barrier of light and darkness, Monkey King went to the heavens and the world to issue the order of heaven, Zhao Hao returned to the Xuanwu Continent and went to the Snow God Palace. Don't fall off the island, help Xue Tianyao recast his body.


Five hundred years ago, when Zhao Ritian crossed the Heavenly Tribulation of the Yuan Dynasty, Xue Tianyao desperately resisted with him, and finally failed. A pair of immortal couples and two saviors lost their lives.

Five hundred years later, Zhao Ritian and Xue Tianyao came out of the world and learned that the two saviors were not dead, and all beings in the heavens and all realms saw the dawn of hope as if they had fallen into an endless haze.

All heavens rejoice, and all worlds celebrate.

Soon, all walks of life began to receive Zhao Ritian's order of heaven one after another.

In this regard, the general public of the heavens and all realms certainly accept it. As Zhao Ritian is the way of heaven, only he can save all living beings, and many plane masters have also chosen to take orders. However, there are still some masters of the plane, but their brows are frowned.

"Zhao Ritian, he is not dead yet."

"Oh, five hundred years ago, as soon as he shows up, he wants us to be his little brothers."

At this moment, Xiao Yan, Lin Dong, Shi Hao, Dugu Baitian, Chen Beixuan, Li Qiye, Bai Xiaochun, Zhang Xuan, and they all gathered together again, each holding that piece of Heaven’s Order, and a touch of memory appeared on their faces. , What happened to the Xueshen Palace and his entourage five hundred years ago, they still have been worried about.

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