Summon a Little Fire Dragon at the Start

Chapter 872: Return to the sect!

Cultivation tower.

"Brother Yue, there is no need to persuade me. I have another purpose for this star iron mother insect nest area."

Qin Ye said.


Yue Xingwen nodded.

There is still some pity in my heart.

When he joined the presbytery in the Rune Guild, he didn't have the choice of the blue scale star python when he selected the star pet library. In the end, he could only choose a nineteenth-level high-end star pet.

But that star pet was buried in it after he reached the nineteenth level peak when he explored a cosmic mystery.

So far, he feels a bit pity.

As for the star pet, the blue scale star python, if Qin Ye didn't choose, he would definitely choose this blue scale star python when the next rune elder to join the rune guild.

After all, this kind of talent and level star pet only needs to get some training resources for the opponent to be promoted to the 20th level to help him break through. That is a very high possibility, and he will get a 20th level star pet himself.

A star pet of twenty realms can bring prosperity to their family for tens of thousands of years, even hundreds of thousands of years.


On Juao Island, among most of the first-rate forces, the top powerhouses of the Zhenzong only have twenty realms.

After Qin Ye chose the Star Iron Zerg.

at the same time.

In a cosmic secret world a few light-years away.

The length and width of this cosmic secret realm is comparable to the size of Juao Island.

Various complex terrains are readily available.

In the void in the northeast corner.

Hundreds of meters under the clouds.

Out of thin air appeared a black armored man who was up to three meters tall. This black armored man was wearing a heavy black armor and a metal helmet on his head, showing the appearance of a slightly open lion head. .

On its front and back, a mysterious silver rune was branded.

The silver rune has a diameter of half a meter.

After the black armor appeared, he swooped down like a black meteor, and instantly flew down into a valley that was dozens of miles long below.

Around the valley.

They are all towering ancient trees up to 100 meters high. On the branches of the ancient trees, thick green vines in buckets can be seen entwined with the naked eye, and many nests of birds can be seen on the branches.

Birds and monsters that are as small as a few meters and as large as tens of meters are flying through them at high speed. As they travel through the jungle, there will be a violent wind.

Below the steep cliffs around the valley.

On the other hand, it is possible to see the layer of white bones laying underneath, which are the remains of various star pets that broke into the valley, which is shocking.

Above the bones, yin wind winds around.

The atmosphere is grim.

Above the white bones in this valley, there is a Star Iron Worm trapped in it. A 100-meter-high Star Iron Worm is lying on a clearing in this jungle like petrified.

The surrounding area was covered by the luxuriant jungle, and many of the vines hanging down from the branches fell on his body.


On top of this Star Iron Zerg's head, the burly figure wearing a lion head heavy armor fell from the air, and his body was very stable and fixed at a distance of several dozen meters from the Star Iron Zerg.

"Star Iron Zerg, you have been selected by the newly promoted Rune Master, come with me."

A muffled sound like thunder came from his mouth.

The star iron female insect below, a series of ten pairs of eyes on its head suddenly showed a blue oily light, and the original silence aura suddenly broke out.

And the heavy armored lion head above raised his hand and took out a star pet token!

This token.

It is a special forge, a token for storing living things created by the rules, can only store a single life body like a star pet, no matter how much it can't bear.

Therefore, this thing was also forged, specifically as a star pet token.


The whole body was like a star pet token made by Zijin, and a huge suction was immediately released, and under the star iron female insect, a moving talisman array with a diameter of several hundred meters appeared, covering her entire body. In it.

Less than two interest.

It was included in the Star Pet Token, and the Star Iron Mother Worm also felt it, and he was bound to this token, as long as the practitioner who got this token.

After refining this token, the other party will automatically sign a master-servant contract with him.

The Star Iron Mother has nothing to do, but to pray in her heart, that the rune master we encounter can be normal, and will not let him do some strange experiments.

When he was caught by the runemaster guild by those twenty-level runemasters, he had been drawn from his own blood by several runemasters to conduct experiments.

There are even some who cut his body. If it weren't for his own vitality, the severed body could heal with its own vitality. It is estimated that he still has two legs crippled.


Half a day later.

In the Rune Master Guild in Tianhe City.

Qin Ye got the star pet token brought by the burly cultivator wearing black heavy armor and a lion-head metal helmet.

The opponent is a guardian in the Runemaster Guild!

The realm level is at the peak of the nineteenth level, but his rune-heavy armor, after activation, can display a combat power comparable to the 20th level in a short period of time.

at the same time.

The president of the Rune Guild, Han Guzi, felt that there was an extra twenty-level peak Rune Master in the Rune Masters Guild today.

So he interrupted his research and went straight to Yue Xingwen's cultivation tower.

As the president of the Tianhe City Runemaster Guild, Han Guzi's runemaster level has also reached the high level of the 20th level, although he has not reached the peak.

But the rune array in the entire Rune Master Guild, blessed to itself, can still be forcibly promoted to a small level, comparable to a half-step rule-level existence.

Han Guzi.

He looked like a fat old man in a black robe, with shaved hair and a shiny bald head.

"Brother Qin!"

"You are welcome to join our Rune Master Guild. If you have anything to help you in the future, you must inform Elder Yuexingwen and me. We will do our best to help you. I have a domain-level rune formation of the God Origin Era. Congratulations."

Like Yue Xingwen, Han Guzi directly gave Qin Ye a piece of the rune array from the God Origin Era. As for the rune array of the Jinshan Era, the value of that thing was more than ten times that of the God Origin Era.

The top 20 runes in the entire Taigu universe are extremely rare, so how can they be willing to give them away.

Now, after Qin Ye is graded by the Eye of Rune, he can be regarded as the most proficient rune master in the ancient universe of the Kingdom of the Golden Mountain. After all, the strongest one before is still stuck at the top of the nineteenth level.

Because I didn't find a book about the runes of the Jinshan Era to make a reference and comprehension, I have been unable to break through. Even if I force a higher level of runes, I will suffer backlash.

Divine Soul was hit hard, it was all light.

Most people are annihilated by soul flying, and hundreds of thousands of years of penance have been destroyed once.

Because of this, if these rune masters do not have sufficient assurance, they will never go to a higher level. The more they go to the back, the more cautious they will be.

After reaching the nineteenth level.

Any small rank may be stuck with the opponent for life.

Although the level difference is small, the gap in combat power can be widened, especially for talisman formations, which can suppress the opponent by a small amount, and the opponent will be helpless.

Qin Ye smiled and took the Fu Array sent by Han Guzi into his arms.

Also presented five sealed Jinshan Linghua runes.

In any case, for the rune masters, this kind of spiritual rune with the top rank is comparable to an invaluable treasure in their eyes!

"Thank you, brother Qin, for the treasure."

When Han Guzi saw the spiritual rune presented by Qin Ye, especially the ancient Xibo power in it, he immediately released a sharp glow in his eyes, and said in a slightly excited tone.

Blink of an eye.

After half an hour.

Qin Ye refused Han Guzi and Yue Xingwen’s retention of two rune masters, and took the star pet tokens that had not been refined in time, and controlled the seventeenth-level battleship that Han Guzi gave Qin Ye, and went straight to the giant god. Zong’s territory is now.

The battleship control room.

Qin Ye opened his identity token.

Connected to the identity token of the ancient city of Thailand, and received a message from Ouyang Guiyuan.

He didn't track down outside Tianhe City, the guy who drove the gem lizardman was suspected to be the one from the magic door.


There was another Ouyang Guiyuan who asked him to go find him personally after returning to Xuantian Peak.

This second message is probably due to the classification of the Rune Master Guild this time. Summon a little fire dragon at the start of the latest chapter address: Summon a small fire dragon at the beginning of the game to read the full text: a small fire dragon at the beginning. txt download address: a small fire dragon mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click on the \"Collection\" below to record this time (Chapter 872 Return Zongmen!) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Summon a Little Fire Dragon", please recommend this to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Book, thank you for your support! ! (

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