Summon a Little Fire Dragon at the Start

Chapter 905: Two senior sisters!

Xuantianfeng is in the courtyard.

In addition to the square UV.

There are two other women's shadows. One is wearing golden close-fitting light armor, which perfectly presents her bumpy figure. She has black and beautiful hair tied into a high ponytail.

The other is a red-haired woman in a blue dress. Three thousand green silks hang down from her waist. It seems that the woman in this blue dress is very quiet.

"Little Junior Brother!"

"This is our two senior sisters."

Fang Zi saw Qin Ye flying into it from outside the courtyard, a smile appeared on his face, and explained to Qin Ye.

Ouyang Guiyuan's gaze fell on Qin Ye.

It also became softer.

Now that Qin Ye's identity has been tentatively determined as the core disciple in secret, the Giant God Sect is already preparing to secretly send the pinnacle power in the domain to protect Qin Ye.

In this case, Qin Ye's safety is greatly improved.

after all.

At Qin Ye's age, he could be designated as a twenty-level rune master by Rune Eye.

If this talent could not be used as a core disciple, then no one would be qualified on Ju'ao Island.

"Little Junior Brother."

"I've heard from the master a long time ago, this is Tang Qi!"

"Your second senior sister!"

The woman in golden armor turned around and looked at Qin Ye, who was wearing a black robe and walking steadily, and greeted her with enthusiasm.

"You can help Fang Zi. In so many short periods of time, you have repaired that incomplete talisman formation. The future is limitless!"

"If Junior Brother can, you can come to the Jiexian Pavilion I founded!"

Tang Qi said to Qin Ye.

"This is a piece of Jiuyou Order!"

"As your meeting gift!"

Tang Qi then took out a dark token, and on top of that token, a lot of Yin-based runes were burned, and the Yin-based runes were still among the top 30 runes.

Contains a lot of ancient Xibo power.

This token can be regarded as a not weak treasure.

They are on the Xuantian Peak.

But all rune masters naturally understand the benefits of this token. Just by comprehending the runes on this token, you can improve your rune level.

The power of the runes on this token is also between the Jinshan era runes he revealed.

Even so, some rune masters can also comprehend other things from the above, which is of great benefit to the improvement of the realm, and this gift is not light.

"Second Sister, you are partial."

After Fang Zi saw the Jiuyou Ling, a pair of crystal eyes suddenly widened.

"Last time, I gave a top 100 rune copy."

"Where did you get me?"

"How is your enlightenment?"

Hearing Fang Zi's words, Tang Qi immediately turned his head to Fang Zi's direction. After a few words, Fang Zi was suffocated.

When she started, when she met the second elder sister.

The second elder sister indeed gave her a unique copy of a rune book, which is of great value.

Moreover, she was able to break through to the eighteenth realm in such a fast time by relying on that single rune, but her comprehension was not thorough enough.

Although the realm had reached the eighteenth realm, Fang Zi still couldn't do it for repairing some of the incomplete runes of the eighteenth realm. For her, it was still too much effort.

"Little Junior Brother!"

"I am your master sister, Zuo Su!"

Zuo Su, a big elder sister with fiery red silky long hair, nodded to Qin Ye like a pretty lady.

"This is my meeting gift to Junior Brother, a piece of soul jade of the first nineteen realms!"

"This soul jade can not only be used to swallow the soul power in it and replenish itself, but it can also automatically charge up to help you resist a nineteenth realm attack."

Zuo Su took out a gray-black jade pendant the size of a baby's fist, controlled it with the power of the soul, and flew in front of Qin Ye.

"Thank you, Senior Sister, Second Senior Sister!"

Qin Ye clasped his fists in a simple salute.

These two elder sisters are indeed a big fan.

A piece of soul jade of nineteen realms was directly given, which was beyond Qin Ye's imagination. This kind of soul power elixir was most needed as a rune master.

Moreover, his spirit bone domain and stimulating inheritance metal all require spirit power elixir. The master sister Zuo Su gave such a piece of soul jade, which was enough for him to use it for a while.

"Call you all back."

"Presumably you have already guessed it."

"Endless Sea-Monster Clan, kill my disciple of the Giant God Sect. We must avenge this grudge, and we must give them a severe blow. This time the goal is not only to **** back, we are in the coastal area of ​​Juao Island, the occupied mine Fields and urban areas."

"We will also expel the near sea monster clan to the deep sea."

"As many sea clan monsters as you kill, you can get how many sect contribution points. Any domain-level sea clan monster can exchange for a 17-level talismanic refining method, two domain-level sea clan monsters Fate, you can change to a seventeen-level talisman array."

"There are not only the rewards of the talisman formation, but also the rewards of the sect contribution points. This time our Titan Sect has opened up the treasure house, as long as it can solve the monster race of the endless sea."

Ouyang Guiyuan said it to the end.

A lot of killing intent also emerged in his expression.

"The war is coming."

"You all have missions. This time not only our Giant God Sect, but the Blood God Sect's loss is several times more than ours. Their inner disciple was killed and injured more than half, and the young inner disciple in the middle was directly cut off. Halfway, my vitality is badly hurt."

"Even the elder Yifeng of the other party was captured and sealed alive, but that made the people on Juao Island know the tyranny of the endless sea-monster, and even the elder of the Blood God Sect can capture it alive."

"Qin Ye."

"Although your strength is not weak, you are now, in the eyes of some casual cultivators and monster forces on Juao Island, you are a sweet pastry!"

"After that, when performing tasks outside, as long as it is out of the Giant God Sect, it will be changed and replaced with another appearance."

"I have a transforming rune array of eighteen realms."

"I researched it myself, so I will use it for you this time!"

Ouyang Guiyuan said.

Raising his hand to play a white rune formation, it was quite spiritually suspended in front of Qin Ye.

"Transformation Array?"

Qin Ye was quite interested.

Before him.

I have used parasitic amoeba, but the amoeba level is too low, and it was used to hide identities in some pet relics on Earth and planets.

Before Qin Ye, he thought about taking out the amoeba and using the nest of the star iron mother to raise it to the eighteenth level.

It's just that the level of the amoeba is too low.

Even if its level can be upgraded, the training resources consumed are much larger than those of other star pets.

It's all a loss no matter what.

And it can't improve much combat power.

The amulet that Master Ouyang gave to disguise his identity is exactly what he wanted! Summon a little fire dragon at the start of the latest chapter address: a little fire dragon at the beginning of the game to read the full text address: a small fire dragon at the beginning. txt download address: a small fire dragon mobile phone to read: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 905 Two Senior Sisters!), next time you open the bookshelf see! If you like "Summon a Little Fire Dragon at the Beginning", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), Thank you for your support! (

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