The stopping place is a residential area with scattered houses and pines and cypresses blowing in the wind.

Kitami Sawagawa glanced back at Megumi Kato’s state.

Sweat was bubbling on his forehead, his beautiful and dignified face was slightly red, and his breathing was rapid.

And her hand was held in her own.

Cool, soft, and a touch of heartwarming.

His heart beat faster for a few seconds, and then he let go casually.

“Sorry to suddenly pull you to run.”

“It’s okay.” She lowered her head.

“I hate those harsh sounds.”

“Well, I see.” She still kept her head down.

Kitami Saekawa observed her carefully.


Unable to see her expression at the moment, he couldn’t guess the other party’s thoughts.

But he thought, suddenly holding the girl’s hand and running wildly, even if he is handsome, it will make the girl disgusted, right?

Kitami Zekawa has never been a narcissistic person and thinks that all girls will like themselves.

He looked awkwardly into the distance, and only felt that today’s Caixia was particularly beautiful.

After waiting for a while, when Megumi Kato raised her head, her face had returned to calm.

She pulled a strand of hair in front of her face behind her ear, and her voice trembled slightly: “I’m not angry, it’s just that because I suddenly ran so fast, my heart and lungs couldn’t adapt to it for a short time.” ”

Kitami Zekawa nodded, just don’t get angry, whether it’s true or not, don’t need to delve into it.

“Like, ran near my house.” Megumi Kato looked around, and the street scene in front of her was very familiar to her.

“We actually ran for so long?” Kitami Zegawa also found it incredible.

He once estimated that it would take forty minutes to get from school to Megumi Kato’s house at a normal walking pace.

“It should be that the fork in front is not separated.”

“Since you’re here, let’s go see Mrs. Kato, who promised her last time.”

Megumi Kato’s calm eyes swept over him.

Kitami Zekawa coughed awkwardly, knowing that she was remembering things from school.

After walking a little further, Megumi Kato opened the door, closed the door and changed into shoes, and said I am back.

“Came back a little late today……. Well? Kitami-kun? Mrs. Kato, wearing an apron, wiped her wet palms and came out of the kitchen to see the people who came stunned.

“Excuse me, Mrs. Kato.” Kitami Zegawa saluted her.

Mrs. Kato glanced at the two with surprised eyes, and then smiled gently.

“Kitami-kun can come, Mrs. I am very welcome, come in and sit.”

She got out of the way and let the two in.

“It’s true, Kitami-kun doesn’t say it in advance if he wants to come to Mei, my mother doesn’t have time to prepare, and I don’t know if Tonight’s cooking Kitami will like it.”

Standing beside Megumi Kato, she said softly to her daughter in a reproachful voice.

“Ma’am, I’m not a picky eater.” Sitting on the sofa, Kitami Sawagawa said: “As long as it is done by my wife, I like it.” ”

Nice words made my wife very happy.

And her daughter’s strange and vigilant eyes made her cover her mouth and chuckle.

“Sit here and wait, there are still two dishes that have not been processed.” Mrs. Kato returned to the counter.

Looking out of the hall, you can see Mrs. Kato’s mature and busy back from the open kitchen.

“What does Kitami-san want to drink?”

Kitami Zekawa withdrew his gaze, he didn’t know what to drink, and thought for a while: “Have a glass of water, it’s better if you have ice.” ”

Pouring ice water for him, Megumi Kato goes upstairs.

When he reappeared, his school uniform had disappeared, replaced by a wide T-shirt and shorts.

To be honest, Kitami Sawagawa has always felt that Megumi Kato’s figure is good.

But after seeing her dressed like this today, I even felt that she was faintly chasing Teacher Xia Shizi.

In particular, those legs shimmered in the light with a seductive glow as pure white like porcelain.

What a look at you, Kato-san!

“Kitami-kun, can I trouble you to guide me in my studies?” Megumi Kato came down with study materials.

Today, the math test papers were distributed, and Kitami Sawakawa received the gentle treatment of the mathematics teacher with the first grade.

And those students who failed were greeted by a stormy roar.

The grades hovered at the passing line, and Megumi Kato, who almost passed, enjoyed this stormy roar gloriously.

The math teacher also put down the words that the next exam will be more difficult, and if you don’t want to see your parents, you have to study hard.

“Why are you so polite?!” Kitami Zekawa looked at her with pity: “It is my duty to help the weak. ”

“…… Weak people mean stupid, right? Megumi Kato pursed her lips and said in a calm and stormy voice, “Kitami-san can say it directly, I won’t be angry.” ”

Women are big pig’s trotters!

Kitami Sawakawa, who had already been deceived by Miss Kato once, firmly did not believe what the woman said that I would not be angry.

“Come here, today I want you to see the power of Minister Kitami.”

She came over and sat next to him with the paperwork, the soft sofa sinking into a bit.

A light fragrance enters the nasal passages, soft and not pungent.

Kitami Saigawa sucked, took her test paper, and spread it on the table.

After reading it briefly, Kitami Zekawa explained the topic of the hook.

“This multiple-choice question, why did Kato-san choose A?”

“Huh? Why? Megumi Kato blinked blankly: “Because the result I calculated is A.” ”

“Can you show me again?”

Megumi Kato picked up a pen and wrote a problem-solving formula on paper.

Kitami Zegawa looked at the result, propped his chin and fell into deep thought.

“So it is… There is even this kind of solution, it is really a path that has never been imagined, maybe Kato-san is unexpectedly smart…”

Megumi Kato bit her cherry-colored lips, clasped her hands on her smooth thighs, and lowered her head in shame: “I’m really sorry…”

“It’s okay, Kato-san doesn’t need to apologize, it’s not too late to meet me.”

He wrote a completely different solution formula from Megumi Kato on the paper, and explained to her in detail why he solved it this way and what he needed to pay attention to.

“The most important thing in math problems is the idea of solving the problem, you see that the next few problems look very complicated, but in fact, the solution ideas are the same, as long as you master the know-how…”

“Is there any way to improve academic performance?” Megumi Kato’s little head was dizzy.

“See more, learn more, remember more, think more.”

“If I could do it, it wouldn’t be what I do now.”

She sighed, and her body fell weakly on Kitami Sawagawa’s shoulder.

Kitami Zekawa thought for a while: “In fact, there is another kind of direct question. ”

“Can it be done?”

“You can’t guess it right, but 70 percent is okay.”

“Forget it, let’s learn first, I feel that this method is a bit despicable.”

“I believe you, Kato-san is not an idiot.”

“Hehe, thank you really for your trust…”

“It’s time to eat.” Sound from far to near.

The two were about to sit up when they heard Mrs. Kato walking in front of them and covered her mouth in surprise.

“You, you…”

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