Summon a Little Fire Dragon at the Start

Chapter 878: Fang Zi is here! !

Blood God Sect.

Inner door.


The three people who hurriedly returned from Donglin City rushed to the retreat of their master Xu Longcheng for the first time.

This is a two-story iron building.

The whole body is dark.

The steel wall is blessed with countless runes. The main rune array on this iron building is a defense system connected by six rune arrays at the peak of the nineteen realms.

Even at the peak of the Twenty Realm Domain, it would not be possible to break through this defense system in a short period of time.

Inside the iron building.

Xu Longcheng, who was in retreat, was wearing a pair of black shorts and his upper body was red. The bulging muscles made his whole person look like a small Titan.

The height is close to three meters.

The surrounding area was entangled by a red phosphorus fire python that was nearly two meters thick, and a terrifying spiritual fire broke out from the scales of the fire python, submerging Xu Longcheng in it.

After he sensed that his three disciples had returned from Donglin City, he drove the Star Pet Fire Python into his body, and walked directly from the basement floor inside the iron building.

Wearing a pure black cloak, he sat steadily on a stone chair.

The door of the iron building opened wide.

The three disciples he sent all entered.


"This is the scene of the Xu family mansion restored by the ghost beast."

"In the branch of Donglin City, as long as the clansmen in the mansion, the other party did not leave a living."

Chen Tianmu, the elder brother of the three, sent a jade slip in front of Xu Longcheng and said in a rather solemn tone.

Xu Longcheng took the jade slip in his hand, and the soul penetrated into it.

The picture in the jade slip came into his mind.

"This person should be in the magic door."

"Killing my Xu family branch, and condensing that branch's clansmen into a ball of flesh, the probability of more than 80% is that of the Nine Mountain Demon Sect."

"After waiting so long, I finally showed up."

What surprised Chen Tianmu and the others was that the master in front of them didn't seem to be as angry as they imagined, but rather plain.

Moreover, their master had even guessed that it was the Nine Mountain Demon Gate.

Thought of this.

How can they not understand.

Those who can cultivate to this level are no fools.

"The remnants of the Nine Mountains Demon Sect, but our Blood God Sect has been investigating for so many years, but the news is pitiful. At the beginning, as a teacher, even shot, sealed the bronze coffin of the Nine Mountains Demon Sect Great Elder, using his own soul Strength and vitality, use secret methods to seal it."

"My soul chain is extremely tyrannical, especially the bronze coffin that cooperates with the deputy suzerain. The two are combined with each other, and the Great Elder of the Demon Gate cannot easily break through."

"It's just that what I didn't expect at the beginning is that the other party was under double bondage, but still escaped in front of our eyes."

"The other party wants to break the soul-beaming chain under me, nothing more than just a few methods, and the two branches of my Xu family are the decoys I have laid."

Xu Longcheng said calmly.

"Do you feel cold-blooded as a teacher?"

After Xu Longcheng said, he glanced at the three disciples in front of him, and couldn't help asking.

Although the tone is soft.

But there was a touch of cruelty in the depths of his eyes.

Among his three apprentices, although there are people from the Xu family, they are also in the main line. This is why he has only absorbed some of the most ordinary peripheral disciples in the branch over the years.

He was just an abandoned son from his birth.

It's just that Xu Longcheng hadn't expected that the other party had endured it for more than a thousand years.

"Master, the remnants of the Nine Mountains Demon Sect, I have killed several peak cultivators of the Blood God Sect. Using a few people who are no more than seventeenth realms to determine the other side's whereabouts, the apprentice feels that all this is worth it.

Chen Tianmu said in a hurry.

The tone was firm.

Afterwards, the two Xu Feiyan on the side also followed closely.


"Recently, I asked the disciples in the peak to pay more attention, and remember not to be too far away from the sect."

Xu Longcheng said.

It turned into a black streamer and flew out of this iron building. Xu Feiyan and the three stood there, and it took a long time to turn around and walk out of the iron building.

"Remember what the master said, just pass the order down."

"If the remnants of the Nine Mountains Demon Sect really want to deal with our Blood God Sect, among them, there are top domain experts. You can't be too careful at this time."

"Of course, as long as we are in the sect, our own safety can be guaranteed."

After Chen Tianmu said, he also left the place.

Xu Feiyan nodded their heads.


From within the Blood God Sect, there was a flying battleship with extremely terrifying speed, heading north of the eastern coast of Juao Island.

After a few hours.

The elliptical silver battleship with a diameter of several hundred meters arrived at the place where Wanqing had escaped.

Below the broken mountain covered with snow and sea.

On the thick and silent snow, a dark blue afterimage suddenly burst out from below, setting off a snow that was hundreds of meters high.

The dark blue figure was the bronze coffin that had previously sealed Wanqing.

"Really out of trouble."

"It's Wanqing."


Among the silver warships, two figures, one large and one small, also came out. One of them was burly, nearly three meters high, wearing a black cloak, Xu Longcheng, looking at the bronze coffin suspended in front of him.

The look is solemn.

He followed his Xu family's bloodline and aura.

On the side of Xu Longcheng, the thin, red-haired old man who was only about one meter and seven meters tall was the Deputy Sect Master of their Blood God Sect strictly guarding Dao.

Strictly Shoudao's look at this time was also slightly solemn.


"I have been trapped in my soul-locking coffin for so many years, thinking that if you lose it, you can get rid of my tracking, it's ridiculous."

Yan Shoudao sneered.

A pure black vertical eye suddenly opened at the center of his eyebrows. In the vertical eye, you can even see countless mysterious runes flying in it.


After Yan Shoudao determined the traces left by Wan Qing, he took Xu Longcheng on the side into the battleship and galloped towards the distant horizon, disappearing in a blink of an eye.


Giant God Sect.

Xuan Tianfeng.

Outside the mountain where Qin Ye lived.

As the clouds rolled, a young girl in a purple dress flew out of the clouds, and under her feet was a flying sword several meters long, exuding a palpable sword intent.

However, if there is a rune master next to it, you can see through it at a glance. This flying sword is transformed by a rune array, and the level of the rune array also has a domain level.

Exuding the terrible pressure of the heart-palpiting domain.

"Junior Brother!"

"Open the door!"

Fang Zi glanced at the mountain cave house shrouded in dense fog, he couldn't see any flaws, his junior brother seemed to have modified the mountain guard talisman.

She directly raised her hand and shot a few transmission talisman lights, which fell into the thick fog, and the girl's light voice echoed in the vast cloud. Summon a little fire dragon at the start of the latest chapter address: Summon a small fire dragon at the beginning of the game to read the full text: a small fire dragon at the beginning. txt download address: a small fire dragon mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Collection\" below to record this time (the 878th chapter Purple home!!!) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Summon a Little Fire Dragon", please recommend this to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Book, thank you for your support! ! (

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